Who’s the Worst President?

Worst President

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Again, what horrendous crimes?
What? Whose?
Your so full of hate you've lost the objectivity of it all.
How do you make it through the day
See above.
your head getting tortured with lies
kicking rocks and slamming doors.
You're frustration needs medicating.
Is you wife recovering ok?
I used to think Buchanan was the worst President, but Xiden now takes the top spot. No other President has betrayed the U.S. and our allies to our enemies.
I would have said Jimmy Carter if you, Weatherman2020, would have asked this question 10 months ago, but became an easy choice of Biden in Sept. of 2021.
That's a very limited list, so not very useful.
I try to give every new president at least a year to get grounded. President's are human so not all knowing or perfect. they will make mistakes, The quality of those put in top positions will go down as we choice by our political party allegiance & not by ability to do the job.
Have no way of knowing yet how good of a president Biden will be. He still has to try to clean up the strings left dangling. Have no doubt he will make mistakes, they all do.
Have no way of knowing yet how good of a president Biden will be. He still has to try to clean up the strings left dangling. Have no doubt he will make mistakes, they all do.
Name one thing Biden had done correctly other than getting out of bed before he hits himself.


Worst Presidents of all-time...

1. Donald Trump - because he betrayed the Republic and its Constitution when he tried (and failed) to stage a coup in order to remain in power

2. James Buchannan - because he intentionally allowed the Federal position to weaken so dramatically prior to Lincoln's inauguration

3. Jimmy Carter - because of his weak response to the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the Hyper-Inflation ( > 21% ) of the late 1970s

It could very well be that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe will end-up placing in the Top Ten... hell... maybe even the Top Five... we'll see, but...he's not even close yet.

He's got some major-league traitors and limp-wristers in line ahead of him.

Food is more expensive now then when Trump was president.

Cars, more expensive and a never in our history shortage of cars.

Foreign policy, great if you are trying to build nuclear bombs or were terrorists in need of billions in modern weapons.

Border, great if you need to cross illegal and need to bring across illegal drugs.

Energy, if you like expensive electricity and even more expensive gasoline Biden wins, green energy is here.

Medicine, will continue to be made in China.

China, more jobs coming to China, what would you like next, high tech?

Etc., etc., ...
With video coming out today of Biden sending illegal felons on chartered airplanes out of closed airports
so as to flood some cities with with covid carrying felons who could possibly be worse than Biden?

Deliberately lying to the public and ignoring court orders while breaking the law. Biden hands down
is the worst!

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