Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

Those rat faced Israelis can kill as many civilians as they want in Gaza and celebrate it in the streets because they are sick, insecure, and cowardly people, but in the long run they will lose. They won't lose militarily, they will lose demographically. In a few generations, arabs will be a majority in Israel, and short of these sick israeli racists sterilizing them, that cant be stopped . The jewish state(an absurd supremacist notion to begin with) at that point will cease to exist, and the arab majority will enact the right of return for the 75% of Palestinians and their descendants who were driven from their homes since 1948.

And they'll live a peaceful existence just like the Arabs in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, lebanon and Syria.

Any other fantasies you got going?
You mean the civil wars engineered by the US in Egypt, Libya, and Syria? But yea, the Iraqis being invaded by the US preemptively and fighting back is there fault. It is also their fault that US backed ISIS(thanks to obama backing them in Syria) is destroying their country, that is the damn A-rabs fault god bless the joos in their ethnic cleansing mission from gawd.

What war do you speak of in Iran? As far as I know, the jewish neo cons and their lackeys haven't started a war their yet, not for a lack of trying though.

You do realize that, regardless of US intervention, there are "religious" Muslims who have NO qualms about murdering other Muslims simply because they wear different color clothing.
The US suppressed these homicidal maniacs, which they probably shouldn't have done, but didn't CREATE them.
You can excuse psychos for a few years, but not for 30 years.
As usual the dumb ass neo cons are on the wrong side of history. Like the south african apartheid state crumbled, the israeli apartheid state will crumble due to pure demographic issues. Israelis simply dont have the numbers to maintain their racist state.

Israel has many supporters who not only do not live in Israel, but are not Hebrews, like ME.
Those rat faced Israelis can kill as many civilians as they want in Gaza and celebrate it in the streets because they are sick, insecure, and cowardly people, but in the long run they will lose. They won't lose militarily, they will lose demographically. In a few generations, arabs will be a majority in Israel, and short of these sick israeli racists sterilizing them, that cant be stopped . The jewish state(an absurd supremacist notion to begin with) at that point will cease to exist, and the arab majority will enact the right of return for the 75% of Palestinians and their descendants who were driven from their homes since 1948.

And they'll live a peaceful existence just like the Arabs in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, lebanon and Syria.

Any other fantasies you got going?

Obviously violent, and delusional fantasies.

You mean the violent and delusional fantasies of Israelis calling for the death of all children in Gaza?

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As usual the dumb ass neo cons are on the wrong side of history. Like the south african apartheid state crumbled, the israeli apartheid state will crumble due to pure demographic issues. Israelis simply dont have the numbers to maintain their racist state.

Israel has many supporters who not only do not live in Israel, but are not Hebrews, like ME.

Can you give birth to jewish babies? Nope, so all your "support" is meaningless. You cant stop the rising arab population in Israel
As usual the dumb ass neo cons are on the wrong side of history. Like the south african apartheid state crumbled, the israeli apartheid state will crumble due to pure demographic issues. Israelis simply dont have the numbers to maintain their racist state.

Israel has many supporters who not only do not live in Israel, but are not Hebrews, like ME.

Can you give birth to jewish babies? Nope, so all your "support" is meaningless. You cant stop the rising arab population in Israel

Nor can the Muslim fanatics stop the strength, endurance, and faith of the Israeli people.
And they'll live a peaceful existence just like the Arabs in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, lebanon and Syria.

Any other fantasies you got going?
You mean the civil wars engineered by the US in Egypt, Libya, and Syria? But yea, the Iraqis being invaded by the US preemptively and fighting back is there fault. It is also their fault that US backed ISIS(thanks to obama backing them in Syria) is destroying their country, that is the damn A-rabs fault god bless the joos in their ethnic cleansing mission from gawd.

What war do you speak of in Iran? As far as I know, the jewish neo cons and their lackeys haven't started a war their yet, not for a lack of trying though.

You do realize that, regardless of US intervention, there are "religious" Muslims who have NO qualms about murdering other Muslims simply because they wear different color clothing.
The US suppressed these homicidal maniacs, which they probably shouldn't have done, but didn't CREATE them.
You can excuse psychos for a few years, but not for 30 years.
That isn't true, the US and Israel, indirectly or directly, are responsible for most of the death and destruction in the middle east the past thirty years.

The clearest example of the US and Israel creating a homicidal mnosters is aiding, training, coordinating and backing ISIS in Syria, who have now ejected 500,000 Christians from Mosul and killed thousands of shia, moderate sunnis and christians throughout Iraq.
Israel has many supporters who not only do not live in Israel, but are not Hebrews, like ME.

Can you give birth to jewish babies? Nope, so all your "support" is meaningless. You cant stop the rising arab population in Israel

Nor can the Muslim fanatics stop the strength, endurance, and faith of the Israeli people.

Israeli racism cant suppress the rising tide of arabs for long. It is simply the law of numbers.
Can you give birth to jewish babies? Nope, so all your "support" is meaningless. You cant stop the rising arab population in Israel

Nor can the Muslim fanatics stop the strength, endurance, and faith of the Israeli people.

Israeli racism cant suppress the rising tide of arabs for long. It is simply the law of numbers.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.
Nor can the Muslim fanatics stop the strength, endurance, and faith of the Israeli people.

Israeli racism cant suppress the rising tide of arabs for long. It is simply the law of numbers.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.
Hamas chooses to allow civilians to die.

Yea yea, we know, the policy of collective punishment, as long as hamas fights back against this invasion Israel started, civilians will be targeted by the IDF. That is nothing but terrorism and blackmail on the part of israel and it isn't right.
And they'll live a peaceful existence just like the Arabs in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, lebanon and Syria.

Any other fantasies you got going?

Obviously violent, and delusional fantasies.

You mean the violent and delusional fantasies of Israelis calling for the death of all children in Gaza?

Young Israeli Jews celebrating their military turning Gaza into a cemetery.
That's the sort of story Europeans see on their tv as part of their media's commitment to context: the context of the Jewish occupation of Palestine. Support for Israel among US voters will decrease when Americans finally learn what a racist state Israel has become.
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Israeli racism cant suppress the rising tide of arabs for long. It is simply the law of numbers.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

How do the children end up in the structures Israel gives warnings, days ahead, that they will be bombed?
LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

How do the children end up in the structures Israel gives warnings, days ahead, that they will be bombed?
Why does Israel target structures they know contain children?

"Civilians, including children, must never be targeted, and civilian structures and infrastructure are presumed not to be legitimate targets, yet Israel continues to carry out direct attacks on civilian homes, schools, hospitals and mosques.

"In order to qualify as a military objective, the object must be used for a military purpose and its total or partial destruction would result in a definite military advantage. Only military objectives can be lawful or legitimate objects of an attack.

"This standard is inflexible and does not change based on another party's conduct.

"In Khan Younis on July 20, 19 children from the Abu Jami' family were killed when an Israeli fighter jet targeted and destroyed their home where they were sheltering. Israeli officials stated that the intended target was a Hamas member visiting the house at the time of the strike.

"The mere alleged presence of a member of a Palestinian armed group is an insufficient justification for an attack on a family home. Based on a preliminary investigation, the Abu Jami' home was not being used for any military purpose at the time of the attack and was unlawfully targeted by Israeli forces.

"A civilian home, school, or hospital that is in some way deemed by Israeli forces to be 'affiliated' with Hamas or another Palestinian armed group does not in itself provide legal justification under international humanitarian law to direct an attack at that object."

Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

That is an Israeli lie. Israelis celebrate killing innocents then lie to the world like the rats they are. The myth of human shields was debunked by the goldstone report from the UN
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Israeli racism cant suppress the rising tide of arabs for long. It is simply the law of numbers.
Arabs are too stupid to take out Israel. Just look at their puny rockets that do nothing. They're a fucking pathetic joke.

LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Your full of shit there bucko.

The Isreali's are taking out targets. Targets that Hamas is firing from. Hamas doesn't care how many civilians die. Just fodder for their jihad against Isreal. Why do you think their tunnels and mortars are where they are??

As for those "poor" civilians?

They elected Hamas to run things knowing full well Hamas wants to wipe Isreal off the map. I'm pretty sure most Palestians are all for that as well.

A Hamas who will do anything to make that happen. A Hamas who has no problem lobbing bombs into Isreal and killing anyone they can. Doubt they are concerned with the deaths of Isreali civilians. Why should Isreal be concerned with the deaths of Palestinian civilians? I sure as hell wouldn't be.

Boo Hoo for those stupid Palestinians. You reap what you fucking sow.
Nope. The problem is Hamas. If they didn't hide behind children none of the children would be killed.

Of course Hamas could care less as they see the civilians as fodder for their jihad on Isreal.

If someone were shooting at me and hiding behind a kid sorry, they would both be dead. War is hell and people die. No way should one side hold back when the other side doesn't.
No, they're not hiding behind anyone. That's just the big lie you tell so people won't get outraged over you deliberately targeting children. But you do. You target children. You kill children. You maim children. You orphan children.

You basically hold no value for human life.
LOL the rat faced humanitarianism of Israel on display. So humanitarian that they target civilian centers. 80% are civilians. I will give you guys credit, you do commit fantastic precision strikes on women and children with your advanced american paid for weapons.

Tell your Hamas buddies not to hide in schools and hospitals like the fucking wimps they are, and to fight like men.

That is an Israeli lie. Israelis celebrate killing innocents then lie to the world like the rats they are. The myth of human shields was debunked by the goldstone report from the UN

Go kiss a fucking carpet, you sack of Arab shit. All Pals think Hamas are their heros. They're getting what they voted for, a terrorist organization that doesn't even know how to wage war, so they get whacked. Gee, what a fucking surprise. :lol:

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