Who's responsible for illegal immigration?

this idiot is a one-topic ocd case.

and you are a hasbarat. Get off my thread and mind your business.

no matter how many posts you put up on the same pathetic, cowardly, irrational bigotry; that won't make the voices in your head stop shouting at you. You need professional help. Or, as an alternative, you could just shut the fuck up for a while, you mental case.

Go to hell!
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Rabbi: ?Islamization of Europe is good for Jews? | Rehmat's World
Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a teacher at Yishva community school in the West Bank, says Jews around the world should be happy at turning Europe into a Muslim majority region.

“With the help of G-d, the Gentile (non-Jewish) will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,”said rabbi – reported by Israeli daily YNet News on November 11, 2012.

“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for hundreds of years we were in exile there,” said Rabbi Efrati quoting the Rishonim literature written by leading rabbis who lived in Europe during 11th to 15th centuries about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.

“We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly. Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity,” added the rabbi.
This idiot is a one-topic OCD case.

And you are a Hasbarat. Get off MY thread and mind your business.

Awwwwwww, isn't the l'il hole-stain so cutesy-woo as he flounces about trying to give orders to other posters?

Seems he's trying to compensate for his inability to command anything whatsoever........ ah, the poooooor weeeee l'il thing!
and you are a hasbarat. Get off my thread and mind your business.

no matter how many posts you put up on the same pathetic, cowardly, irrational bigotry; that won't make the voices in your head stop shouting at you. You need professional help. Or, as an alternative, you could just shut the fuck up for a while, you mental case.

Go to hell!

There's little doubt that you will do that, go to Hell.
American Rabbi: Europe must accept immigration swamping | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

PARIS (EJP)—Prominent Muslim and Jewish leaders from across Europe pledged to stand together against the rise of extreme-right xenophobic and racist parties that represent an escalating peril to ethnic and religious minorities across Europe, including Jews and Muslims.

These leaders made the pledge during a gathering in Paris of the “Coordinating Committee of European Muslim and Jewish Leaders.”

The first meeting of the Coordinating Committee was initiated by the New York-based Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), the World Council for Muslim Inter-Faith Relations (WCMIR), and the World Jewish Congress (WJC)…

“If Europe wants to remain true to its ethical and spiritual foundations, it must embrace people from different cultures, religions and ways of life. If not, it will not only fail as a concept, it will lose its soul,” said FFEU President and World Jewish Congress Vice President Rabbi Marc Schneier.

Fancy that. These Jews are concerned about our souls!

Next thing you know MCunter will be trying to sell you that bridge in Brooklyn.

Rabbi Schneier is an American, resident in New York where his foundation is headquartered.

I wouldn't say that. But listen to this Jew and then contrast his approach with those of the morons spamming my thread.

A considerable amount needs to be said about this, and happily Jewamongyou has said it
Sometimes I question the assessment of Jews as an “intelligent people”. If we are so smart, why are those who supposedly represent our people so oblivious to the obvious?…

If anti-Semitism is “growing rapidly” across Europe, perhaps idiots like Rabbi Schneier should consider their own role in causing it. After all, it is the likes of him who give Jews a bad name. He might as well sacrifice Christian children for their blood. How can you dwell in somebody else’s land, promote policies that will surely transform the natives into minorities – and then wonder why people do not like you? I wonder if Rabbi Schneier also promotes massive Arab immigration into Israel. Would he accept scores of Africans into his own home and grant them “equal rights”?

I wonder if during the conference, described in the article, anybody even asked basic questions such as “is there any justification for anti-immigration sentiments among Europeans?” or “might high crime rates among immigrants, and the targeted rape of native European women, have anything to do with the rise of such movements?”

That's just it. These sh1t slingers don't think.
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The Jewish lobby is active in Israel as well as the US.

Scandinavia - Danish Politics - Immigration Media and Jewish influence
This centre which poses somehow as some kind of government organization (and is [partly?] government funded) has among it's objectives the indoctrination of schoolchildren with very subjective truth's and "facts" but is as a matter of fact, to use the words of philosopher Mihail Larsen "a cover organization for Israeli political interests".

This center wants everybody to feel that "the holocaust" is their fault. Not only the Germans, or the Nazi's, no, it is the fault of every non Jewish person (Although virtually all the Danish Jews were saved). (more further down this page) Furthermore this feeling of guilt, which they are trying to impose on Danish children and adults alike, is to be used to demonize the strong feelings against Muslim mass immigration which for very good reasons have been stirred up in the population). Letter of protest to the European The Commissioner of Human Rights

Whilst the Zionist forces in the DPP also use the "anti-Semitism accusing finger" and can see or smell "the smoke of Auschwitz" every time Israel is being critized, obviously they do not subscribe to the secondary purpose of the Holocaust Cult Center, namely to advocate Muslim immigration, and all the other well known schemes of the Multi-Cult & Multi-Ethnic anti-National movement.
Expert suggests Muslim immigration ban in Australia. | immigration To australia
Expert suggests Muslim immigration ban in Australia.

A PROMINENT Jewish lobby group has withdrawn its support for an Israeli academic who warned that a growing Muslim population could place countries – including Australia – at risk of violence.

The Australia-Israel & Jewish Affairs Council announced it had cancelled plans to co-host public appearances by Professor Raphael Israeli in Australia. “AIJAC is very concerned by Professor Israeli’s implication that the Muslim community as a whole is a threat or a danger,” said its executive director, Dr Colin Rubenstein. “His comments are both unacceptable and unhelpful, and AIJAC cannot be associated with them.”

Someone needs to suggest to the experts that if they want their immigration problems solved, they'd first better address the problem of Jewish hegemony.

Jewish mucking with other cultures and ethnicities seems to be an INTERNATIONAL problem.

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