Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Your full of shit there bucko.

The Isreali's are taking out targets. Targets that Hamas is firing from. Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. Just fodder for their jihad against Isreal. Why do you think their tunnels and mortars are where they are??

As for those "poor" civilians?

They elected Hamas to run things knowing full well Hamas wants to wipe Isreal off the map. I'm pretty sure most Palestians are all for that as well.

A Hamas who will do anything to make that happen. A Hamas who has no problem lobbing bombs into Isreal and killing anyone they can. Doubt they are concerned with the deaths of Isreali civilians. Why should Isreal be concerned with the deaths of Palestinian civilians? I sure as hell wouldn't be.

Boo Hoo for those stupid Palestinians. You reap what you fucking sow.

LOL, you say I am full of shit, then go on to say why Israel is right in taking out palestinian civilians.

Get your arguments straight you dumb piece of shit.

Speaking of dumb pieces of shit. You fill er to the brim there idiot.

Why don't you ask Hamas how many Isreali civilian that they have killed and will continue to kill as long as they can??

Hell. If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

3 Israeli civilians have died since the conflict started, oi vey its another shoah. Unlike Israel, Hamas actually targets military instead of civilians, that's why they have a much more successful soldier to civilian kill rate.
They better at waging war than Israel. Israel just has the tech and numbers. Unless killing civilians counts as waging war now, they are just preying on the weak old men, women, and children because man to man they can't match up with Hamas. Proportionally speaking, Hamas is the humanitarian army, and Israel is the terrorist Army if we are to go by the soldier/civilian kill ratio. Also, Israel has 4X the manpower but has only killed 70 Hamas soldiers while Hamas has killed 45 IDF moishes. Militarily speaking, this is a Hamas victory.

If this is what you call a victory, then I wish you many, many more. :D

Now be a good Muslim and go beat your wife.

I am not even a Muslim, I am a white european man, but unlike jews and their current crop of supporters I have some humanity.

Then you should speak out against Hamas, they are allowing, actually encouraging, the deaths of children, for sympathy to their "cause". Not even other Arab nations are behind them. And the US 'kill ratio' in WWII was high also, was the US wrong?
Another bullshit artist.

If Hamas wasn't lobbing bombs and building tunnels to get close to Isreal there would be no war.

If the Palestinian idiots hadn't voted Hamas in as their Govt there would be no war.

Those Palestinians know about Hamas's credo. Kill all the Jews. They obviously know Isreal will retaliate and civilians will die. They didn't seem to care when they voted Hamas into power. I sure don't care.

Civilians die in war. They always have and always will.

Hamas as a humanitarian?? WOW I wonder if they feel sorry for all the Isreali civilians that they have murdered. I'd say a big no to that.

If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

Yea we get it, as long as Palestinians fight back from invasion, civilians will be targeted.

You realize this kind of collective punishment is what causes most of the world to hate Israel and condemn these kind of war crimes?
If this is what you call a victory, then I wish you many, many more. :D

Now be a good Muslim and go beat your wife.

I am not even a Muslim, I am a white european man, but unlike jews and their current crop of supporters I have some humanity.

Then you should speak out against Hamas, they are allowing, actually encouraging, the deaths of children, for sympathy to their "cause". Not even other Arab nations are behind them. And the US 'kill ratio' in WWII was high also, was the US wrong?
Israelis are the only one's celebrating killing Gaza's children. Being sick animals they are.

Video: Right-wing Israelis celebrate the deaths of Gazan children - Telegraph

Its interesting you bring up World War Two. The Jew can't even see the hypocrisy in using the Holocaust to justify the justify ethnically cleansing another people from their land. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart? They worked themselves into a hole on that one.
Another bullshit artist.

If Hamas wasn't lobbing bombs and building tunnels to get close to Isreal there would be no war.

If the Palestinian idiots hadn't voted Hamas in as their Govt there would be no war.

Those Palestinians know about Hamas's credo. Kill all the Jews. They obviously know Isreal will retaliate and civilians will die. They didn't seem to care when they voted Hamas into power. I sure don't care.

Civilians die in war. They always have and always will.

Hamas as a humanitarian?? WOW I wonder if they feel sorry for all the Isreali civilians that they have murdered. I'd say a big no to that.

If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

Yea we get it, as long as Palestinians fight back from invasion, civilians will be targeted.

You realize this kind of collective punishment is what causes most of the world to hate Israel and condemn these kind of war crimes?
What invasion. Simply because Israel won't allow Gazans into Israel does not mean they are invader. And the blockade was a result of the rockets, no rockets no blockade. Israel needs to seal all entry points from Gaza into Israel or kill everyone with a weapon in Gaza and completely take it over.
Another bullshit artist.

If Hamas wasn't lobbing bombs and building tunnels to get close to Isreal there would be no war.

If the Palestinian idiots hadn't voted Hamas in as their Govt there would be no war.

Those Palestinians know about Hamas's credo. Kill all the Jews. They obviously know Isreal will retaliate and civilians will die. They didn't seem to care when they voted Hamas into power. I sure don't care.

Civilians die in war. They always have and always will.

Hamas as a humanitarian?? WOW I wonder if they feel sorry for all the Isreali civilians that they have murdered. I'd say a big no to that.

If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

Yea we get it, as long as Palestinians fight back from invasion, civilians will be targeted.

You realize this kind of collective punishment is what causes most of the world to hate Israel and condemn these kind of war crimes?
What invasion.

Are you really that out of it? This invasion, Operation "Protective Edge".
2014 Israel?Gaza conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They justified this invasion by saying Hamas killed 3 illegal settlers. However, they recently admitted Hamas had nothing to do with it.
Claim that Hamas killed 3 teens is turning out to be the WMD of Gaza onslaught | Mondoweiss

Not that these rat faced demons care anyways, they just want an excuse to have target practice on Palestinians and move into Gaza and the West Bank further.
An you can have your wet dreams about Israelis killing civilians and anyone who stands up by fighting back. But the simple fact is, in Israel alone, Arabs are outbreeding jews. So unless you manage to kill all the Palestinians in Gaza, West Bank and the refugees in surrounding nations like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, once arabs get a majority they will enact right of return and the Jewish state ceases to be.
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=1JF0GZm5IYs]Hamas Founder's Son Speaks Out Against Terrorist Group - YouTube[/ame]
This guy is the son of one of Hamas founder's. He denounced them when he was in his late teens. Here is why.
IDF General's Son: If Israel Doesn't Like Rockets, Decolonize Palestine | Interview with Miko Peled

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LOL, you say I am full of shit, then go on to say why Israel is right in taking out palestinian civilians.

Get your arguments straight you dumb piece of shit.

Speaking of dumb pieces of shit. You fill er to the brim there idiot.

Why don't you ask Hamas how many Isreali civilian that they have killed and will continue to kill as long as they can??

Hell. If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

3 Israeli civilians have died since the conflict started, oi vey its another shoah. Unlike Israel, Hamas actually targets military instead of civilians, that's why they have a much more successful soldier to civilian kill rate.

Of course you're not counting all the civilians who have died at the hands of Hamas since they took over running Palestine. They didn't build those tunnels and set up mortars for the hell of it

If Hamas wasn't there there would be no war and no civilians would be dying.
Speaking of dumb pieces of shit. You fill er to the brim there idiot.

Why don't you ask Hamas how many Isreali civilian that they have killed and will continue to kill as long as they can??

Hell. If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

3 Israeli civilians have died since the conflict started, oi vey its another shoah. Unlike Israel, Hamas actually targets military instead of civilians, that's why they have a much more successful soldier to civilian kill rate.

If Hamas wasn't there there would be no war and no civilians would be dying.

Palestinians have been dying since 1948 when 75% of them were driven from their lands, homes and villages where they had lived for generations.

NAD - Palestinian Refugees

Hamas just fights back. So to say if Hamas surrendered there would be no more bloodshed is a lie. By the day, Palestine gets smaller(particularly with the settlements in the west bank, and more civilians die, and if Palestinians submitted this would continue to happen as it has in the past.
Speaking of dumb pieces of shit. You fill er to the brim there idiot.

Why don't you ask Hamas how many Isreali civilian that they have killed and will continue to kill as long as they can??

Hell. If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.

3 Israeli civilians have died since the conflict started, oi vey its another shoah. Unlike Israel, Hamas actually targets military instead of civilians, that's why they have a much more successful soldier to civilian kill rate.

Of course you're not counting all the civilians who have died at the hands of Hamas since they took over running Palestine. They didn't build those tunnels and set up mortars for the hell of it

If Hamas wasn't there there would be no war and no civilians would be dying.

If Israel wasn't there, Muslims would be murdering each other anyway.
"Now, the secular Palestinian forces led by the Fatah in the '60s and the '70s were moving towards the idea of a two-state solution with the hope that one day they will be able to live in one democratic state, to which the Palestinian refugees who were expelled in 1948 could return.

"Israel rejected any of these ideas, either a two-state solution or a one-state solution, and the occupation continued, and the Judaization, colonization of the West Bank expanded, in fact to such a degree that it's ridiculous today to talk about a two-state solution.

"So what you are left with is an equal number of Jews and Palestinians living between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean under one regime that discriminates in various ways towards anyone who is a Palestinian.

"And there was a strategy, a secular strategy, if you want, a national strategy, to try and change it.

"Now, people were a bit fed up with the failure of that strategy and gave a chance to a more religious version of that strategy. Now, one of the reasons that version became more popular is because Israel believed that this should be enhanced and supported as a counterbalance to the secular leadership of the Palestinians, namely the Fatah.

"So they didn't invent the Hamas, but they definitely allowed it to emerge, to prosper, to become powerful, hoping that this would defeat the secular leadership of the Palestinians.

"This is not limited to Israeli policies. As you probably know, the United States did the same with the Taliban and the jihadists in Afghanistan when they wanted to defeat the Russian influence (or, in those days, the Soviet influence) there, and they did a similar thing in Egypt and in Iraq.

"Israel follows them, the United States, in attempting to determine who would rule, who would be the leader, who would be the representative of the people of the Middle East under the discourse of democracy. And that's why we have this kind of crisis.

"So Hamas today is both democratically representing what some Palestinians feel, but it's also representing an alternative to the policies that so far have not ended the occupation and the colonization."

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

When Jews end their occupation and colonization of Palestine, the violence ends.

I wasn't posting it for you, you have the attention span of the gnat. A thirty second soundbyte from Hannity on how Israel is just defending itself from Palestinian neo nazis is enough for you. The video is for critical thinkers, who might be interested to learn some interesting history about the Jewish people, the founders of the zionist movement and their ideology and its tie to the current conflict in Palestine.
The accounting of how ancient rabbis used secular authority to enforce their religious codes was new to me, not that I'm particularly knowledgeable about the history of the Jews. While Islam has never considered separating church and state, Israel may be returning to a time when religion dictates the Jews' daily lives. I thought your video explained Israel's long planned land grab in 1948 especially well. Most people who follow only Palestine when Israel is playing war games in Gaza have no idea how much the occupation of Palestine drives Arab resistance. Thanks for the post.
The accounting of how ancient rabbis used secular authority to enforce their religious codes was new to me, not that I'm particularly knowledgeable about the history of the Jews. While Islam has never considered separating church and state, Israel may be returning to a time when religion dictates the Jews' daily lives. I thought your video explained Israel's long planned land grab in 1948 especially well. Most people who follow only Palestine when Israel is playing war games in Gaza have no idea how much the occupation of Palestine drives Arab resistance. Thanks for the post.

So when are you Arab lovers giving your land back to the Indians?
The accounting of how ancient rabbis used secular authority to enforce their religious codes was new to me, not that I'm particularly knowledgeable about the history of the Jews. While Islam has never considered separating church and state, Israel may be returning to a time when religion dictates the Jews' daily lives. I thought your video explained Israel's long planned land grab in 1948 especially well. Most people who follow only Palestine when Israel is playing war games in Gaza have no idea how much the occupation of Palestine drives Arab resistance. Thanks for the post.

So when are you Arab lovers giving your land back to the Indians?
When imbeciles like you explain why Jews need all the land of Palestine.

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