Who's not "Racist"?

here we go the asclephias dance...
So you cant find even one remark?
read your second post asswipe.....your word for white people is cave chimps....now i repeat my question....what racism were you responding too?....
Did she erase it! I see post one and then post three but no post two.
its still there for me....
Screen shot it please Harry. Are you still in California?
im back and forth between here and Nevada.....Nevada seems to be much nicer..so far.....
So you cant find even one remark?
read your second post asswipe.....your word for white people is cave chimps....now i repeat my question....what racism were you responding too?....
Did she erase it! I see post one and then post three but no post two.
its still there for me....
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it? My guess is that you cant.
No, I'm not kidding. Find a post on this Forum made by a lefty that is racist......I dare you.
Take a look at my sig line. He's no longer here but if that's not racist I don't know what is. ,

You must be desperate. You point to something in your signature and claim the person is no longer here - how do I know you didn't make it up? Post an actual post with a link.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male

A thread calling blacks "monkeys".
Libs Argue Monkeys Are “Legal Persons,” But The Unborn Aren’t

Do not care if you believe me or not. I do not cater to race baiters.

Yeah, well, you haven't proven anything. You can see that I'm not making shit up.

I don't have to prove a damn thing. You are a race baiter. You bitch about Fox News by using a fucked up article from Reverb Press? Really? ROFLMAO.

Instead of coming down on Fox News and the viewers who made the racist comments you are whining about where the article was printed. Other news sources probably didn't want to dignify such behavior by putting it there for everyone to see....even Faux News was ashamed that it took the comments down......but all you have to say is the article is fucked up. You're not a bit racist, are you?

Thank you for reconfirming my assertion.

‘Privileged N***er!’ Racist FOX News Fans Blast Malia Obama Over Her Acceptance To Harvard

Fox News Fans Found Out Malia Obama Is Going To Harvard, So They Called Her A ‘N*****’ (SCREENSHOTS)
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.

Are you kidding? That's half the bandwidth.

Yes, that's why you posted so many? ....

Have I posted any?

Were you saying that racist remarks by leftists take up half the bandwidth? .....

At least.
read your second post asswipe.....your word for white people is cave chimps....now i repeat my question....what racism were you responding too?....
Did she erase it! I see post one and then post three but no post two.
its still there for me....
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.

Are you kidding? That's half the bandwidth.

Yes, that's why you posted so many? ....

Have I posted any?

Were you saying that racist remarks by leftists take up half the bandwidth? .....

At least.

Okay....so where are the links?
Take a look at my sig line. He's no longer here but if that's not racist I don't know what is. ,

You must be desperate. You point to something in your signature and claim the person is no longer here - how do I know you didn't make it up? Post an actual post with a link.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

USMB Racist Hall of Shame!!!

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

On this thanksgiving day - Thank a White Male

A thread calling blacks "monkeys".
Libs Argue Monkeys Are “Legal Persons,” But The Unborn Aren’t

Do not care if you believe me or not. I do not cater to race baiters.

Yeah, well, you haven't proven anything. You can see that I'm not making shit up.

I don't have to prove a damn thing. You are a race baiter. You bitch about Fox News by using a fucked up article from Reverb Press? Really? ROFLMAO.

Instead of coming down on Fox News and the viewers who made the racist comments you are whining about where the article was printed. Other news sources probably didn't want to dignify such behavior by putting it there for everyone to see....even Faux News was ashamed that it took the comments down......but all you have to say is the article is fucked up. You're not a bit racist, are you?

Thank you for reconfirming my assertion.

‘Privileged N***er!’ Racist FOX News Fans Blast Malia Obama Over Her Acceptance To Harvard

Fox News Fans Found Out Malia Obama Is Going To Harvard, So They Called Her A ‘N*****’ (SCREENSHOTS)
There is absolutely no proof that the incident even took place. Sounds like a classic case of race baiting.
Did she erase it! I see post one and then post three but no post two.
its still there for me....
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. At least you finally ask the magic question instead of being butt hurt and assuming. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
Did she erase it! I see post one and then post three but no post two.
its still there for me....
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
I wonder why she won't answer?
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
I am very proud of her and very happy for the Obama's. They are good people.

Barrack was funny too at the white house correspondence dinner.
President Obama's daughter Malia announced that she would be attending Harvard....being a President's daughter it was considered news worthy by most news media. Fox News opted to print the article. It didn't take long for all the hate and racism to start pouring in. So much that Fox News was forded to close down the "Comments" on the article.

Who watches Faux News? We all know who.....and then they claim they're not racist. Yep, we hear ya.

Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Vile Racism Forces Fox News To Close Comments On Malia Obama Article
Wait. What?

So Fox is racist because they shut down racist comments online. Then there's Faux News, that people who are racist watch. And we all know them? Help me out here. At who exactly are you wagging your finger?
Fox and the people fox appeals to
Why is it newsworthy Obama's daughter got in to Harvard? It would be newsworthy if they had turned her down. What is her GPA? Abybody rejected because she took their spot?..
Cranbrook is the best private school in Michigan. It doesn't strictly accept students based on intelligence. Every kid that goes there has something in common. All their parents have money. I'm sure Harvard is filled with kids who's parents are connected. Who's more connected than the presidents daughter?
its still there for me....
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
Are you kidding? That's half the bandwidth.

Yes, that's why you posted so many? ....

Have I posted any?

Were you saying that racist remarks by leftists take up half the bandwidth? .....

At least.

Okay....so where are the links?

Go look up any or all posts from guno, drean, huey, asslickius, dot cum, bobo, etc. All avowed leftists.
Last edited:
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
I don't keep track of everyones racist comments if you though are going to actually claim or imply that no leftwingers have ever made racist comments then you have just proven my point. By the way your orginal post was about post in the comments section of a story on FOX website not this one. Is it also your contention that left wingers don't make racist hateful comments about Republicans in the comments section for stories on liberal leaning sites?
I'll admit I've made racist comments and have racist thoughts. No ones claiming to be perfect just better than you
Yeah there are no vile hate filled assholes on the left who attack Republicans children are there? There are racist on the right, the left, and in the middle the only ones worse than them are those who pretend there aren't any on their side of the political fence or try to rationalize and justify the racism.

Yeah....why don't you post a racist remark that a lefty made on this forum? I'll wait.
Are you fuckin kiddin me?
i have to second that.....

Really? You know a lefty on this Forum that has ever posted a racist remark? Post it.
I'll be honest I have.
HD must be a slow thinker. I think i blew his mind and he cant figure out how to make my comment an example of racism. :laugh:
oh gee my last post was what 10 minutes ago?....unlike a rich motherfucker like you who has servants to do things for him,i dont,i had to get up and answer the phone...
Screen shot it or no one believes you.
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Today at 10:51 AM #2

Asclepias Work Hard Play Hard
Aug 3, 2013
Thanks Received:
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Breathing rarified air.
Asclepias SAID..
Yeah i read that on CNN. I was waiting for some of the resident cave chimps to start a thread on it.
So tell us whats racist about it?
most people know,i only have to tell you,because racist dont think what they say is racist......who are the cave chimps you mention in quite a few of your posts?..
Stop seeking social support from the masses. Be a man and stand on your own two feet. White racists with a high percentage of neanderthal DNA is what I call cave chimps. In order to be racist I would need to be referring to all whites.
sure you do....fucking tank has more honesty than you.....when we first bumped into each other here back when you were saying how wealthy you were and were saying how you laugh at someone making 6 figures,remember that?.....during the course of that thread you called me and bear and a few others there "cave monkees" because we did not believe your shit....was that just a term of endearment?...because i aint considered white by white people....
He was just lashing back at a gaggle of racists. You happened to be siding with the white racists and you got caught up in the crossfire. Be careful who you keep company with. Go to bed with dogs wake up with fleas

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