Who's Responsible for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

-Hamas sets up a mortar pit the courtyard of a Palestinian school and commences to lob rounds at an Israeli town.
-The IDF sees the mortar rounds, determines the position of the tubes, and takes the mortars out while they're still firing with a few artillery rounds.
-The artillery rounds kill a dozen or so Palestinian children at the school.

How does Israel bear the moral responsibility for the deaths of these children?

Well I'm sure Hamas could care less how many Isreali children they kill.

Blame Hamas. The are the ones who set their mortars up at a school using the civilians as fodder for the jihad on Isreal.

As for the dead kids?? A tragedy that Hamas could have avoided by setting up their mortars somewhere else. Isreal is defending itself and civilians die. Especially civilians that Hamas doesn't give a rats ass about.
Why aren't you calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestine?
Simple: It's not illegal, especially in regards to the West Bank.
Secondly, not even you believe that Israel withdrawing from the West Bank and Gaza will end the violence.
Jews "withdrew" from Gaza because they couldn't afford to pay 20,000 soldiers to guard 8000 squatters.
So you admit that Isarel did withdraw from Gaza, as he said.

Jews encircled Gaza with concrete and electrified fences and sniper towers...
Good for keeping the suicide bombers out. Israel has every right to fortify its borders.

f...rom which heroic Jews regularly use Palestinian children for target practice.
This is, of course, a lie.

If Jews don't want rockets raining down on their illegal settlements, they can end the occupation they began in 1967.
No such occupation exists.

Too bad that some Jews are just so damn greedy.:D
Good to see you aren't emahassed of yoru hatred for the Jews.
Damn that Hitler, not finishing the job.
If Hamas:

- weren't intent on exterminating the Jews, and
- didn't dig tunnels to enable terrorist incursions into Israel; and
- didn't use civilians as body shields

there wouldn't be Civilian Deaths in Gaza.

And while we're on the subject of Civilian Deaths...where's the outrage over Islamic deaths in Syria? Or does Islam on Islam violence not count?

And what about the extermination of Christians in Islamic lands - don't they count as Civilian Deaths?

Where's your outrage, GEORGE?
Did you notice the title of this thread?
Civilian deaths in Gaza?
Aren't you outraged?
At how Hamas seeks to destroy an open, liberal democracy? Yes.
At how Hamas is willing to use children as human shields? Yes.
At how people like you hate Jews? Yes.
Israel uses missiles to protect it civilians; the terrorists use their civilians to protect their missiles.
Israel uses its missiles to kill children playing on empty beaches
You know, of course, that your response, even if true, doesn't negate the validity of what I said, and, likely, only reinforces it.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
Israel uses its missiles to terrorize a population of civilians they are responsible to protect.
Only Israel can end the killing by ending its occupation of Palestine.
Israel uses its missiles to kill children playing on empty beaches
You know, of course, that your response, even if true, doesn't negate the validity of what I said, and, likely, only reinforces it.
Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
Israel uses its missiles to terrorize a population of civilians they are responsible to protect.
Only Israel can end the killing by ending its occupation of Palestine.
You still have not negated the valisity of what I saiid.
-Hamas sets up a mortar pit the courtyard of a Palestinian school and commences to lob rounds at an Israeli town.
-The IDF sees the mortar rounds, determines the position of the tubes, and takes the mortars out while they're still firing with a few artillery rounds.
-The artillery rounds kill a dozen or so Palestinian children at the school.
How does Israel bear the moral responsibility for the deaths of these children?
What's the name of that school?
When did your imaginary event take place?
Which side in this conflict is the occupying power in Gaza?
You didn't answer the question. Please do.
"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days.

"In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."

May God grant IDF suceess everywhere they are against this ruthless enemy they're currently fighting, and bring defeat upon the people of Hamas. May he blind their sight and crush their weapon.
You make up lies just so you can murder their infant babies and yet, you call them "ruthless"?
Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

God if there is one is responsible.
-Hamas sets up a mortar pit the courtyard of a Palestinian school and commences to lob rounds at an Israeli town.
-The IDF sees the mortar rounds, determines the position of the tubes, and takes the mortars out while they're still firing with a few artillery rounds.
-The artillery rounds kill a dozen or so Palestinian children at the school.

How does Israel bear the moral responsibility for the deaths of these children?

Well I'm sure Hamas could care less how many Isreali children they kill.

Blame Hamas. The are the ones who set their mortars up at a school using the civilians as fodder for the jihad on Isreal.

As for the dead kids?? A tragedy that Hamas could have avoided by setting up their mortars somewhere else. Isreal is defending itself and civilians die. Especially civilians that Hamas doesn't give a rats ass about.

Hamas USES the bodies of slain children as PR.
What's the name of that school?
When did your imaginary event take place?
Which side in this conflict is the occupying power in Gaza?
You didn't answer the question. Please do.
"Israeli forces have killed over 200 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip over the past 23 days.

"In order to obfuscate this harsh reality, Israeli officials claim 'self-defence' and contend that civilian deaths are justified because Hamas allegedly uses Palestinians in Gaza as human shields.

"Israel is an occupying power that is attacking and destroying an occupied Palestinian civilian population.

"These civilian deaths are not collateral damage.

"They are war crimes."
You didn't answer the question. Please do.
Who here believes that if Israel withdrew completely from Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinian terrorist groups currently attacking Israel would stop doing so?
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Maybe Bubba knows:cuckoo:
TRNN producer Jessica Desvarieux asked Israeli author and historian Ilan Pappe for his thoughts on who bears most of the responsibility for dead civilians in Gaza.

But first, heeeeeere's Bubba:

"DESVARIEUX: So, Ilan, coming from an American perspective and what we're sort of hearing from the media and leaders is probably best exemplified in a statement made by former President Bill Clinton. He said, quote,

'Hamas was perfectly well aware of what would happen if they started raining rockets into Israel. They fired a thousand of them. And they have a strategy designed to force Israel to kill their own civilians so that the rest of the world will condemn them.'

"So, first of all, is this an accurate portrayal of the situation? And what context is missing here?

"PAPPÉ: No, it is not, really. I mean, it's a very narrow kind of context that doesn't widen the picture..."

"The more immediate past that is relevant to what goes on should take us back to just a month or two months ago, when Israel decided to use the pretext of an abduction and killing of three settlers in order to implement a plan that it already had in mind many years ago, and that is a plan to try and destroy the Hamas as a political force in the West Bank, and if possible also the military force in the Gaza Strip."

Would Bubba lie?

Who Bears Responsibility for Civilian Deaths in Gaza?

God if there is one is responsible.
God has helpers who are getting rich from selling the weapons that kill the children.
Those helpers on both sides deserve a one way ticket to the Hague.

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