Who's RSVP'd for a Bernie Sanders rally, and why?


White Hat
Oct 10, 2012
I've never gone to a political rally before, but this week I attended one of Bernie Sanders' meet-ups that were held nationwide on Wednesday night. They were really well attended -- in fact, the one I went to was the only one out of many in Portland, Oregon that still had room, because with 700 spaces it only had 636 RSVPs when I signed up.

It was held in an open warehouse in 100-degree weather, and it was full.

Yesterday the Sanders campaign announced that Bernie is coming to our town next Saturday, and they reserved the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which has over 12,000 seats. 24 hours later, 8,000 reservations had been recorded online, with many of us also volunteering or donating. (I'll be volunteering as well as making a small donation monthly... unless he wins the nomination, in which case my monthly donation will increase.)

You can find his platform here: Issues - Bernie Sanders

So who else has RSVP'd for one of Bernie's rallies? Are you passionate about his campaign, or just curious? Are you also concerned about big money in politics, and the fact that all the income growth in America is going to the 1%? Are you concerned that the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement is going to send even more of our jobs overseas?

-- Paravani
Bernie Sanders...Avowed Socialist.

Nikita Krushchev was right when he predicted that in time, weak minded Americans would succumb to Communism.

Nothing to rejoice here. The fact Sanders is considered a serious candidate is pretty sad actually.
A "socialist" is one who values society. And Bernie IS a "democratic socialist" who believes that people have a right to elect those who best represent their interests. He has proved to his constituents that he represents their interests over the last 33 years or so -- as twice-elected Governor of Vermont, as Vermont's only Congressman for sixteen years, and now in his second term as a Senator for Vermont.

He has consistently voted for people's rights, instead of against them. He's a "liberal" in the truest sense of the word -- he supports LIBERTY. Over the last thirty years he has consistently voted to uphold the first amendment AND the second amendment, and he supported equal rights of women, blacks, and gay people long before it was fashionable to do so.

He supports our veterans, too. From the article titled "Military Groups Slam Republicans For Killing A Bill Supporting Veterans"

--Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) sponsored the bill that would have waived the VA spending cap that was previously established in a budget deal approved by both Congress and President Obama last December. Sander’s office estimated the legislation would have cost $20 billion over the course of ten years.

60 votes were needed to waive the budget rule. 41 out of 45 Republicans voted against it and killed the bill.--

Yes, he's a socialist... and people like him. They like him a LOT! I keep seeing articles saying that he can't win, he's unelectable... but people keep sending his campaign money, little dribs and drabs of it... but a LOT of dribs and drabs... over 15 million dollars so far!

... And check this out: Bernie Sanders Sets A New Record As 11,000 Show Up For Rally In Red State Arizona!

Yes, people like him. I like Bernie, too. I think the country needs someone to get us back on the right track, someone who stands up for the public and protects our rights and our environment.

Every other advanced country in the world has full health care, guaranteed sick leave, maternity leave, and paid vacation. EVERY SINGLE ONE. America is behind the curve, not out front where we should be. It's appalling how primitive our society has become... and Bernie is the only candidate addressing the issues that really matter to average people.

Gotta go now. Going to make some posters for his rally!

-- Paravani
I went to a Sanders rally to get laid by a hippy chick. It worked. My 'I hate Republicans' baby bib had two of them drag me to a motel room. Lawd Awmighty!
Bernie Sanders...Avowed Socialist.

Nikita Krushchev was right when he predicted that in time, weak minded Americans would succumb to Communism.

Nothing to rejoice here. The fact Sanders is considered a serious candidate is pretty sad actually.
But wouldn't you rather see Bernie get the nomination than Hillary? I would. Not just because he would be easier to beat, but to see the anger and disappointment on Hillary's face. That alone would be worth it.
Bernie Sanders...Avowed Socialist.

Nikita Krushchev was right when he predicted that in time, weak minded Americans would succumb to Communism.

Nothing to rejoice here. The fact Sanders is considered a serious candidate is pretty sad actually.
But wouldn't you rather see Bernie get the nomination than Hillary? I would. Not just because he would be easier to beat, but to see the anger and disappointment on Hillary's face. That alone would be worth it.

You do have a good point.
Sending that old hag to the glue factory would be a win for all of us.

On the other hand, to have one of the political parties nominate a Communist would mark a very sad milestone regarding the degeneration of our once great nation.
I went to a Sanders rally to get laid by a hippy chick. It worked. My 'I hate Republicans' baby bib had two of them drag me to a motel room. Lawd Awmighty!

If you banged a Bernie Sanders skank I hope you wore 2 condoms and sprayed yourself with a can of Raid before you laid on top of her.

Most escaped prison inmates would pass on a Bernie Sanders chick.
I thought freak shows were outlawed decades ago.
Bernie Sanders...Avowed Socialist.

Nikita Krushchev was right when he predicted that in time, weak minded Americans would succumb to Communism.

Nothing to rejoice here. The fact Sanders is considered a serious candidate is pretty sad actually.
But wouldn't you rather see Bernie get the nomination than Hillary? I would. Not just because he would be easier to beat, but to see the anger and disappointment on Hillary's face. That alone would be worth it.

You do have a good point.
Sending that old hag to the glue factory would be a win for all of us.

On the other hand, to have one of the political parties nominate a Communist would mark a very sad milestone regarding the degeneration of our once great nation.
Too late, there's already one in the W.H.

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