Who’s Opposed to Term Limits for Congress?

Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
I would NOT be opposed to cutting the salary for elected Federal officials and to hold them accountable for all the laws on the books about stock market and business dealings. Cut out the money and people won't serve for years and years.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
I would NOT be opposed to cutting the salary for elected Federal officials and to hold them accountable for all the laws on the books about stock market and business dealings. Cut out the money and people won't serve for years and years.
You get what you pay for.
Cut the salary and they will look otherwhere for income
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
I would NOT be opposed to cutting the salary for elected Federal officials and to hold them accountable for all the laws on the books about stock market and business dealings. Cut out the money and people won't serve for years and years.
You get what you pay for.
Cut the salary and they will look otherwhere for income
LOL you mean like breaking the law with stock market and padding their families business with Government contracts? Like that?
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
Exactly. They originally had lockers to visit DC when Congress was in session. They had to earn a real living instead of donating all their time. We need to turn the "political class" into the "working class".
Or else make sure that only the wealthy can serve in Congress
Go back to 3 month sessions and not year round. Pay them 50k a year and cut staff to 3 people. Force them to obey ALL the laws, prevent them from steering contracts to their family.
Go back to 3 month sessions and not year round. Pay them 50k a year and cut staff to 3 people. Force them to obey ALL the laws, prevent them from steering contracts to their family.
Cut their pay and make sure only millionaires can serve in Congress
We have term limits
2 years in the House and 6 in the Senate

After that, you have to start all over again

I don’t want arbitrary laws telling me who I am allowed to vote for. If I like the job he is doing representing me, I should be allowed to send him back to Washington

How’s that worked out for the American people? It’s the party apparatus whom is the choice for the party. Most Americans are fed up with choices they are forced to make come election time. They want new voices, but the parties force them to decide on the same people. If you’re so for the will of the people you should be in favor of term limits, because that’s what the people want.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
I would NOT be opposed to cutting the salary for elected Federal officials and to hold them accountable for all the laws on the books about stock market and business dealings. Cut out the money and people won't serve for years and years.
What do you supposed the odds of politicians and bureaucrats ever being held accountable are?
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
Of course we police our politicians
They are routinely voted out of office. Like our founders intended
No, they aren't routinely voted out of office. It's a rare event when an incumbent loses.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
How is Congress any different, douchebag? How long has Pelosi "served?" Nadler? Schumer?
Go back to 3 month sessions and not year round. Pay them 50k a year and cut staff to 3 people. Force them to obey ALL the laws, prevent them from steering contracts to their family.
Cut their pay and make sure only millionaires can serve in Congress
Cut the session to 3 months and 50k is more then enough they can work the other 9 months of the year like it used to be. By the way when we were founded guess what? Only wealthy people served anyway and most stets did not vote by the people for President the state legislature picked the delegates to the EC.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
I would NOT be opposed to cutting the salary for elected Federal officials and to hold them accountable for all the laws on the books about stock market and business dealings. Cut out the money and people won't serve for years and years.
You get what you pay for.
Cut the salary and they will look otherwhere for income
That's wrong. It would be more accurate to say that you never get anymore than what you pay for. However, you often get a lot less.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
How is Congress any different, douchebag? How long has Pelosi "served?" Nadler? Schumer?
Our founders never had any reservations on how many terms someone could serve

If they did, they would have put a limit
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
They envisioned serving one or two terms then going back to work.
If they envisioned that, it would have been included
Their only comparable would have been England where those in Parliament routinely served decades
How is Congress any different, douchebag? How long has Pelosi "served?" Nadler? Schumer?
Our founders never had any reservations on how many terms someone could serve

If they did, they would have put a limit
That's true, but that's because they were naive about human nature. The Founding Fathers were not gods. They often made mistakes.
Go back to 3 month sessions and not year round. Pay them 50k a year and cut staff to 3 people. Force them to obey ALL the laws, prevent them from steering contracts to their family.
Cut their pay and make sure only millionaires can serve in Congress
Cut the session to 3 months and 50k is more then enough they can work the other 9 months of the year like it used to be. By the way when we were founded guess what? Only wealthy people served anyway and most stets did not vote by the people for President the state legislature picked the delegates to the EC.
Issues and bills come up all year long. Why have to wait 9 months for Congress to convene?

It originally took a month or more to get to Washington. Now it takes hours
Anyone oppose term limits for House and Senate members? And if so, why?

I oppose them.

I think if a person runs and gets the most votes, they should get the job.

Of course, I also support real campaign finance reform which would end the bullshit advantage that incumbents have and lead to natural term limits.

I also support real campaign finance reform which would end the bullshit advantage that incumbents have

How do you reform away the advantages an incumbent has?

By reforming our campaign finance laws to make it so there is a limit to how much $$ a candidate can spend in an election campaign. Incumbents have a huge advantage as they can use their position to fundraise.


Incumbents have a huge advantage as they can use their position to fundraise.

Incumbents have a huge advantage as they can use their position to advertise for free.

How does LoneLaugher stand a change running against Nancy Pelosi with no campaign funds?
She can write a letter to constituents. Write a letter to the editor. Get on the Nightly News. Etc. Etc.
Incumbents have a huge advantage because they have a record to run on

congress’ approval rating is shit years after year, yet the same bums get re-elected
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
Why do elites on both sides presume that voters don't have the intelligence to determine if their congressperson is doing a good job. I like my congressman and I don't want to limit his service to two terms. The other side of the coin is that a congressman who is term limited might be tempted to vote for crazy self serving stuff in his (limited) second term because he isn't representing constituents anymore.
Term limits is a bad idea. First of all the Founding Fathers gave us the opportunity to hire and fire members of congress every two years. The "term limits" proposal presumes that voters don't have enough intelligence to replace a member of congress if they prove to be inept or corrupt.

The founding fathers didn't foresee that no one polices the politicians adequately. No one needs to serve more than two terms.
Pols need to know how the rest of us live, and what problems we need solved, instead of living in their political donor bubbles.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2026 if not sooner.
Social Security will be insolvent in 2037 if not sooner.
The National Debt is off the fucking chart, the interest payments will be more than Defense, and for what?
Why do elites on both sides presume that voters don't have the intelligence to determine if their congressperson is doing a good job. I like my congressman and I don't want to limit his service to two terms. The other side of the coin is that a congressman who is term limited might be tempted to vote for crazy self serving stuff in his (limited) second term because he isn't representing constituents anymore.
Simple: they don't. They've voted Pelosi back into office for decades.

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