Who's the racist?

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
I'm just thinking out loud here, and I'll ask people. So three people are studying lets say, the others aren't very important, two Americanized whites, me and a woman, and one Korean American woman. To start the other American basically preferred not to study with us because the Korean wouldn't keep up. Really, she likes the comfort of a bunch of American culture references while studying. The American woman talked about the Korean's small apartment and a lot of people and feeling sorry for somebody she worked with, and that was the end of it? I felt like we were talking about Chinese refugees at work, anyway. What about people with those hungry people calendars, feed me, and all 12 months have tan people on it?

As for myself, I took her cue about learning current Korean politics and Korean issues. Racism is supposed to be the inferiority of people on race, its supposed to be a logical topic but nobody spells out solutions. The University likes to act out so many Affirmative Action things. All we do is enforce our racial language English and our racial culture American, so what is everybody, a skin color? It would be focused productivity to smooth out personal Interests in the studygroup, you could recommend new housing that way?

Racist as a 1900 word is from the elimination of the Indian American , or again the Jews in World War 2, or then the Black affirmative action. If slavery were exclusively racist then how come there was a religion and civilized demeanor they all expected Blacks to get out of it? No there are little to No writings I find about this malformed racial species dogma when it developed in the 1900s only. So again, some impossible racial standard to enforce on others, and this is fair discrimination.

How about African Americans? How come Obama's all-inclusion is all the greatest? That's not racist? One people? Dutch race, English Race, Scottish Race, Korean Race, those are concepts how there are Segregated Reformed Dutch, Reformed, Krorean Presbyterian and Presbyterian Churches. Why would a Black person need to be better than a White person in full equal made-up measures in exactly everything?They're some go-to social arbiter on everything. What percent of African American male celebrities are required to Marry European-immigrant and then divorce/kill them? OJ Simpson? Tiger Woods? Anti Racism in action! Ape slays white woman sacrifice again.

Blacks have control of the media better than Jews. Totally better than Jews. Take the meanest Jew on this didn't do this, it all happened in 1960 exactly, and shouting down Governor George Wallace in Alabama. MLK Jr. says the Blacks are now the Land where their Fathers Died, Land of Their Pilgrims Pride, so MLK Jr sings he's descendant of the Puritan Pilgrims and Founding Fathers, thus Native founding race of this continent, thus a race-mixed, and somebody hid a mixed baby slave and is an idiot like Thomas Jefferson. They are destroying logical education. If this were a Nation of Immigrants, is some made up phrase to be erased from logical education. They had a Native population of a few who cooperated to make a Native government. There were 12 Million of those people when the slightest immigration resurged after the Revolution, and around 1830 and 1840.

This is some satanic ritual against Hail Columbia. George Washington humbly hailing the lady's happy land Columbia, resting Washington in the District of Columbia. Obama's a no-church or stop-talking about his church, guy, from a 2-year old state of Hawaii, his father jumped over got a pregnancy from a lady here and left, ya and he sounds nice. what a conspiracy. More lawyer laws about people get to be better than you instantly from anywhere, inspiring.
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Democrats have brought back the 5 pillars of slavery and are scaring blacks to stay on the plantation
Jitss617 I don't know what you're talking about. Democrats got a Black empowerment ticket. you can't just pin racism on the next election cycles 51% votes salesman's party, or whatever.
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