Who's more responsible for racial unrest in this country?

Well I was gonna address the OP with a state-the-obvious point about the Teabagger Astroturf thing and this shit ----


---- but I see post 4 kinda demonstrated the point already. Racism stayed bubbling below the surface and the elevation of a black man to the Presidency gave them license to start singing "Barack the Magic Negro". It's at least instructive for them to self-identify -- sunshine is the best disinfectant.

TNHarley be like: I dont see it...What racism? This seems like an honorable display that shows Obama to be a chief womp womp
is that from trump, dumbass?

Watch this:

Is that racist TNHarly?
I think it goes with that Kenyan meme, but it certainly looks like it.
Now show me trumps racism
Well I was gonna address the OP with a state-the-obvious point about the Teabagger Astroturf thing and this shit ----


---- but I see post 4 kinda demonstrated the point already. Racism stayed bubbling below the surface and the elevation of a black man to the Presidency gave them license to start singing "Barack the Magic Negro". It's at least instructive for them to self-identify -- sunshine is the best disinfectant.

TNHarley be like: I dont see it...What racism? This seems like an honorable display that shows Obama to be a chief womp womp
is that from trump, dumbass?

Watch this:

Is that racist TNHarly?
I think it goes with that Kenyan meme, but it certainly looks like it.
Now show me trumps racism

Looks like it? This isnt guess which the tranny. Is it racist or not?
Well I was gonna address the OP with a state-the-obvious point about the Teabagger Astroturf thing and this shit ----


---- but I see post 4 kinda demonstrated the point already. Racism stayed bubbling below the surface and the elevation of a black man to the Presidency gave them license to start singing "Barack the Magic Negro". It's at least instructive for them to self-identify -- sunshine is the best disinfectant.

TNHarley be like: I dont see it...What racism? This seems like an honorable display that shows Obama to be a chief womp womp
is that from trump, dumbass?

Watch this:

Is that racist TNHarly?
I think it goes with that Kenyan meme, but it certainly looks like it.
Now show me trumps racism

Looks like it? This isnt guess which the tranny. Is it racist or not?
well, applying hillarys birther conspiracy, I don't think it necessarily is. It is kinda fitting..
I think its pretty racist to automatically assume something is racist.
Can you at least bitch about how there are twice as many whites killed by cops than blacks? Or do you not give a fuck about all people killed by cops?
For the last fuckin time you nut, there are twice as many whites in this country than blacks, do the math, you stupid moronic simp!!!
Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.
Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.
BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.
Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period.

Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.Wrong on what? Unless you can provide specifics, you bullshit means nothing, wrong on what??

Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.On that note, I can't help you, if you find what this moron says as okay, I can't help you, I can't speak to you, your too far gone for me.

BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.Really? You call it politics as usual, people of color call it racism, again I can't help people like you, your too far gone, to far gone.

Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period If I'm ignorant based on your assumptions, than I'll take that as a compliment. Because you and your kind...REEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!
Like micheal brown. He sent WH aids to a goddamn CRIMINALS funeral. Don't be coy.
What does he say that's racist? SHOW ME
If it is the usual, why is it racist the minute its a black guy? That judgement is called RACISM, you dumbfuck
Whats my kind? Be specific
Lets get something clear, while dying on the cross, two criminals were next to Christ, one a murderer, the other a thief, both have a better chance of getting to heavan then people like you. As for labeling what Obama did as racist? Like I said before, your kind, people like you...I can't help you. I can't penetrate a brain comprised of bubble gum and bullshit, you and people like you aren't worthy of answers let alone debate.

You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.
Dude the guy called out a hispanic judge as being racist....look I am not, I repeat am not going to go tit for tat with you, trying to explain Trump as not being a racist. I don't make this shit up and everybody with a brain calls the guy a fuckin racist. Where the fuck you been? If you find the guy upstanding and okay...than damit, that's what he is. I find him a pure 100% certified racist white motherfucker with orange skin and a fucked up hair do. End of fuckin story!!
"Who's more responsible for racial unrest in this country?"

who gives a shit. wanna point fingers we can do that for another 100 fucking years.
Yeah we can go another fuckin 200 years and 200 years from now you white mf's will still be in the top tier!!
Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.
Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.
BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.
Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period.

Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.Wrong on what? Unless you can provide specifics, you bullshit means nothing, wrong on what??

Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.On that note, I can't help you, if you find what this moron says as okay, I can't help you, I can't speak to you, your too far gone for me.

BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.Really? You call it politics as usual, people of color call it racism, again I can't help people like you, your too far gone, to far gone.

Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period If I'm ignorant based on your assumptions, than I'll take that as a compliment. Because you and your kind...REEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!
Like micheal brown. He sent WH aids to a goddamn CRIMINALS funeral. Don't be coy.
What does he say that's racist? SHOW ME
If it is the usual, why is it racist the minute its a black guy? That judgement is called RACISM, you dumbfuck
Whats my kind? Be specific
Lets get something clear, while dying on the cross, two criminals were next to Christ, one a murderer, the other a thief, both have a better chance of getting to heavan then people like you. As for labeling what Obama did as racist? Like I said before, your kind, people like you...I can't help you. I can't penetrate a brain comprised of bubble gum and bullshit, you and people like you aren't worthy of answers let alone debate.
So you don't have shit, just emotional drivel. Got it.
then show me

You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.
Dude the guy called out a hispanic judge as being racist....look I am not, I repeat am not going to go tit for tat with you, trying to explain Trump as not being a racist. I don't make this shit up and everybody with a brain calls the guy a fuckin racist. Where the fuck you been? If you find the guy upstanding and okay...than damit, that's what he is. I find him a pure 100% certified racist white motherfucker with orange skin and a fucked up hair do. End of fuckin story!!
That was ignorance and stupidity, not racism. Your dumbass wants to talk shit about whitey, call everyone else and their momma racist, an your dumbass don't even know what it means lol.
Why would I care what "everyone else" thinks? You can't think for yourself?
LOL ok rhetorical
Dumbass nigga wants to scream racism and then makes fun of trumps skin color :lol:
You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.
Dude the guy called out a hispanic judge as being racist....look I am not, I repeat am not going to go tit for tat with you, trying to explain Trump as not being a racist. I don't make this shit up and everybody with a brain calls the guy a fuckin racist. Where the fuck you been? If you find the guy upstanding and okay...than damit, that's what he is. I find him a pure 100% certified racist white motherfucker with orange skin and a fucked up hair do. End of fuckin story!!
That was ignorance and stupidity, not racism. Your dumbass wants to talk shit about whitey, call everyone else and their momma racist, an your dumbass don't even know what it means lol.
Why would I care what "everyone else" thinks? You can't think for yourself?
LOL ok rhetorical
Racism is an emotion, driving by envy and evil. I can think for myself and I think your a fool, a racist and an idiot...next thought for the day?
Dumbass nigga wants to scream racism and then makes fun of trumps skin color :lol:
Question? Is the bitch orange or white? See this is the thing, what about calling this racist orange mf's is racist? The man looks like a fuckin orange guy with white around the eyes....and that's racist?
The way they deal with the racial problems in this country is to blame the first black guy they can think of. That always helps, and since blacks are in positions of power to effect change its unfair to pull in powerless whites as having anything to do with it :D

You're sure a stupid one, CC.

Racist and stupid, bad combination boi.
The way they deal with the racial problems in this country is to blame the first black guy they can think of. That always helps, and since blacks are in positions of power to effect change its unfair to pull in powerless whites as having anything to do with it :D

You're sure a stupid one, CC.

Racist and stupid, bad combination boi.
Wow, its amazing how those with brains can make fools like you mad....never knew it was that easy!!
Wow, its amazing how those with brains can make fools like you mad....never knew it was that easy!!

Who do you know with a brain, Klan boi?

CC is racist and stupid.

You are extremely racist, against black people. This little schtick of your's; a white racist pretending to be a dumb as dirt black racist, in Amos and Andy black face, just to defame black people.
Wow, its amazing how those with brains can make fools like you mad....never knew it was that easy!!

Who do you know with a brain, Klan boi?

CC is racist and stupid.

You are extremely racist, against black people. This little schtick of your's; a white racist pretending to be a dumb as dirt black racist, in Amos and Andy black face, just to defame black people.
Dude, if it helps you to sleep better at night, thinking I'm some lice infested white shit, than by all means pal, do YOU!!

But I can assure you, I'm 10000% proof, nigga DNA!! and fuckin proud of it.
Dude, if it helps you to sleep better at night, thinking I'm some lice infested white shit, than by all means pal, do YOU!!

But I can assure you, I'm 10000% proof, nigga DNA!! and fuckin proud of it.

No one on this board demeans black people as much as you do.

So which one are you, Amos or Andy?

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