Why 100% Of Trump Voters Still Happy?,Simple.Hillary Clinton Is Not President Of The United States!!

That Hillary Clinton is not POTUS, arguably, is something to be happy about. Being happy that Trump is POTUS, however, is akin to an diarrhea sufferer being happy nobody laced their Imodium with ipecac.


So far he is doing what he said he would do. Rare for someone elected to office. I didn't vote for him, but I must say I'm happy with him. He is undermining regressive policy.

Trump knows how money is made. He knows that the richer the population at large gets, the richer guys like him get.

Listening to democrooks talk, you would think wealth is a disease. (Except for their own of course) Anyone who tries to accumulate large amounts of money are "greedy" (Unless they're democrooks)

It seems to me the democrook agenda is to thwart upward financial mobility, when people gain wealth, their dependence on government, and democrooks is diminished. We haven't had a president since Reagan that seemed interested in the prosperity of the blue collar work force. I'm optimistic.

In addition to that he has a couple democrook money dudes in significant positions of economic management, so all the howling about "making the rich richer" will be done by democrooks if that is the result of his administration. If prosperity is the result of the Trump era, I don't see the DNC coming back.
All it represents are the gaggle of moonbat fringe groups, anti-white racists, anti-Christian bigots, anti-Israelies and America haters. That's why Trump won.

100% if Trump voters are also relived that they never have to suffer listening to Hillary speak ever again,,and same with their pets

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