Who's not "Racist"?

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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
And you are a black racist. Racist. Get it. In fact you have become what you hate.
You're nothing but an angry bigot, Live with that.
The more angry you get, the more amused I become. Picturing in my mind your head exploding with anger is free entertainment.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
And you are a black racist. Racist. Get it. In fact you have become what you hate.
You're nothing but an angry bigot, Live with that.
The more angry you get, the more amused I become. Picturing in my mind your head exploding with anger is free entertainment.
You must stay pretty sad and depressed then. i never get mad on the internet. Its not like you are relevant or influential in my life or anyone elses. :laugh:
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most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
And you are a black racist. Racist. Get it. In fact you have become what you hate.
You're nothing but an angry bigot, Live with that.
The more angry you get, the more amused I become. Picturing in my mind your head exploding with anger is free entertainment.
You must stay pretty sad and depressed then. i never get mad on the internet. Its not like you are relevant or influential in my life or anyone elses.
Dude you get fired up all the time. In fact it takes the movement of about 5 molecules to send you into a racist funk. Off you go....
So get busy and post a remark i made unprovoked and stop talking.
Unprovoked? If that's your criteria, then Steve McGarrett is as pure as the driven snow as you apparently are. Or maybe you're more similar than you pretend not to be.
Of course thats my criteria. I didnt ask you to like it. Deflecting to the cave chimp Steve doesnt really help your case.
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
Well I guess you found the cave chimp then....The OP....
Mertex cant be a cave chimp. She's good....no great people.
Right. And black people cannot be racist.....I got it.
Who told you Black people cant be racist? I know quite a few that think white people are subhuman.
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
And you are a black racist. Racist. Get it. In fact you have become what you hate.
You're nothing but an angry bigot, Live with that.
The more angry you get, the more amused I become. Picturing in my mind your head exploding with anger is free entertainment.
You must stay pretty sad and depressed then. i never get mad on the internet. Its not like you are relevant or influential in my life or anyone elses.
Dude you get fired up all the time. In fact it takes the movement of about 5 molecules to send you into a racist funk. Off you go....
If you call laughing at inbred cave monkeys fired up then youre right. If you mean real anger then If that makes you feel better I will allow you to believe that.
Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
So you have the kinder and gentler racist comments and thoughts my how superior of you.
Do you want honest or politically correct?
You don't really seem capable of honesty but you do display a false sense of superiority very well.
I don't mind being told I'm wrong when I'm wrong. If you can explain even a little bit why I'm wrong I might take you seriously.

Im just saying what most people are thinking.

Now this time reply with something better we can build on. You are holding us back. Your post was regressive.

What about the people who raised lil homies? And what about the lil homies they are gonna raise? Who's fault are they? Black people want to blame white people for Tamika having a baby with babby daddy and it is these people who say white people discriminate against them. Well no shit! Who's gonna hire that?
if you are going to dance at least let me put some music on for you....are you that much of a pussy that you cant stand by what you said?...
As soon as you show him a post that is "unprovoked", he'll say, " It has to be posted on a Tuesday between 6-8:13 pm. Lol

Hey Macarena!
if you are going to dance at least let me put some music on for you....are you that much of a pussy that you cant stand by what you said?...
As soon as you show him a post that is "unprovoked", he'll say, " It had to be posted on a Tuesday between 6-8:13 pm. Lol
You guys keep talking but have failed to deliver. At this point its just becoming pathetic.
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Youre inferiority complex is showing through. I called you a bear? Can you quote that because I think your full of shit. I dont call people cave monkeys because they dont believe me. i call them that because they are white racists. I noticed you provided no links or context. You must be embarrassed and trying to appeal to others to help you again. So sad.
And you are a black racist. Racist. Get it. In fact you have become what you hate.
You're nothing but an angry bigot, Live with that.
The more angry you get, the more amused I become. Picturing in my mind your head exploding with anger is free entertainment.
You must stay pretty sad and depressed then. i never get mad on the internet. Its not like you are relevant or influential in my life or anyone elses. :laugh:
I agree you never lose it. I've tried. Lol
Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Youre assuming i am rationalizing. I just explained that I only make racist remarks in response to racists. Rationalizing would be saying its ok to do so because of that fact.
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
i have to second that.....
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
Is Harry telling everyone I am rich?
Me too. Its outstanding she made it to Harvard.
Harvard would be shut down if she was rejected.
The POTUS has a lot of power doesnt he? That must burn your ass.
Now they get a taste of what white privilege feels like when you are black. These fools don't realize that's not white privilege that's rich privilege. They don't like seeing rich blacks having advantages they don't have. Welcome to the world of the poor black man. What was the saying about it was OK when they came for the Jews because I wasn't Jewish and it was OK they went after the gays because I wasn't gay but then when they came for me there was no one left to complain to
i have to second that.....
So you guys cant post a racist remark unprovoked from a lefty huh?
you have made plenty of them so maybe you should not bring it up....like the one you did in your first post...
I've only made racist remarks in response to racism. Stop whining and show me an unprovoked racist remark made by a lefty.
Nice try at rationalizing your racism. Mertex, you lefty that makes racist remarks is Asclepias; however, it is okay to be racist if provoked (apparently).
Yea but we all know the reason harry doubts Asclepias is rich is because he's black. Harry thinks if he was rich he would have forgiven and forgotten like Herman Cain and Ben carson.

And I think blacks should listen to guys like Ben and Herman. I didn't say vote for them. Their economic policies only help the rich. But they should listen when Ben tells them what's wrong with their communities. He's right
I don't know that Harry doubts Ascelepias is rich is because Ascelepias is black. Harry may simply be skeptical because many people lie about themselves on the Internet. There are several people on this forum that claim to be rich that I have my doubts about.

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