Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

On the contrary, Jesus doesn't ask us that. Or have you answered him? What did he think of your answer?

Strange that you do not even know the theology you say you follow.

Thanks for your usual garbage.
Who invited you, and only the stupid like you will deny that Christians sing their Exsultet hymn.

It is written down and can by found, stupid.

I do deny that you know any more than they do, though.
If any Christian would know more than I, they would not always run away when morals are at issue.

Christians know they lose most moral discussions, and their use of inquisitions, homophobia and misogyny prove that.

Care to argue for the evil Christian moral ideology?

I did not think so.

Christianity and morality are stranger.

They cannot even love their LGBTQ+ or female children as they should.

If any Christian would know more than I, they would not always run away when morals are at issue.
Is that so? How do you know they just don't care for your arrogance and name-calling?

Christians know they lose most moral discussions, and their use of inquisitions, homophobia and misogyny prove that.
And guess what. You argue with them on their terms. You interpret the Bible the same way they do.

Care to argue for the evil Christian moral ideology?
Is this "moral ideology" traditional or biblical? Because I think you're confused about it.
Is that so? How do you know they just don't care for your arrogance and name-calling?

And guess what. You argue with them on their terms. You interpret the Bible the same way they do.

Is this "moral ideology" traditional or biblical? Because I think you're confused about it.
I have no confusion on the immoral Christian theology.

If you ever find one who can actually do decent apologetics, I am here for you and your really rare friend.

Let's have your apologetics for homophobia and misogyny and why you put sex and gender above love, as a moral value.

You interpret the Bible the same way they do.
Christians read the self serving parts of the bible while ignoring that it tells them that if they want to grow their wisdom, they have to get out of the bible and Christian thinking and seek it elsewhere.

Shall we consider what the New Testament says about sex and gender? And then what it says about love?

Second thoughts about running away? Are you running because morals are at issue?
What did Jesus say about doing to him what we do to the lowest of us?

Would you discriminate against Jesus if he was gay?

Are the homophobes and misogynous treating LGBTQ+ and women the way they want to be treated?


So if you think Jesus would approve, make your argument. Not that you or other Christians ever bother with those.

Are the homophobes and misogynous treating LGBTQ+ and women the way they want to be treated?
What LGBTQ and women? The wealthy ones? The healthy ones? Are they the least among us? Do they need handouts like food, water, and clothing?

Jesus said nothing about where the mind of the least among us may lurk (or among his own countrymen, to be exact). He says nothing about it. Nothing. It's irrelevant.


Christians assist the needy whatever their conditions and inclinations. Yes, that's exactly what they do.
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Listen, learn, stupid.


No, you dumbass. You listen. You learn.

God the Father, who reigns in Heaven, is known by His name, “God.” See Genesis 1:1. If you have any further questions, too bad.

Have a great afternoon.

With all due respect,
Your pal,

OP said some Jews say ”Yahway” is an evil god.

First of all, Jews don’t call G-d “Yahway,” I went through Hebrew School, Sunday School, and have participated in 60 years of Jewish services - and never heard the word once. Our names are G-d, HaShem, or Adonoi.

Second, I have never heard a Jew say G-d is evil.
the only people I have heard say "YAHWAY" have
been christian "scholars" discussing religion ---- on TV. They seem to believe that they are pronouncing yud, hey, vav, hey
the only people I have heard say "YAHWAY" have
been christian "scholars" discussing religion ---- on TV. They seem to believe that they are pronouncing yud, hey, vav, hey
I’ve never sounded it out because I was taught it’s too holy to say. But wouldn’t the vav make it Yahvay? Regardless, I will stick with Adonai.
I’ve never sounded it out because I was taught it’s too holy to say. But wouldn’t the vav make it Yahvay? Regardless, I will stick with Adonai.
IMHO-----the pronunciation is idiotic. The word is,
of conjugation of the verb TO BE and by tradition
and religion -----not to be pronounced----a point
to which any decent "scholar" would adhere. NOT
doing so is as vulgar as refusing to wash one's
hands. SO ROMAN ----like feeding humans to
lions as a form of "entertainment"
What LGBTQ and women? The wealthy ones? The healthy ones? Are they the least among us? Do they need handouts like food, water, and clothing?

Jesus said nothing about where the mind of the least among us may lurk (or among his own countrymen, to be exact). He says nothing about it. Nothing. It's irrelevant.


Christians assist the needy whatever their conditions and inclinations. Yes, that's exactly what they do.
I am not surprised to see you deflect from my simple question.

Moral Cowards always do that.


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