Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Whose name do you use for the 1st commandment? "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'ALL AUTHORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME (Jesus Christ) IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH........." -- Matthew 28:19. Plain, simple, Jesus Christ is God as per the terms and conditions established under the authority of the Father with the last covenant between man and God. The N.T. of Christ Jesus.

You address Jesus Christ as God......or be considered an ANTICHRIST according to the Apostle John's records. (1 John 2:22, 1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:3). Many deceivers have come into this world; they do not confess the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh. These are the deceivers and the ANTICHRIST (2 John 1:7)

How long will Jesus' reign as King of Kings last? Forever and ever. "Then the 7th angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ: and He will reign forever and ever." -- Rev. 11:15 Forever is symbolic in nature meaning until the earth is destroyed as per the words of the Apostle Peter the earth and the heavens (sky, atmosphere, and all the elements thereof will melt in fire). -- 2 Peter 3:10-13 When the end comes........the final foe will be defeated DEATH......and the kingdom returned to the Father (God.........I AM). -- 1 Cor. 15:23-26
That’s not the first commandment! The first commandment, given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, is “thou shall have no other gods before me.”
That’s not the first commandment! The first commandment, given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, is “thou shall have no other gods bedore me.”
Jesus Christ is God..........just as any of your offspring represents your DNA. Jesus Can be nothing other than God.......the "I AM" as described in the O.T. by Moses. (Ex. 3:14). Jesus Christ is the Word..........and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (John 1)

There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) Jesus described Himself as the I AM. (John 8:23-23). Even the Jews of the 1st century understood that Jesus was stating the He is GOD. (John 8:50-59) Now some 2000 years later.............some refuse to see the forest for the trees.
Jesus Christ is God..........just as any of your offspring represents your DNA. Jesus Can be nothing other than God.......the "I AM" as described in the O.T. by Moses. (Ex. 3:14). Jesus Christ is the Word..........and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (John 1)

There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) Jesus described Himself as the I AM. (John 8:23-23). Even the Jews of the 1st century understood that Jesus was stating the He is GOD. (John 8:50-59) Now some 2000 years later.............some refuse to see the forest for the trees.
Yes, that is the Christian belief. It is not the Jewish belief.
That’s not the first commandment! The first commandment, given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, is “thou shall have no other gods before me.”
Hopefully you realize the 10 commandments were from the Old Testament and reflect the belief in the god of that time. The New Testament is about the life of the man Jesus and those who deified him. Completely different gods.
Hopefully you realize the 10 commandments were from the Old Testament and reflect the belief in the god of that time. The New Testament is about the life of the man Jesus and those who deified him. Completely different gods.
Nope. Gnostic Christians made the same mistake.

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