Who's Going to Pay for the Wall?

The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out.
The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions).
But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.
The wall is about bigotry and an unwarranted fear of more "brown people" coming into the country.
Explain how the wall is about bigotry. You keep throwing around these phrases of racism and bigotry like you suffer from Tourette's. Explain yourself for once.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out.
The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions).
But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.
The wall is about bigotry and an unwarranted fear of more "brown people" coming into the country.
Explain how the wall is about bigotry. You keep throwing around these phrases of racism and bigotry like you suffer from Tourette's. Explain yourself for once.
New Colossus


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Well slapdick, this country is the world's largest consumer of drugs.

Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that the members of this board are one of the nation's largest drug consuming groups. About 45% of the posters here are clearly on drugs, and consequently posting all kinds of stupid shit. Another 45% are taking drugs to deal with their stupidity.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.

Yeah, because it's not like cartels would simply give up and would never start digging tunnels.

What we need is to legalize all drugs, withdraw all of our foreign military forces, and have them hands-across-America on the border.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out.
The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions).
But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.
The wall is about bigotry and an unwarranted fear of more "brown people" coming into the country.
Explain how the wall is about bigotry. You keep throwing around these phrases of racism and bigotry like you suffer from Tourette's. Explain yourself for once.
New Colossus


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Now you've done it, makin' me cry again.
Let them come, but can't they come legally? Increase the # of work visas if we must to keep up with demand, but can't we keep the criminals out? There really are some. They really should be in jail somewhere.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

Well, it worked in China. Oops, no it didn't.
How about Berlin. It didn't work there either.
Hey, well how about the places where we already have a barrier. Surely that has stopped some people...right?

The idea is retarded insofar as it is going to keep people out.
The necessity is that it limits payload (i.e. large amounts of drugs and large amounts of munitions).
But security isn't what it's about with trump enablers....the need to "stick it" to someone is the most important thing; always.
The wall is about bigotry and an unwarranted fear of more "brown people" coming into the country.
Explain how the wall is about bigotry. You keep throwing around these phrases of racism and bigotry like you suffer from Tourette's. Explain yourself for once.
New Colossus


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Now you've done it, makin' me cry again.
Let them come, but can't they come legally? Increase the # of work visas if we must to keep up with demand, but can't we keep the criminals out? There really are some. They really should be in jail somewhere.
so should all the home grown ones.
Ignorance is bliss.

Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
Can't you?

I already did, but dumbass says my answer is wrong.
Only because it is, like everything else you post.

You're both weaseling.

You tell us why the wall was built.
as always you are the one who's deflecting.
why don't you give me your version and I'll tell you if it's bullshit or not?
The U.S. could force the Mexicans to pay for Trump's lunatic delusions through sheer military force if it so wished. It's not like the Mexicans are capable of repulsing a U.S. force (or fighting in general).....however, such radical means would be negated due to international conventions and legal parameters.

So...in conclusion, Trump's retarded notions will prove to bear no fruit (as always). Not even he is dumb enough to think such a fantasist load of nonsense is fiscally viable.
The U.S. could force the Mexicans to pay for Trump's lunatic delusions through sheer military force if it so wished. It's not like the Mexicans are capable of repulsing a U.S. force (or fighting in general).....however, such radical means would be negated due to international conventions and legal parameters.

So...in conclusion, Trump's retarded notions will prove to bear no fruit (as always). Not even he is dumb enough to think such a fantasist load of nonsense is fiscally viable.

Yea, whatever you say Noob..:spam:
The U.S. could force the Mexicans to pay for Trump's lunatic delusions through sheer military force if it so wished. It's not like the Mexicans are capable of repulsing a U.S. force (or fighting in general).....however, such radical means would be negated due to international conventions and legal parameters.

So...in conclusion, Trump's retarded notions will prove to bear no fruit (as always). Not even he is dumb enough to think such a fantasist load of nonsense is fiscally viable.

Yea, whatever you say Noob..:spam:

Very substantive response, dumbschitt....you really proved me wrong here. LOL.
Which is why having a wall between us and a shithole like that isn't even the minimal requirement.

We need to permanently shut off immigration from Mexico and any other nation controlled by drugs.

Yeah, because it's not like cartels would simply give up and would never start digging tunnels.

What we need is to legalize all drugs, withdraw all of our foreign military forces, and have them hands-across-America on the border.
Shutting off immigration from Mexico and much of South America would erase pretty much all the cover cartels have and leave them totally open to appropriate punishment.
Tell us why it was built, dumbass.
Can't you?

I already did, but dumbass says my answer is wrong.
Only because it is, like everything else you post.

You're both weaseling.

You tell us why the wall was built.
as always you are the one who's deflecting.
why don't you give me your version and I'll tell you if it's bullshit or not?

I've already given my answer, dumbass. I'm waiting for one of you to cowards to say why it's wrong. Neither one of you has the required testicles, apparently.
The idea of a wall is retarded.

It worked for Israel.
And China.

Didn't really work for China.

And Israel's fence is only 450 miles long. There's alsready nearly 600 miles of fences between US and Mexico.

So what if Israel's wall is only 450 miles long. Why would a 450 mile wall work but not a 1000 mile wall?

You open borders assholes sure look like idiots trying to claim walls don't work when everyone knows from personal experience and history that they do.

But hey, facts, who needs them.
It did work, moron. It kept out Mongol invaders for hundreds of years at a time. Without the wall they would have been raiding China every year.
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Can't you?

I already did, but dumbass says my answer is wrong.
Only because it is, like everything else you post.

You're both weaseling.

You tell us why the wall was built.
as always you are the one who's deflecting.
why don't you give me your version and I'll tell you if it's bullshit or not?

I've already given my answer, dumbass. I'm waiting for one of you to cowards to say why it's wrong. Neither one of you has the required testicles, apparently.
The great wall was built to keep out the barbarian tribes. Completely and forever.
It failed.
The failure of the Great Wall

The Great Wall may have been a manifestation of power that put fear into the hearts of barbarian riders, but it failed miserably when it mattered the most.

Yes – considering the size and effort put to its construction, if its purpose was to keep invaders from the north away from China, the Great Wall has failed miserably.

It’s built on dead people, its construction took hundreds of years and some people believe it’s visible from the moon. Sounds huge, but considering that the Great Wall was built as a defensive measure against invaders, it has been about as useful to China as a Bible on a battlefield. It can give you comfort, but it just won’t stop the enemy.
Time for you to stfu.

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