Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?

Yet Meshaal comes & goes as he pleases. And lets others die for his cause.....the US response:

"We once again stress that Israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a written statement. "The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians."An IDF spokesman reiterated Israel's point that militants try to use places where civilians congregate as cover."Hamas made a special effort during the past few weeks to fire from U.N. facilities," Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz told CNN.Thousands of Gaza residents had flocked to the shelter to escape weeks of violence -- only to encounter more bloodshed.

Israel-Hamas: Shelling draws strong condemnation - CNN.com

Seven hour cease fire by Israel, Hamas will not cease fire, the nine dead seem to mean -0- to them.
Israel's cease fires never extend to its own offensive practices in tunnels and in Rafah.
Jews are the occupying power in Gaza, if they continue their indiscriminate slaughter, they will be directly responsible for the civilian refugee problem they've created; not that Israel pays much attention to international law.:badgrin:
How are the children supposed to leave when Israel has walled them in and won't allow escape?

Occupied territory, remember?

Yet Meshaal comes & goes as he pleases. And lets others die for his cause.....the US response:

"We once again stress that Israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties," spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a written statement. "The suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians."An IDF spokesman reiterated Israel's point that militants try to use places where civilians congregate as cover."Hamas made a special effort during the past few weeks to fire from U.N. facilities," Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz told CNN.Thousands of Gaza residents had flocked to the shelter to escape weeks of violence -- only to encounter more bloodshed.

Israel-Hamas: Shelling draws strong condemnation - CNN.com

Seven hour cease fire by Israel, Hamas will not cease fire, the nine dead seem to mean -0- to them.
Israel's cease fires never extend to its own offensive practices in tunnels and in Rafah.
Jews are the occupying power in Gaza, if they continue their indiscriminate slaughter, they will be directly responsible for the civilian refugee problem they've created; not that Israel pays much attention to international law.:badgrin:

I repeat my basic question:
Why doesn't the anti-Jew UN agree with you?
Those rat faced Israelis can kill as many civilians as they want in Gaza and celebrate it in the streets because they are sick, insecure, and cowardly people, but in the long run they will lose. They won't lose militarily, they will lose demographically. In a few generations, arabs will be a majority in Israel, and short of these sick israeli racists sterilizing them, that cant be stopped . The jewish state(an absurd supremacist notion to begin with) at that point will cease to exist, and the arab majority will enact the right of return for the 75% of Palestinians and their descendants who were driven from their homes since 1948.
And the hilarious bit is should the Jews end up having to leave Israel and only the sand monkeys are left the next two hundred years will see the sand monkeys warring against each other.
It's genetically in every arab on the planet to spend their life fighting. It doesn't matter if it's over who gets to gang rape their hairy sweaty 40 something 'virgin' sister or a fucking rug or who gets to sexually mutilate their ten year old daughter.
Bottom line is the civilized world has before it a religion born of hate and a blood oath to kill every 'non-believer' on the planet all living in the sixteenth century. The civilised world will prevail against these sub-humans or perish. Pick one.
If the pallys keep killing off their children Israel won't have to worry about changing demographics. The pallys will be taking care of the matter themselves.
Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

How do the children end up in the structures Israel gives warnings, days ahead, that they will be bombed?
Why does Israel target structures they know contain children?

"Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.

"In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage. Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack.

"This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct.

"In Khan Younis on July 20, 19 children from the Abu Jami' family were killed when an Israeli fighter jet targeted and destroyed their home where they were sheltering. Israeli officials stated that the intended target was a Hamas member visiting the house at the time of the strike.

"The mere alleged presence of a member of a Palestinian armed group is an insufficient justification for an attack on a family home. Based on a preliminary investigation, the Abu Jami' home was not being used for any military purpose at the time of the attack and was unlawfully targeted by Israeli forces.

"A civilian home, school, or hospital that is in some way deemed by Israeli forces to be 'affiliated' with Hamas or another Palestinian armed group does not in itself provide legal justification under international humanitarian law to direct an attack at that object."

And what do you think Hamas is targeting with their rockets? Anyone in Israel. Hardly going along with what you posted. The bottom line is there are those who expect Israel to conduct themselves to a higher standard than Hamas. Why would that be? Is it b/c the world basically understands the sand monkeys are not capable of behaving in any civilised manner? In literally any field of human behavior or endeavour?
It's like trying to reason with a bunch of mentally retarded people. Never going to happen.
The leader of Hamas remains in Qatar, the children remain where the rockets are falling, and no sane person believes the revised Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

I heard that the Talmud is an anti-semitic canard.

I heard fearful leader Meshaal is happy to be staying in Qatar.

Yup and you can bet your ass that's exactly where he will be staying.

No way will be put his life on the line to support his Hamas. Thats what all those civilians and tunnel diggers are for.

He's one helluva guy. Safe in another country. Guess his jihadist war on Isreal only applies to his followers.
Those rat faced Israelis can kill as many civilians as they want in Gaza and celebrate it in the streets because they are sick, insecure, and cowardly people, but in the long run they will lose. They won't lose militarily, they will lose demographically. In a few generations, arabs will be a majority in Israel, and short of these sick israeli racists sterilizing them, that cant be stopped . The jewish state(an absurd supremacist notion to begin with) at that point will cease to exist, and the arab majority will enact the right of return for the 75% of Palestinians and their descendants who were driven from their homes since 1948.
The civilised world will prevail against these sub-humans or perish. Pick one.

That is correct, the jewish subhumans will be defeated. They simply aren't breeding anymore, Arabs will win the battle of demographics. The public civilized white world is turning against the juden and supporting Palestine against ZOG occupation forces.
Why would they?
Not enough kids in the tunnels?

Hamas sends kids to get blown up and to blow themselves up. So why are you faking about caring about arab kids getting killed?
When was the last time a suicide bomber from Hamas killed any Jewish children?

The same time Arabs bulldozed hundreds of Jews' homes?
Not enough kids in the tunnels?

Hamas sends kids to get blown up and to blow themselves up. So why are you faking about caring about arab kids getting killed?
When was the last time a suicide bomber from Hamas killed any Jewish children?

The same time Arabs bulldozed hundreds of Jews' homes?

Now if all Pals would surrender like these guys they'd all be better off. Just look at Japan and Germany, they surrendered and are now very good allies of ours.
Muslims are responsible for every death in this war.

Agreed, if Hamas simply surrendered and allowed Israel to retake Gaza, Israel wouldn't have to try and demoralize Gaza by continuing to target civilians.
You should keep in mind the young men and women fighting Israel have lived through three similar operations like Protective Cliff during the last six years. I heard on the radio this morning that one prominent Jew has floated an idea on his facebook page calling for internment of all surviving Gazans in a series of ten camps before they are forcibly transferred into neighboring Arab states. It may be that Netanyahu's right wing will not allow him any other choice. That facebook posing has received thousands of likes in a very short time.
Not enough kids in the tunnels?

Hamas sends kids to get blown up and to blow themselves up. So why are you faking about caring about arab kids getting killed?

Some seem to care only to attack Israel.
Because Israel is stealing Arab land and water in order to create a Jewish state from the River to the sea. Do you believe Jews have the right to take the land of other people by force?
Muslims are responsible for every death in this war.

Agreed, if Hamas simply surrendered and allowed Israel to retake Gaza, Israel wouldn't have to try and demoralize Gaza by continuing to target civilians.
You should keep in mind the young men and women fighting Israel have lived through three similar operations like Protective Cliff during the last six years. I heard on the radio this morning that one prominent Jew has floated an idea on his facebook page calling for internment of all surviving Gazans in a series of ten camps before they are forcibly transferred into neighboring Arab states. It may be that Netanyahu's right wing will not allow him any other choice. That facebook posing has received thousands of likes in a very short time.

Concentration camps, bad for us, good for the goyim.

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