Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.
Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.

Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.
Your level of stupid is monumental. It has been demonstrated millions and millions of times....for thousands of years....that is is possible to build a home which serves its purpose, economically, on terrain like the terrain that my home is built upon.

This weird, stupid wall idea is retarded as it will not be effective as it basically isn't possible to build in the place it is supposed to be built..effectively or economically.

You have, once again, demonstrated the ability to present a completely odd argument.

But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.

Ignorance is bliss.
So Trump one plan is to have the Cartel to pay for the Wall?

So Trump is going to launder the Cartel money for them while giving it back through contracts building the wall?

Also there are sections of the wall already and in those regions it has not curb the Cartel and with a bigger wall it will help the Cartel control the flow of drugs, sex slaves and illegals, so never write that Trump is tough on the Cartel!
A week and a half ago, the hypocritical double talking losers attacked Trump for supposedly "softening" his stance and attacked those who supported him for it.

Now, they are attacking Trump for hardening his stance on immigration and attacking him for that.

Which means what? They have no clue what they are suppose to support. They have no clue what OUR immigration laws are, nor do they care. They simply get their marching orders from soros and parrot what they read and hear on those media outlets.

That is all they are. Cliches. That is why they are totally clueless on what right or wrong is. They just simply use the race narrative however and whenever they can.

I have said this before and it bears repeating. They will not listen to anything we have to say. They never have. They still think Boooosh lied about WMDS even though for over a decade we posted over and over again who propagated WMDs in Iraq long before Booooosh took office. They still chant lies about WMDs. Over and over again. They claim he STARTED two wars. That is all they read and that is what they pass on.

The real dumb ones like Jilian are more cute than anything. I mean she is a left woman, and trust me. There is nothing dumber than that. She giggles with what I am assuming is an annoying cackle. Do you think she has any clue about anything in life?

The worst ones though are closed caption morons. Do you know he thinks he is being intelligent when he responds after he has been annihilated with facts on any issue?

When we engage in their debates that are only set up to push yet another victimology narrative, we play right into their hands. They (the democrat marxists in their think tanks) could not care less about the facts. They count on US to bring argue and so they use that to further divide. Instead, we should constantly be calling out the left wing tactics. It should not be hard. That is ALL DEMOCRATS DO. Nothing else. I mean nothing else.

So, instead of trying to debate these fucking losers who are way too brainwashed to ever acknowledge black and white facts, just crush them for being sheep of their marxist leaders.
But no one has every successfully built a wall to keep people out? Really? It's difficult to believe anyone who stupid enough to make such a claim.

You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
"Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?"

There isn't going to be a 'wall.'

There isn't going to be a President Hillary either, The Donald is going to be American President, you Leftist Bots should prepare yourselves your Collective Safe Space now, instead of parroting someone who's half-drunk most of the time.
What happens when he loses?

Hillary still loses. By the time her first term is up, America will be begging for a Republican again. Mark my words.
The problem will be the courts ruled by marxist majority. She will then go after free speech (right wing radio and posts like these from me.)

She will then go after the second amendment as we all know.

She can do damage that cannot be reversed. Much like how this skinny lying smoking marxist shitstick in the white house now.

I cannot see how we get out the problems the piece of shit has got us into.
Building a wall is literally the worst possible way to do this. You can patrol with drones, monitor with satellites, and set up motion sensor networks faster and for a fraction of the cost. Actively monitor and stage fast intercept forces and you're done. Couple it with a hard hitting crack down on employers of illegals and you'd pretty much end illegal immigration on a faster timeline than a wall could be built and at a fraction of the cost.

All a wall is going to do is make some campaign contributor rich when he wins the contracts through totally-legal-in-no-way-corrupt bidding processes. They'll run over budget and way over time and the damn thing will be an eyesore China and Russia use as a photo op as they cozy up to Mexico.

The employer crackdown would work and should have been used in the past, except southern california would be a disaster case for awhile if all the illegals didn't one day show up for work.

Good point. There's a dimension of this debate that gets lost in some of the latent racism that the whole thing draws in. Cracking down on illegal immigration and sealing the border is the humane thing to do. Illegal aliens are the 21st century slaves. Their working conditions are horrible, they have no legal recourse if mistreated, and the pay is minimal to the point of bare subsistence. The crossing is a nightmare and literally kills whole families. Human traffickers prey on these people like the slave traders of old.

So why the hell are we letting this go on?

Cheap food.

That's why.

If farmers actually paid workers a living wage Americans would do that work. Unfortunately the same people who scream to deport undocumented workers are the same people who demand very cheap food. They're also the same people who want to keep wages low so people can't afford to support themselves.

Americans aren't willing to pay the real price food honestly costs so undocumented workers who are paid slave wages are used.

Meanwhile the farmer, which is now mostly agribusiness, is making a lot of money.
It's not just food. A lot of construction/contractor related businesses are using illegal workers the same way. When you ask for a bid on work for your house, chances are the cheapest bid is the one that uses the most illegal workers. Those are trade jobs that could easily be going to citizens if folks would open up they wallet and pay a decent wage.
DO we NEED a wall/ want to stop illegal immigration? Realy? Make it mandatory of all employers to to show all their employees are either valid citizens or have valid visas. That match fingerprints. Actual physical PROOF. And if NOT, fines that exceed the profit they made from hiring that person AND a percentage off that to offset the legal cost. It might make legal born citizens look a little more palatable. No wall needed.

Wait, we already have laws like this. Employers are supposed to check everyone out. Adding the burden of fingerprinting? Only honest employers will continue to obey the law. The scumbags who use wet backs will continue to do so.

We could certainly use stricter penalties, but border security is paramount.

Isn't it funny how Ronald Reagan, who ran on how great America is, never said ever that he was the difference between the United States being great and not being great. He said it was regardless. John Kerry I found offensive for campaigning that he IS the difference between being great and not being great. It's just as offensive when Trump does it. The idea that our greatness comes down to one man, any one man, is a man who deserves to be ridiculed and derided. Trump is just such an offensive man

Cry me a river.. if you find protecting our border offensive, you're a fucking pussy.


In what possible universe do you consider that a logical response to what I said? Where in that paragraph did I support illegal aliens? I support building a wall. But that has zero to do with what I said. Damn, it's Thursday, can't you want to Friday to pound that many down?
I guess you have a difficult time reading your own bullshit?

I said one man, no man, is the difference between America being and not being great. I said even Reagan never claimed it did while the turds Kerry and Trump did. What the fucking hell are you talking about that means I support illegal immigration? Too much Agave juice?

LMAO Melt down much? You said it, not me.. It's all there for everyone to read you fucking drunk bastard.. Your entire post is about as relative as the bump on your ballsack.

I said Reagan was full of confidence and optimism and Trump supporters are full of fear and cowardice. You got out of that I oppose a wall and support illegal immigration.


I didn't mention immigration at all in my post. I say that all the time. I pointed out to you I didn't even mention immigration, you did, and you didn't grasp that. I'm not the one who was hitting the sauce, my dear
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

Wrong, douche bag, it worked in both places. Your definition of "worked" means no one ever got accross it ever. That's obviously an absurd definition designed to support your propaganda.

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out. The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions). But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.

If the idea is "retarded" then why are so many European countries building walls or extending the ones they have already built? Only a douche bag or a moron would claim walls don't work.

Because it’s an easy way to show you’re doing something without doing anything at all. Case in point, you put that wall up and all 19 hijackers who pulled off 9/11 are still able to get into the nation. Every (or nearly every) mass shooting that took place in the US would have still taken place. And the drugs would still flow almost as freely into the nation. When there is a demand, supply will find it’s way unless you’re talking about human organs or items that are logistically impossible to deliver.
"Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?"

There isn't going to be a 'wall.'

There isn't going to be a President Hillary either, The Donald is going to be American President, you Leftist Bots should prepare yourselves your Collective Safe Space now, instead of parroting someone who's half-drunk most of the time.
What happens when he loses?

Hillary still loses. By the time her first term is up, America will be begging for a Republican again. Mark my words.
Wishful masturbation.
You need to study a bit. And...you should try not putting words into my mouth.

If you can point to a single case of a wall over 1000 miles long being built to keep human beings from moving from one place to another....where there are lots of said human beings who want to move from one place to another......which has served that purpose effectively.....please do so.

Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
Can't you?
DO we NEED a wall/ want to stop illegal immigration? Realy? Make it mandatory of all employers to to show all their employees are either valid citizens or have valid visas. That match fingerprints. Actual physical PROOF. And if NOT, fines that exceed the profit they made from hiring that person AND a percentage off that to offset the legal cost. It might make legal born citizens look a little more palatable. No wall needed.

Wait, we already have laws like this. Employers are supposed to check everyone out. Adding the burden of fingerprinting? Only honest employers will continue to obey the law. The scumbags who use wet backs will continue to do so.

We could certainly use stricter penalties, but border security is paramount.
They're not enforced at all. When I visit family in Dallas there are clearly marked migrant worker pick up spots. I've literally seen contractor trucks pull up, and folks just pile in and go. No one checked if they're legal or not. No one. I know a house painter down in Houston that only employs documented workers. He's been nearly ran out of business by his competitors who indiscriminately use illegals.

Enforcement on employers is absolutely vital. If you build a wall and don't enforce on employers the wall will fail. If you enforce on employers the wall won't be necessary.

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