Who's responsible for the current high prices?

Businesses do control prices in many sectors of the economy. There are too many sectors that are oligopolies where there is little or no competition. The only thing they have to do is charge more than what it cost them. Republicans have no problem with this.
Not unless they enjoy a monopoly as do public utilities... or other heavily government regulated industries like air travel...
Corporate balance sheets don't lie even if you do.
Come on man the timing of the start of this inflation is perfectly timed with Biden's war on fossil fuels.... you can't allow the cost of transport to rise without launching an inflationary period....
So now you are back to admitting that prices are high. Baby steps. You'll get there eventually.
Back to?

You seem to have conversations going on in your head that never happened.

You ought to see someone about that.

There are meds that can help

At this point the economic outlook is so troubling that even Google is getting ready to conduct yet another round of layoffs

Google has laid off over a thousand employees across various departments since January 10th. CEO Sundar Pichai’s message is to brace for more cuts.
“We have ambitious goals and will be investing in our big priorities this year,” Pichai told all Google employees on Wednesday in an internal memo that was shared with me. “The reality is that to create the capacity for this investment, we have to make tough choices.”
So far, those “tough choices” have included layoffs and reorganizations in Google’s hardware, ad sales, search, shopping, maps, policy, core engineering, and YouTube teams.
Yeah, the RINO's and the left are the ones who are destroying the USD value and creating this $34 trillion debt and high inflation. Making everything cost more.
Now trump is a RINO?

He's always been one.
The Platinum Plan
Trade war with China, that ended up being the same trade deal had before.
Vetoing only 1 spending bill in 4yrs
Operation warp speed and all the money that went to Pfizer and Moderna
Forcing landlords to go without rent payments for a year (covid mandate)
All those debt ceiling increases.
Forcing Americans to not be able to visit their loved ones in hospitals and nursing homes. (Covid Mandate)
Giving Fauci some sort of award on his last day in office.

And on and on and on.
I've told you and told you, Son. YOur sex education isn't my job.

IT's a good thing you guys can reproduce by fission, like all bacteria, or you'd be extinct.
You weaseled out of answering the question. That's because you understand that the progs stance on that issue is totally irrational.

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