Who's more responsible for racial unrest in this country?

I find it rather odd, white people, especially white men blaming Obama for all the racial unrest going on in this country today, when it is white men who got this shit started in the first place.

Rush Limbaugh, Joe Wilson and MItch McConnell, all perfectly healthy white fucks, all during Obama's first few days, months in office, hoped the guy fail on day one, wished the guy a one term presidency and called him a liar on the house floor. The white owned media, dispicted both he and his family as Africa dog bait with bones in thier noses, conservative blogs issued appologies after apologies for the constant insults and town halls all across of America where disrupted by hate mongering white Tea party members who wanted nothing to do with ACA.

All this is OBama's fault? White people you actually believe this shit, its Obama's fault that you racist nuts are suddenly coming out of the closet???

Fast forward, after NAFTA took its full impact after the bank meltdown and white people in middle to upper incomes began losing their jobs, the anger began, the resentment began and Obama once again took blame for NAFTA...that all conservatives back in the day with Newt at the helms, welcomed with open arms and wanted???? So in comes a Trump, with all his racist hatred and again, we blame Obama.??

Thats Obama's fault?

Fast forward again...now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Fast forward again and again...who's at the meat of all this shit? WHITE MEN, WHITE PEOPLE, WHITES....AND now because a few black voices dare speak up, BLM in particular, OBAMA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHITE PEOPLE'S RACIST MENTALITY??

What about the black cops that kill black civilians?
now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Pay attention fool!!
So cops in general means you can or can't admit that black perps are being killed by black cops, which would pretty much blow the whole BLM motif..

BLM isnt only about white cops shooting blacks, its about police abuse across the board.
Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.
Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.
BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.
Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period.

Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.Wrong on what? Unless you can provide specifics, you bullshit means nothing, wrong on what??

Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that. In fact, he seems to care about ALL Americans. At least going by his rhetoric.On that note, I can't help you, if you find what this moron says as okay, I can't help you, I can't speak to you, your too far gone for me.

BTW dumbass, all those things you think make other politicians racist, is just called partisan politics.Really? You call it politics as usual, people of color call it racism, again I can't help people like you, your too far gone, to far gone.

Reid said the SAME thing about Romney and they are the same color.
You are just ignorant as fuck. Period If I'm ignorant based on your assumptions, than I'll take that as a compliment. Because you and your kind...REEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK OF IT!!
Like micheal brown. He sent WH aids to a goddamn CRIMINALS funeral. Don't be coy.
What does he say that's racist? SHOW ME
If it is the usual, why is it racist the minute its a black guy? That judgement is called RACISM, you dumbfuck
Whats my kind? Be specific
I find it rather odd, white people, especially white men blaming Obama for all the racial unrest going on in this country today, when it is white men who got this shit started in the first place.

Rush Limbaugh, Joe Wilson and MItch McConnell, all perfectly healthy white fucks, all during Obama's first few days, months in office, hoped the guy fail on day one, wished the guy a one term presidency and called him a liar on the house floor. The white owned media, dispicted both he and his family as Africa dog bait with bones in thier noses, conservative blogs issued appologies after apologies for the constant insults and town halls all across of America where disrupted by hate mongering white Tea party members who wanted nothing to do with ACA.

All this is OBama's fault? White people you actually believe this shit, its Obama's fault that you racist nuts are suddenly coming out of the closet???

Fast forward, after NAFTA took its full impact after the bank meltdown and white people in middle to upper incomes began losing their jobs, the anger began, the resentment began and Obama once again took blame for NAFTA...that all conservatives back in the day with Newt at the helms, welcomed with open arms and wanted???? So in comes a Trump, with all his racist hatred and again, we blame Obama.??

Thats Obama's fault?

Fast forward again...now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Fast forward again and again...who's at the meat of all this shit? WHITE MEN, WHITE PEOPLE, WHITES....AND now because a few black voices dare speak up, BLM in particular, OBAMA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHITE PEOPLE'S RACIST MENTALITY??

What about the black cops that kill black civilians?
now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Pay attention fool!!
So cops in general means you can or can't admit that black perps are being killed by black cops, which would pretty much blow the whole BLM motif..

BLM isnt only about white cops shooting blacks, its about police abuse across the board.
Can you at least bitch about how there are twice as many whites killed by cops than blacks? Or do you not give a fuck about all people killed by cops?

White people always demand the spotlight.

Where is the all lives matter protests? Or do you want blacks to push for better treatment of whites first? :badgrin:
I find it rather odd, white people, especially white men blaming Obama for all the racial unrest going on in this country today, when it is white men who got this shit started in the first place.

Rush Limbaugh, Joe Wilson and MItch McConnell, all perfectly healthy white fucks, all during Obama's first few days, months in office, hoped the guy fail on day one, wished the guy a one term presidency and called him a liar on the house floor. The white owned media, dispicted both he and his family as Africa dog bait with bones in thier noses, conservative blogs issued appologies after apologies for the constant insults and town halls all across of America where disrupted by hate mongering white Tea party members who wanted nothing to do with ACA.

All this is OBama's fault? White people you actually believe this shit, its Obama's fault that you racist nuts are suddenly coming out of the closet???

Fast forward, after NAFTA took its full impact after the bank meltdown and white people in middle to upper incomes began losing their jobs, the anger began, the resentment began and Obama once again took blame for NAFTA...that all conservatives back in the day with Newt at the helms, welcomed with open arms and wanted???? So in comes a Trump, with all his racist hatred and again, we blame Obama.??

Thats Obama's fault?

Fast forward again...now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Fast forward again and again...who's at the meat of all this shit? WHITE MEN, WHITE PEOPLE, WHITES....AND now because a few black voices dare speak up, BLM in particular, OBAMA IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHITE PEOPLE'S RACIST MENTALITY??

What about the black cops that kill black civilians?
now come the cops, white cops and cops in general, who shoot nigga's first and make up storied afterwards and get away with it...that too is Obama's fault?????

Pay attention fool!!
So cops in general means you can or can't admit that black perps are being killed by black cops, which would pretty much blow the whole BLM motif..

BLM isnt only about white cops shooting blacks, its about police abuse across the board.
Can you at least bitch about how there are twice as many whites killed by cops than blacks? Or do you not give a fuck about all people killed by cops?

White people always demand the spotlight.

Where is the all lives matter protests? Or do you want blacks to push for better treatment of whites first? :badgrin:
To be honest, they will not garner the support needed to push their agenda, once Oblama is gone...The inside clinched fist will be no more.Their strategy would need to be one of inclusion to seat themselves into permanent recognition as a legitimate group, instead of one of radicalism...
Obama has allowed feral nappy heads to commit open crimes.
Please don't talk about your birracial grand kids like that, I'm sure they'll hear you!! LOLOLOLO
Better watch the attacks on family nappy head. I'm 1/2 Mexican so my kids ARE biracial.

"Mexican" is a race now?

Say you never explained why you took down your Ricardo Montalban avatar as soon as I told you he was Mexican.
He was sooo smooth...
Obama definitely didn't help it. Jumping the gun on issues and shit. Definitely doesn't help when he is WRONG all the goddamn time.
Where is trumps racist hatred? I have yet to see that.
then show me

You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.
Obama has allowed feral nappy heads to commit open crimes.
Please don't talk about your birracial grand kids like that, I'm sure they'll hear you!! LOLOLOLO
Better watch the attacks on family nappy head. I'm 1/2 Mexican so my kids ARE biracial.

"Mexican" is a race now?

Say you never explained why you took down your Ricardo Montalban avatar as soon as I told you he was Mexican.
That is not what you called that avatar ball breath.

You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.

I have better shit to do than play this game of "Nuh Uh" with you. Sorry sweetheart
Well I was gonna address the OP with a state-the-obvious point about the Teabagger Astroturf thing and this shit ----


---- but I see post 4 kinda demonstrated the point already. Racism stayed bubbling below the surface and the elevation of a black man to the Presidency gave them license to start singing "Barack the Magic Negro". It's at least instructive for them to self-identify -- sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Obama has allowed feral nappy heads to commit open crimes.
Please don't talk about your birracial grand kids like that, I'm sure they'll hear you!! LOLOLOLO
Better watch the attacks on family nappy head. I'm 1/2 Mexican so my kids ARE biracial.

"Mexican" is a race now?

Say you never explained why you took down your Ricardo Montalban avatar as soon as I told you he was Mexican.
That is not what you called that avatar ball breath.

I certainly didn't say he was any "race" like you just did.
RACISTS. racists are RESPONSIBLE for their own behavior.

rethuglicans believe that blackie citizens should just stfu about police brutality because they should just be thankful we even let him eat at the public lunch counter or have a back seat on the public bus... and those damn gay homo citizens should just stfu and be thankful we don't throw them off of roofs and stuff. just stop with the unrest and just be thankful, huh? how dare a POTUS stand up for the best interest of ALL citizens, dumb black president is dumb, vote trump and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! derrp
then show me

You cant see what you dont want to see. Sorry
Why would I not want to see it?

White people cant see it
then just post the examples you think is racism from him, and we will go form there.

I have better shit to do than play this game of "Nuh Uh" with you. Sorry sweetheart
That's what I thought :thup:
RACISTS. racists are RESPONSIBLE for their own behavior.

rethuglicans believe that blackie citizens should just stfu about police brutality because they should just be thankful we even let him eat at the public lunch counter or have a back seat on the public bus... and those damn gay homo citizens should just stfu and be thankful we don't throw them off of roofs and stuff. just stop with the unrest and just be thankful, huh? how dare a POTUS stand up for the best interest of ALL citizens, dumb black president is dumb, vote trump and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! derrp
rethuglicans believe that blackie citizens should just stfu about police brutality

Ok stop right there. You're stinking the place up. This is bull shit on so many levels it ain't funny. Gods in Heaven!

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