Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Nope. The problem is Hamas. If they didn't hide behind children none of the children would be killed.

Of course Hamas could care less as they see the civilians as fodder for their jihad on Isreal.

If someone were shooting at me and hiding behind a kid sorry, they would both be dead. War is hell and people die. No way should one side hold back when the other side doesn't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.

Mayby you should address your comment to Hamas. They obviously could care less about human life either Palestinian or Isreali. Tunnels and mortars are placed so civilians will be killed.

The civilians voted those dirtbags in to run Palestine. They are now the victims of that vote and are reaping what they themselves have sown. Stupidity abounds in Palestine.

Can't say I give a shit. Boo fucking Hoo.
Nope. The problem is Hamas. If they didn't hide behind children none of the children would be killed.

Of course Hamas could care less as they see the civilians as fodder for their jihad on Isreal.

If someone were shooting at me and hiding behind a kid sorry, they would both be dead. War is hell and people die. No way should one side hold back when the other side doesn't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.

Mayby you should address your comment to Hamas. They obviously could care less about human life either Palestinian or Isreali. Tunnels and mortars are placed so civilians will be killed.

The civilians voted those dirtbags in to run Palestine. They are now the victims of that vote and are reaping what they themselves have sown. Stupidity abounds in Palestine.

Can't say I give a shit. Boo fucking Hoo.

I care about the Palestinian children Hamas sacrifices.
Sorry. I don't. The Palestinians voted those dirtbags in knowing full well that they would do anything to kill Isreali's and they also knew Isreal would retaliate.

Civilians die in war. Always have and always will.

The Palestinians sure didn't think about their kids when they voted Hamas in. Why should anyone else??
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Sorry. I don't. The Palestinians voted those dirtbags in knowing full well that they would do anything to kill Isreali's and they also knew Isreal would retaliate.

Civilians die in war. Always have and always will.

The Palestinians sure didn't think about their kids when they voted Hamas in. Why should anyone else??

Because we need no more Hamas in the future.
Hamas will always be around just like AQ, Hezbollah and a hundred other jihadist organizations out there.

Some get killed and others immediately take their place.

Jihadists abound in the ME and until the Muslims remove them they will always be there.
Hamas will always be around just like AQ, Hezbollah and a hundred other jihadist organizations out there.

Some get killed and others immediately take their place.

Jihadists abound in the ME and until the Muslims remove them they will always be there.

Yes, Muslims must reject their infection.
Nope. The problem is Hamas. If they didn't hide behind children none of the children would be killed.

Of course Hamas could care less as they see the civilians as fodder for their jihad on Isreal.

If someone were shooting at me and hiding behind a kid sorry, they would both be dead. War is hell and people die. No way should one side hold back when the other side doesn't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.
Yeah...but, but, but...what about the Next Big Trade Show?

"We've seen in the last couple of years a pattern. Every two years or so, the Israeli military attacks Gaza, attacks the Gaza Strip, and causes a lot of destruction. But right after each one of those attacks, there is a trade show in which Israeli weapon companies show their wares, show their technologies, and boast that these are the very technologies that have been used just now against Palestinians in Gaza.

"We saw that after the attack of 2008-2009, known as Cast Lead, where the main theme was those robots that go into houses to look around corners. Then we saw that again in the attack of 2012, which was called Pillar of Cloud, in which the main theme was the Iron Dome system that can intercept the Palestinian rockets.

"And now, in the current attack, we have again the Iron Dome system that is supposed to intercept rockets."

Who's Profiting from Israel's Offensive in Gaza?

Did you hear about the MIT professor who argues Iron Dome fails 95% of the time?

You can find the link at Democracy Now!
Al Jazeera is not reliable.
"Brad Parker is a staff attorney and international advocacy officer with Defence for Children International Palestine, an independent child-rights organisation dedicated to defending and promoting the rights of children living in the occupied Palestinian Territory. DCI-Palestine provides free legal assistance to children, collects evidence and conducts advocacy targeting various duty bearers."

Your faith is blinding you to the crimes of the Jews in Palestine.

Nope. The problem is Hamas. If they didn't hide behind children none of the children would be killed.

Of course Hamas could care less as they see the civilians as fodder for their jihad on Isreal.

If someone were shooting at me and hiding behind a kid sorry, they would both be dead. War is hell and people die. No way should one side hold back when the other side doesn't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.
Yeah...but, but, but...what about the Next Big Trade Show?

"We've seen in the last couple of years a pattern. Every two years or so, the Israeli military attacks Gaza, attacks the Gaza Strip, and causes a lot of destruction. But right after each one of those attacks, there is a trade show in which Israeli weapon companies show their wares, show their technologies, and boast that these are the very technologies that have been used just now against Palestinians in Gaza.

"We saw that after the attack of 2008-2009, known as Cast Lead, where the main theme was those robots that go into houses to look around corners. Then we saw that again in the attack of 2012, which was called Pillar of Cloud, in which the main theme was the Iron Dome system that can intercept the Palestinian rockets.

"And now, in the current attack, we have again the Iron Dome system that is supposed to intercept rockets."

Who's Profiting from Israel's Offensive in Gaza?

Did you hear about the MIT professor who argues Iron Dome fails 95% of the time?

You can find the link at Democracy Now!

Who's profiting from providing Hamas with weapons??

Oh and who gives a shit? I sure don't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.
Yeah...but, but, but...what about the Next Big Trade Show?

"We've seen in the last couple of years a pattern. Every two years or so, the Israeli military attacks Gaza, attacks the Gaza Strip, and causes a lot of destruction. But right after each one of those attacks, there is a trade show in which Israeli weapon companies show their wares, show their technologies, and boast that these are the very technologies that have been used just now against Palestinians in Gaza.

"We saw that after the attack of 2008-2009, known as Cast Lead, where the main theme was those robots that go into houses to look around corners. Then we saw that again in the attack of 2012, which was called Pillar of Cloud, in which the main theme was the Iron Dome system that can intercept the Palestinian rockets.

"And now, in the current attack, we have again the Iron Dome system that is supposed to intercept rockets."

Who's Profiting from Israel's Offensive in Gaza?

Did you hear about the MIT professor who argues Iron Dome fails 95% of the time?

You can find the link at Democracy Now!

Who's profiting from providing Hamas with weapons??

Oh and who gives a shit? I sure don't.
You don't even know Israel is occupying Palestine.
Obviously you have shit for brains:badgrin:
Yeah...but, but, but...what about the Next Big Trade Show?

"We've seen in the last couple of years a pattern. Every two years or so, the Israeli military attacks Gaza, attacks the Gaza Strip, and causes a lot of destruction. But right after each one of those attacks, there is a trade show in which Israeli weapon companies show their wares, show their technologies, and boast that these are the very technologies that have been used just now against Palestinians in Gaza.

"We saw that after the attack of 2008-2009, known as Cast Lead, where the main theme was those robots that go into houses to look around corners. Then we saw that again in the attack of 2012, which was called Pillar of Cloud, in which the main theme was the Iron Dome system that can intercept the Palestinian rockets.

"And now, in the current attack, we have again the Iron Dome system that is supposed to intercept rockets."

Who's Profiting from Israel's Offensive in Gaza?

Did you hear about the MIT professor who argues Iron Dome fails 95% of the time?

You can find the link at Democracy Now!

Who's profiting from providing Hamas with weapons??

Oh and who gives a shit? I sure don't.
You don't even know Israel is occupying Palestine.
Obviously you have shit for brains:badgrin:

You don't know who's supplying Hamas with arms and I could care less if Isreal is occupying Gaza.

You obviously have shit for brains.
Who's profiting from providing Hamas with weapons??

Oh and who gives a shit? I sure don't.
You don't even know Israel is occupying Palestine.
Obviously you have shit for brains:badgrin:

You don't know who's supplying Hamas with arms and I could care less if Isreal is occupying Gaza.

You obviously have shit for brains.
You obviously don't know Zionism requires the repeated murder of innocents on the scale we're currently watching in Gaza. Some Jews believe they're "chosen." Do you?
You don't even know Israel is occupying Palestine.
Obviously you have shit for brains:badgrin:

You don't know who's supplying Hamas with arms and I could care less if Isreal is occupying Gaza.

You obviously have shit for brains.
You obviously don't know Zionism requires the repeated murder of innocents on the scale we're currently watching in Gaza. Some Jews believe they're "chosen." Do you?

All the way back to the "Protocals of the Elders of Zion" filthy forgery.
Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

That is an Israeli lie. Israelis celebrate killing innocents then lie to the world like the rats they are. The myth of human shields was debunked by the goldstone report from the UN

Go kiss a fucking carpet, you sack of Arab shit. All Pals think Hamas are their heros. They're getting what they voted for, a terrorist organization that doesn't even know how to wage war, so they get whacked. Gee, what a fucking surprise. :lol:

They better at waging war than Israel. Israel just has the tech and numbers. Unless killing civilians counts as waging war now, they are just preying on the weak old men, women, and children because man to man they can't match up with Hamas. Proportionally speaking, Hamas is the humanitarian army, and Israel is the terrorist Army if we are to go by the soldier/civilian kill ratio. Also, Israel has 4X the manpower but has only killed 70 Hamas soldiers while Hamas has killed 45 IDF moishes. Militarily speaking, this is a Hamas victory.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Your full of shit there bucko.

The Isreali's are taking out targets. Targets that Hamas is firing from. Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. Just fodder for their jihad against Isreal. Why do you think their tunnels and mortars are where they are??

As for those "poor" civilians?

They elected Hamas to run things knowing full well Hamas wants to wipe Isreal off the map. I'm pretty sure most Palestians are all for that as well.

A Hamas who will do anything to make that happen. A Hamas who has no problem lobbing bombs into Isreal and killing anyone they can. Doubt they are concerned with the deaths of Isreali civilians. Why should Isreal be concerned with the deaths of Palestinian civilians? I sure as hell wouldn't be.

Boo Hoo for those stupid Palestinians. You reap what you fucking sow.

LOL, you say I am full of shit, then go on to say why Israel is right in taking out palestinian civilians.

Get your arguments straight you dumb piece of shit.
Another bullshit artist.

If Hamas wasn't lobbing bombs and building tunnels to get close to Isreal there would be no war.

If the Palestinian idiots hadn't voted Hamas in as their Govt there would be no war.

Those Palestinians know about Hamas's credo. Kill all the Jews. They obviously know Isreal will retaliate and civilians will die. They didn't seem to care when they voted Hamas into power. I sure don't care.

Civilians die in war. They always have and always will.

Hamas as a humanitarian?? WOW I wonder if they feel sorry for all the Isreali civilians that they have murdered. I'd say a big no to that.

If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.
That is an Israeli lie. Israelis celebrate killing innocents then lie to the world like the rats they are. The myth of human shields was debunked by the goldstone report from the UN

Go kiss a fucking carpet, you sack of Arab shit. All Pals think Hamas are their heros. They're getting what they voted for, a terrorist organization that doesn't even know how to wage war, so they get whacked. Gee, what a fucking surprise. :lol:

They better at waging war than Israel. Israel just has the tech and numbers. Unless killing civilians counts as waging war now, they are just preying on the weak old men, women, and children because man to man they can't match up with Hamas. Proportionally speaking, Hamas is the humanitarian army, and Israel is the terrorist Army if we are to go by the soldier/civilian kill ratio. Also, Israel has 4X the manpower but has only killed 70 Hamas soldiers while Hamas has killed 45 IDF moishes. Militarily speaking, this is a Hamas victory.

If this is what you call a victory, then I wish you many, many more. :D

Now be a good Muslim and go beat your wife.
LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Your full of shit there bucko.

The Isreali's are taking out targets. Targets that Hamas is firing from. Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. Just fodder for their jihad against Isreal. Why do you think their tunnels and mortars are where they are??

As for those "poor" civilians?

They elected Hamas to run things knowing full well Hamas wants to wipe Isreal off the map. I'm pretty sure most Palestians are all for that as well.

A Hamas who will do anything to make that happen. A Hamas who has no problem lobbing bombs into Isreal and killing anyone they can. Doubt they are concerned with the deaths of Isreali civilians. Why should Isreal be concerned with the deaths of Palestinian civilians? I sure as hell wouldn't be.

Boo Hoo for those stupid Palestinians. You reap what you fucking sow.

LOL, you say I am full of shit, then go on to say why Israel is right in taking out palestinian civilians.

Get your arguments straight you dumb piece of shit.

Speaking of dumb pieces of shit. You fill er to the brim there idiot.

Why don't you ask Hamas how many Isreali civilian that they have killed and will continue to kill as long as they can??

Hell. If I were Isreal I'd level the place. End of problem.
Go kiss a fucking carpet, you sack of Arab shit. All Pals think Hamas are their heros. They're getting what they voted for, a terrorist organization that doesn't even know how to wage war, so they get whacked. Gee, what a fucking surprise. :lol:

They better at waging war than Israel. Israel just has the tech and numbers. Unless killing civilians counts as waging war now, they are just preying on the weak old men, women, and children because man to man they can't match up with Hamas. Proportionally speaking, Hamas is the humanitarian army, and Israel is the terrorist Army if we are to go by the soldier/civilian kill ratio. Also, Israel has 4X the manpower but has only killed 70 Hamas soldiers while Hamas has killed 45 IDF moishes. Militarily speaking, this is a Hamas victory.

If this is what you call a victory, then I wish you many, many more. :D

Now be a good Muslim and go beat your wife.

I am not even a Muslim, I am a white european man, but unlike jews and their current crop of supporters I have some humanity.

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