Who's not "Racist"?

Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....

Really? You know a lefty on this Forum that has ever posted a racist remark? Post it.
I'll be honest I have.
at least you are honest bobo.....unlike someone else here....
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....

Really? You know a lefty on this Forum that has ever posted a racist remark? Post it.
I'll be honest I have.
at least you are honest bobo.....unlike someone else here....
Ask every liberal white man if he'd be immediately happy to hear his daughter is attracted to and dating black guys. Get back to me when you find 1
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
Do you want honest or politically correct?
+ Quote Reply
Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
He was just lashing back at a gaggle of racists. You happened to be siding with the white racists and you got caught up in the crossfire. Be careful who you keep company with. Go to bed with dogs wake up with fleas
im sorry i just get skeptical when people say they are so wealthy they dont have to work but spend all day here posting shit.....if you were that wealthy would you spend most of your day here bitching and moaning with all us losers?..
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
I just tell black people when they are making excuses for their race which seems to be regressing. It means I understand whites are to blame for why black culture is what it is but it's also black peoples fault.

Do you notice no one minds living next to families like the Obama's but I doubt trevon Martin was a good neighbor. I bet neighbors locked their doors. Or how about Michael Brown in Ferguson? Liberals aren't racist towards Obama blacks but conservatives are. UNLESS that black votes GOP then he's cool. Still not cool enough to date their daughters but pretty cool
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
I just tell black people when they are making excuses for their race which seems to be regressing. ....

You don't "tell" black people stupid shit like this anywhere but here, safely online and apart, pussy.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
He was just lashing back at a gaggle of racists. You happened to be siding with the white racists and you got caught up in the crossfire. Be careful who you keep company with. Go to bed with dogs wake up with fleas
im sorry i just get skeptical when people say they are so wealthy they dont have to work but spend all day here posting shit.....if you were that wealthy would you spend most of your day here bitching and moaning with all us losers?..
I could see a rich white Republican enjoying this site but I do find it funny such a rich guy is crying about how the systems not fair.

Newsflash! It's not really fair for any of us. We all still got to get someone to hire us. That means working on our interview skills.

Bottom line is black people assumed wrong that a black man would never be president. But look at how that black man speaks. He also went to college. Maybe they are wrong that no one will hire them. But, they got to work on their interview skills
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
Do you want honest or politically correct?
You don't really seem capable of honesty but you do display a false sense of superiority very well.
Why is it newsworthy Obama's daughter got in to Harvard? It would be newsworthy if they had turned her down. What is her GPA? Abybody rejected because she took their spot?..
You should ask the news media that make money covering stories of interest. Personally I think its newsworthy because I love seeing his beautiful daughters succeeding.
The news media are Obama ass-kissers. I'm surprised we aren't subjected to headlines every time he takes a shit. As for the public's interest, it isn't newsworthy.

Finally, why are we discussing his kids at all? They were supposed to be off limits. That should include positive news too.
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
ctl + alt + prntscrn
+ Quote Reply
Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
Thanks Received:
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
President Obama's daughter Malia announced that she would be attending Harvard....being a President's daughter it was considered news worthy by most news media. Fox News opted to print the article. It didn't take long for all the hate and racism to start pouring in. So much that Fox News was forded to close down the "Comments" on the article.

Who watches Faux News? We all know who.....and then they claim they're not racist. Yep, we hear ya.

Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Which represents a flyspeck of a percent of Americans.
Get a grip on yourself.
BTW, sweet tits. All human beings can be considered racist.
ALL of us.
President Obama's daughter Malia announced that she would be attending Harvard....being a President's daughter it was considered news worthy by most news media. Fox News opted to print the article. It didn't take long for all the hate and racism to start pouring in. So much that Fox News was forded to close down the "Comments" on the article.

Who watches Faux News? We all know who.....and then they claim they're not racist. Yep, we hear ya.

Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Wait. What?

So Fox is racist because they shut down racist comments online. Then there's Faux News, that people who are racist watch. And we all know them? Help me out here. At who exactly are you wagging your finger?

Oh you poor thing. Obviously you have problems comprehending. Nobody said Faux News was racist......Faux News had to take the comments part of their article down because their viewers are racist and were making their usual racist remarks. There....does that clarify it for you? Maybe you need a picture?

If the foo shits.....wear it.
You paint with a brush so broad that you include me, someone you don't even know. Oh yes. You've made yourself quite clear, Mertex.
HD must be a slow thinker. I think i blew his mind and he cant figure out how to make my comment an example of racism. :laugh:
oh gee my last post was what 10 minutes ago?....unlike a rich motherfucker like you who has servants to do things for him,i dont,i had to get up and answer the phone...
Whatever conversation occurred discussing my net worth must have really stuck with you and caused some cerebral trauma. Now I have servants?

I see you deflected again instead of explaining how my post was racist.

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