Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

"Chile suspends Israel trade agreement negotiations as 5 Latin American countries recall ambassadors from Israel
- BDS initiatives grow around the world
- A-list stars express solidarity

"Occupied Palestine, August 1 – As the death toll from Israel’s massacre in Gaza passes 1,100, Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activists have reiterated their calls for governments to hold Israel to account and for a redoubling of BDS initiatives to end Israel’s criminal impunity.

“What we are witnessing is nothing short of a massacre against the Palestinian people.

"'Israel must be made to pay a heavy economic and political price for its crimes against the people of Gaza,' said Zaid Shuaibi, a spokesperson for the Palestinian BDS National Committee.

“'We call on people of conscience everywhere to get involved with the BDS movement, including by signing the call for a military embargo on Israel and taking action against companies and academic institutions that facilitate Israel’s heinous crimes in Gaza,' Shuaibi added.

"Shuaibi also welcomed news that governments across the world are taking action to pressure Israel to comply with international law and human rights.

"Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador and Peru have all.."

Round-up: Israel?s massacre in Gaza prompts international sanctions and boycott action | BDSmovement.net
Chile? :lmao:

That's almost as funny as the puny rockets Hamas shoots at Israel.:D

Israel just hit an actual shelter, 9 kids dead, US "APPALLED". :(
Got an answer?
Got an answer?

Ya: I don't give a shit about carpet kissing scum. Plus, my childhood home was demolished, I can't go back there either, yet I'm not whining like a poor Arab, who have no land in the Middle East to go to. Boohoo hoo.:eusa_boohoo:
Need a hand?

Now, tell someone who cares.
Is that left hand so dark because it was used to wipe the shit from a lot of Arab assholes? Is that the last piece of soap it's holding? They never heard of toilet paper? :D

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Only non-Jews like you.
You should have read the rest of the daf.

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?
Only non-Jews like you.
You should have read the rest of the daf.

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?

So if Ireland or Turkey send ocean liners to bring the Azans to their lands, you actually believe Israel would stop them?
Isn't it interesting that other nations will send convoys to bring them "soap" but won't offer them refuge?
Because no nation is stupid enough to take them.
Only non-Jews like you.
You should have read the rest of the daf.

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?

Yet Meshaal comes & goes as he pleases. And lets others die for his cause.....the US response:

"We once again stress that Israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a written statement. "The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians."An IDF spokesman reiterated Israel's point that militants try to use places where civilians congregate as cover."Hamas made a special effort during the past few weeks to fire from U.N. facilities," Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz told CNN.Thousands of Gaza residents had flocked to the shelter to escape weeks of violence -- only to encounter more bloodshed.

Israel-Hamas: Shelling draws strong condemnation - CNN.com

Seven hour cease fire by Israel, Hamas will not cease fire, the nine dead seem to mean -0- to them.
Only non-Jews like you.
You should have read the rest of the daf.

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?

The leader of Hamas made it out somehow, ask him.:eusa_whistle:
The truth came out, maybe someone reached the leader of Hamas in his bunker in Qatar; nine people killed, not all children. Israel calls yet another UNILATERAL ceasefire:

Israel-Hamas: Shelling draws strong condemnation - CNN.com
Will Israel stop blowing up tunnels in Gaza this time?

Why would they?

Meshaal is fundraising while civilians die; Israel called another unilateral ceasefire, seven hours. Hamas keeps attacking, as always.
Israel uses its missiles to kill children playing on empty beaches
You know, of course, that your response, even if true, doesn't negate the validity of what I said, and, likely, only reinforces it.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
Israel uses its missiles to terrorize a population of civilians they are responsible to protect.
Only Israel can end the killing by ending its occupation of Palestine.

Good luck on that s0n!!!!:up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Indeed.....the killing will end not with some kind of a Disney solution. The killing will end when there is a decisive victor on one side over another. That's the way it is......that's the way its always been in the history of war. Some dumbass narcissist crowing from the nether-regions of the internet aint going to change that.
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Only non-Jews like you.
You should have read the rest of the daf.

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

I heard that the Talmud is an anti-semitic canard.
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The truth came out, maybe someone reached the leader of Hamas in his bunker in Qatar; nine people killed, not all children. Israel calls yet another UNILATERAL ceasefire:

Israel-Hamas: Shelling draws strong condemnation - CNN.com
Will Israel stop blowing up tunnels in Gaza this time?

And subject their own citizens to attack?
When Jews lift their illegal occupation of Palestine, their citizens won't have to worry about resistance.

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