Who's polled as best chance to bump president Obama?

I saw an interview with him in the last week or so and he was still pretty adamant about not running third party. I know he can't come out and say it if he plans to but I tend to believe him. I think the only way he will run as third party is if he honestly believes he can win as third party and we all know that is a slim chance. He is smart enough to know that if he runs as a third party he is handing it to Obama. He was asked if he would support Newt and he didn't rule it out but said that it would take some conversations to come to an understanding on positions.

Yesterday on Meet the Press he hedged, which isn't like him: "I'm not going to rule anything out or anything in... "

Maybe I'm just engaging in wishful thinking. But I'm thinking that if the Republicans nominate Gingrich or Romney, and the Libertarians don't have a strong candidate, he'll consider it.

I'd like to see him run 3rd party just to stick it to the GOP for doing everything they could to hold him down all these years. They're going to need his supporters and quite frankly they don't deserve a single one of them.

Lindsey Graham was talking about it the other day on MTP, about how they're going to need Paul's support. The irony is unbelievable. They don't give the guy the time of day, but then have the audacity to say they need his help.
...standing on Constitutional principles by GIVING POWER back to the people. The day of big government & world cop is over for America as we simply cannot afford to play the womb to the tomb game, & America lacks the funds & military capability to wage aggressive war as world cop.

Sorry to break it to you: Ron Paul will never get nominated. And Ron Paul is crazy.

coming from you ....

Anyway. He exposes the hypocrisy and power-mongering of both major parties. I expect him to get called much worse than 'crazy' over the next year or so.

Wait, if he's running for office then that ISN"T power mongering? Isn't that hypocrisy as well?
Crazy is bad enough.
& Jesse Ventura seem to be destined as 2 of our Libertarian party prez candidates.

I saw an interview with him in the last week or so and he was still pretty adamant about not running third party. I know he can't come out and say it if he plans to but I tend to believe him. I think the only way he will run as third party is if he honestly believes he can win as third party and we all know that is a slim chance. He is smart enough to know that if he runs as a third party he is handing it to Obama. He was asked if he would support Newt and he didn't rule it out but said that it would take some conversations to come to an understanding on positions.

Yesterday on Meet the Press he hedged, which isn't like him: "I'm not going to rule anything out or anything in... "

Maybe I'm just engaging in wishful thinking. But I'm thinking that if the Republicans nominate Gingrich or Romney, and the Libertarians don't have a strong candidate, he'll consider it.
...I hear ya!

I saw an interview with him in the last week or so and he was still pretty adamant about not running third party. I know he can't come out and say it if he plans to but I tend to believe him. I think the only way he will run as third party is if he honestly believes he can win as third party and we all know that is a slim chance. He is smart enough to know that if he runs as a third party he is handing it to Obama. He was asked if he would support Newt and he didn't rule it out but said that it would take some conversations to come to an understanding on positions.

Yesterday on Meet the Press he hedged, which isn't like him: "I'm not going to rule anything out or anything in... "

Maybe I'm just engaging in wishful thinking. But I'm thinking that if the Republicans nominate Gingrich or Romney, and the Libertarians don't have a strong candidate, he'll consider it.

I'd like to see him run 3rd party just to stick it to the GOP for doing everything they could to hold him down all these years. They're going to need his supporters and quite frankly they don't deserve a single one of them.

Lindsey Graham was talking about it the other day on MTP, about how they're going to need Paul's support. The irony is unbelievable. They don't give the guy the time of day, but then have the audacity to say they need his help.
I'd like to see him run 3rd party just to stick it to the GOP for doing everything they could to hold him down all these years. They're going to need his supporters and quite frankly they don't deserve a single one of them.

Lindsey Graham was talking about it the other day on MTP, about how they're going to need Paul's support. The irony is unbelievable. They don't give the guy the time of day, but then have the audacity to say they need his help.

On the other hand, he may stick it out. If he pulls off a win in Iowa, and can pick up more delegates elsewhere, he could have a significant impact on the Republican platform.

But I agree, the Republicans don't deserve him. I don't see him nadering them out of spite though. If he runs third party or independent it will for the same reason he's done everything else - to advance the cause of liberty.
If the candidates deadlock the convention might pick Paul as the standard bearer.
Ron Paul has more support than people give him credit for and I honestly think that if people start to believe he can win he will get more votes. A lot of people don't like to "throw away" their vote.

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