Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

How do the children end up in the structures Israel gives warnings, days ahead, that they will be bombed?
Why does Israel target structures they know contain children?

"Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.

"In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage. Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack.

"This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct.

"In Khan Younis on July 20, 19 children from the Abu Jami' family were killed when an Israeli fighter jet targeted and destroyed their home where they were sheltering. Israeli officials stated that the intended target was a Hamas member visiting the house at the time of the strike.

"The mere alleged presence of a member of a Palestinian armed group is an insufficient justification for an attack on a family home. Based on a preliminary investigation, the Abu Jami' home was not being used for any military purpose at the time of the attack and was unlawfully targeted by Israeli forces.

"A civilian home, school, or hospital that is in some way deemed by Israeli forces to be 'affiliated' with Hamas or another Palestinian armed group does not in itself provide legal justification under international humanitarian law to direct an attack at that object."

And what do you think Hamas is targeting with their rockets? Anyone in Israel. Hardly going along with what you posted. The bottom line is there are those who expect Israel to conduct themselves to a higher standard than Hamas. Why would that be? Is it b/c the world basically understands the sand monkeys are not capable of behaving in any civilised manner? In literally any field of human behavior or endeavour?
It's like trying to reason with a bunch of mentally retarded people. Never going to happen.
Apparently you're too retarded to realize Israel is a sovereign state and Gaza is an occupied territory; Israel is the occupying power in Gaza so of course it is held to a higher standard since it can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-government and claim the right to self defense against a civilian population it's required to protect.

This isn't that complicated.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They will kill as many children as necessary to get it.
"Sand Monkeys" knew this before you were born.
Why are you so stupid?
Hamas sends kids to get blown up and to blow themselves up. So why are you faking about caring about arab kids getting killed?
When was the last time a suicide bomber from Hamas killed any Jewish children?

The same time Arabs bulldozed hundreds of Jews' homes?

Now if all Pals would surrender like these guys they'd all be better off. Just look at Japan and Germany, they surrendered and are now very good allies of ours.
Japan and Germany were not occupied territories when WWII began.
Gaza is an occupied territory and the Jews who control the occupation want all the land in Gaza for Israel.
Is that too complex for you to fathom?
Who's resonsible?

Hamas of course. If they weren't there then Isreal wouldn't be pounding Gaza. If Hamas were gone there would be peace.

Common Sense 101.
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Who's resonsible?

Hamas of course. If they weren't there then Isreal wouldn't be pounding Gaza. If Hamas were gone there would be peace.

Common Sense 101.
How to explain the fact Israel was pounding Gaza and stealing Arab land and water for decades before Hamas came into existence.

Common sense proves Israel wants all the land of Palestine for the Jews.
Why does Israel target structures they know contain children?

"Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.

"In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage. Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack.

"This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct.

"In Khan Younis on July 20, 19 children from the Abu Jami' family were killed when an Israeli fighter jet targeted and destroyed their home where they were sheltering. Israeli officials stated that the intended target was a Hamas member visiting the house at the time of the strike.

"The mere alleged presence of a member of a Palestinian armed group is an insufficient justification for an attack on a family home. Based on a preliminary investigation, the Abu Jami' home was not being used for any military purpose at the time of the attack and was unlawfully targeted by Israeli forces.

"A civilian home, school, or hospital that is in some way deemed by Israeli forces to be 'affiliated' with Hamas or another Palestinian armed group does not in itself provide legal justification under international humanitarian law to direct an attack at that object."

And what do you think Hamas is targeting with their rockets? Anyone in Israel. Hardly going along with what you posted. The bottom line is there are those who expect Israel to conduct themselves to a higher standard than Hamas. Why would that be? Is it b/c the world basically understands the sand monkeys are not capable of behaving in any civilised manner? In literally any field of human behavior or endeavour?
It's like trying to reason with a bunch of mentally retarded people. Never going to happen.
Apparently you're too retarded to realize Israel is a sovereign state and Gaza is an occupied territory; Israel is the occupying power in Gaza so of course it is held to a higher standard since it can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-government and claim the right to self defense against a civilian population it's required to protect.

This isn't that complicated.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They will kill as many children as necessary to get it.
"Sand Monkeys" knew this before you were born.
Why are you so stupid?

You do realize that if Israel wanted all this land for itself, it could have taken it long ago ?
Who's resonsible?

Hamas of course. If they weren't there then Isreal wouldn't be pounding Gaza. If Hamas were gone there would be peace.

Common Sense 101.

Exactly, then they could get on with there plan of concentration camps and deportation of the Palestinians. The nerve of these Arab goyim to fight back against g-d's chosen people.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online
From your link:

"Feiglin explains how the IDF would then 'exterminate nests of resistance, in the event that any should remain.'

Moshe wants to ship hundreds of thousands of Gazans to the Sinai as part of the Judahization of Gaza

"Establish 'tent encampments...until relevant emigration destinations are determined'
Part of his plan includes shipping the people living in Gaza across the world.
He says to encourage the movement those who willingly agree to emigrate will be given 'a generous economic support package.'

"But those who resist leaving their home will be required to publicly sign a declaration of loyalty to Israel, and receive a blue ID card similar to that of the Arabs of East Jerusalem.

"Then Israeli law will be extended to cover the entire Gaza Strip and 'the city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as true Israeli touristic and commercial cities.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online

And what do you think Hamas is targeting with their rockets? Anyone in Israel. Hardly going along with what you posted. The bottom line is there are those who expect Israel to conduct themselves to a higher standard than Hamas. Why would that be? Is it b/c the world basically understands the sand monkeys are not capable of behaving in any civilised manner? In literally any field of human behavior or endeavour?
It's like trying to reason with a bunch of mentally retarded people. Never going to happen.
Apparently you're too retarded to realize Israel is a sovereign state and Gaza is an occupied territory; Israel is the occupying power in Gaza so of course it is held to a higher standard since it can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-government and claim the right to self defense against a civilian population it's required to protect.

This isn't that complicated.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They will kill as many children as necessary to get it.
"Sand Monkeys" knew this before you were born.
Why are you so stupid?

You do realize that if Israel wanted all this land for itself, it could have taken it long ago ?

I don't understand why they haven't.
Apparently you're too retarded to realize Israel is a sovereign state and Gaza is an occupied territory; Israel is the occupying power in Gaza so of course it is held to a higher standard since it can not simultaneously deny Gazans the right to self-government and claim the right to self defense against a civilian population it's required to protect.

This isn't that complicated.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea for themselves.
They will kill as many children as necessary to get it.
"Sand Monkeys" knew this before you were born.
Why are you so stupid?

You do realize that if Israel wanted all this land for itself, it could have taken it long ago ?

I don't understand why they haven't.
International Law.
You probably don't understand that either.
Killing all the Gazans is not genocide, there will still be millions of Arabs elsewhere to carry on their backwards traditions.
Besides what is wrong with genocide. Evolution is the eradication of the old to make room for the new. Islam is the old that needs to be eradicated.

Israel has a right to defend itself. Go-d's nation of course has the right commit a genocide.
The US Congress has recently voted unanimously to back Israel.
Should the Gaza Transfer Plan become a reality between now and November, I wonder if US voters will support it at the polls?

"The Gaza war, now in its fourth week, has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead.
Feiglin details how he wants the Israeli PM 'to turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.'

"In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online

Israel has a right to defend itself. Go-d's nation of course has the right commit a genocide.
The US Congress has recently voted unanimously to back Israel.
Should the Gaza Transfer Plan become a reality between now and November, I wonder if US voters will support it at the polls?

"The Gaza war, now in its fourth week, has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead.
Feiglin details how he wants the Israeli PM 'to turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.'

"In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online

US citizens can't stand Muslims.
But for you to see that you would have to actually get out once in a while.
Killing all the Gazans is not genocide, there will still be millions of Arabs elsewhere to carry on their backwards traditions.
Besides what is wrong with genocide. Evolution is the eradication of the old to make room for the new. Islam is the old that needs to be eradicated.

Oi Geyvalt, it isn't a genocide when we do it to the goyim. How dare you compare this to the 60 trillion who died in Hitler's ovens.
Killing all the Gazans is not genocide, there will still be millions of Arabs elsewhere to carry on their backwards traditions.
Besides what is wrong with genocide. Evolution is the eradication of the old to make room for the new. Islam is the old that needs to be eradicated.

Killing all the European Jews is not genocide. There will be millions of Jews elsewhere to carry on their backhanded traditions.

Besides what is wrong with genocide. Evolution is the eradication of the old to make room for the new. Judaism is the old that needs to be eradicated.

Israel has a right to defend itself. Go-d's nation of course has the right commit a genocide.
The US Congress has recently voted unanimously to back Israel.
Should the Gaza Transfer Plan become a reality between now and November, I wonder if US voters will support it at the polls?

"The Gaza war, now in its fourth week, has left more than 1,800 Palestinians dead.
Feiglin details how he wants the Israeli PM 'to turn Gaza into Jaffa, a flourishing Israeli city with a minimum number of hostile civilians.'

"In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online

US citizens can't stand Muslims.
But for you to see that you would have to actually get out once in a while.
Where do you live?
Who's resonsible?

Hamas of course. If they weren't there then Isreal wouldn't be pounding Gaza. If Hamas were gone there would be peace.

Common Sense 101.

Exactly, then the Jews could get on with their plan of concentration camps and deportation of the Palestinians. The nerve of these Arab goyim to fight back against g-d's chosen people.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online

Jesus your an idiot.

If Isreal wanted to do any of that bullshit they would have done it long ago.

Grow the fuck up.

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