Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

DO we NEED a wall/ want to stop illegal immigration? Realy? Make it mandatory of all employers to to show all their employees are either valid citizens or have valid visas. That match fingerprints. Actual physical PROOF. And if NOT, fines that exceed the profit they made from hiring that person AND a percentage off that to offset the legal cost. It might make legal born citizens look a little more palatable. No wall needed.

Wait, we already have laws like this. Employers are supposed to check everyone out. Adding the burden of fingerprinting? Only honest employers will continue to obey the law. The scumbags who use wet backs will continue to do so.

We could certainly use stricter penalties, but border security is paramount.
Someone should build a website which 'outs' businesses who hire illegal workers.
The DHS could then go inspect the business and impose EXTREME fines on these businesses. Close them down. Make them go bankrupt.
100% stop illegal workers and maybe the LIB's wet dream of $15 an hour could be possible.
DO we NEED a wall/ want to stop illegal immigration? Realy? Make it mandatory of all employers to to show all their employees are either valid citizens or have valid visas. That match fingerprints. Actual physical PROOF. And if NOT, fines that exceed the profit they made from hiring that person AND a percentage off that to offset the legal cost. It might make legal born citizens look a little more palatable. No wall needed.

Wait, we already have laws like this. Employers are supposed to check everyone out. Adding the burden of fingerprinting? Only honest employers will continue to obey the law. The scumbags who use wet backs will continue to do so.

We could certainly use stricter penalties, but border security is paramount.
Someone should build a website which 'outs' businesses who hire illegal workers.
The DHS could then go inspect the business and impose EXTREME fines on these businesses. Close them down. Make them go bankrupt.
100% stop illegal workers and maybe the LIB's wet dream of $15 an hour could be possible.
I'm 100% on board with enforcement with VERY harsh fines for employers. Most businesses that use illegal immigrants treat them like slaves. They deserve to be outed and put out of business. Make inspection as common as a health inspector's visit. Make it as common and just as painful. The problem will get solved fast. Most restaurant owners are death on workers that are at all unsanitary because they know that if the health inspector comes they'll get shut down. Make INS that terrifying to employers.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall
Mexico isn't paying if Donny Two Tone gets congress to let him use seized assets of private criminals. Who the hell do you think is paying for cops body armor now? LOL

And mexico isn't going to join "joint' operations.

And most likely Donny Two Tone will be doing reality tv in six months.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall

Rid the country of those here illegally and the wall pays for itself.
The wall will be a white elephant.
A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall

Rid the country of those here illegally and the wall pays for itself.
The wall will be a white elephant.
A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.
Since illegal immigration from Mexico amounts to about 20K per year ..... won't those here illegally now sort of be stuck here? I mean what happened to just getting them to leave? LOL
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall

Rid the country of those here illegally and the wall pays for itself.
The wall will be a white elephant.
A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.
Since illegal immigration from Mexico amounts to about 20K per year ..... won't those here illegally now sort of be stuck here? I mean what happened to just getting them to leave? LOL

Most walls have doors dip wit.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall

Rid the country of those here illegally and the wall pays for itself.
The wall will be a white elephant.
A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.
Since illegal immigration from Mexico amounts to about 20K per year ..... won't those here illegally now sort of be stuck here? I mean what happened to just getting them to leave? LOL

Most walls have doors dip wit.
Dip Twat, it's expensive to build doors for those already leaving. Dip Twat.
.....the drug cartels. Sorta kinda, but yeah. This is ONE of the various ideas being thrown around. Read the exclusive and leave your beautiful comments below.

Exclusive: Trump Camp Mulls Using Seized Cartel Assets to Pay for Wall

Rid the country of those here illegally and the wall pays for itself.
The wall will be a white elephant.
A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness.
Since illegal immigration from Mexico amounts to about 20K per year ..... won't those here illegally now sort of be stuck here? I mean what happened to just getting them to leave? LOL

Most walls have doors dip wit.
Dip Twat, it's expensive to build doors for those already leaving. Dip Twat.

Good to know know they're already leaving!

I shoulda sent parting gifts.
Go look up "the great wall of China," moron.

You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
Can't you?

I already did, but dumbass says my answer is wrong.
You don't know why that wall was built, do you? You speak from a position of total ignorance.

It was built to keep people out, dumbass.

Ignorance is bliss.

Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
Can't you?

I already did, but dumbass says my answer is wrong.
Only because it is, like everything else you post.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out.
The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions).
But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.
The wall is about bigotry and an unwarranted fear of more "brown people" coming into the country.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.
^^^This post is as moronic as the idea of building a wall.

Why? This country is our home.

So what Clayton dim wit is clearly implying is that, if he came home and found an uninvited intruder in his house, he'd NOT take steps to remove the intruder, he would be obligated to:

Feed the intruder

Provide the intruder continuing shelter

Provide the intruder health care

Write the intruder into his will

And educate the intruders children.

You are one odd lil fella.
Who's going to pay for the wall if Trump becomes President? Well perhaps Carlos Sims or Ricardo Salinas. They are Mexican, maybe Trump can convince them to pay for it.
Mexican drug cartel money will pay for the WALL until they are unable to continue to destroy tens of thousands of lives in the US.
I have yet to read a single sane reason why the US could not do whatever it takes to stop hard drugs and illegal guns from flooding into the negro population in their inner city shitholes.
The #1 reason these inner cities are like fucking war zones is because of Mexican drugs and illegal guns.
Why don't the fucking dumb-ass LIBs get this?
Answer: They get it alright. But as long as the LIBs are playing 'Santa' with the negroes the negroes will 'block vote for the LIBs.
It's your classic quid pro quo' arrangement.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Then why do you live in a house? Full of walls? That was a rather stupid comment.
^^^This post is as moronic as the idea of building a wall.

Why? This country is our home.

So what Clayton dim wit is clearly implying is that, if he came home and found an uninvited intruder in his house, he'd NOT take steps to remove the intruder, he would be obligated to:

Feed the intruder

Provide the intruder continuing shelter

Provide the intruder health care

Write the intruder into his will

And educate the intruders children.

You are one odd lil fella.
you wish that's what it meant.
Who's going to pay for the wall if Trump becomes President? Well perhaps Carlos Sims or Ricardo Salinas. They are Mexican, maybe Trump can convince them to pay for it.
Mexican drug cartel money will pay for the WALL until they are unable to continue to destroy tens of thousands of lives in the US.
I have yet to read a single sane reason why the US could not do whatever it takes to stop hard drugs and illegal guns from flooding into the negro population in their inner city shitholes.
The #1 reason these inner cities are like fucking war zones is because of Mexican drugs and illegal guns.
Why don't the fucking dumb-ass LIBs get this?
Answer: They get it alright. But as long as the LIBs are playing 'Santa' with the negroes the negroes will 'block vote for the LIBs.
It's your classic quid pro quo' arrangement.
racist and stupid.
U.S. Leads the World in Illegal Drug Use

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