Why a father killed his daughter who was 'too western'


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Every year 5,000 so-called honour killings - when a family murders one of its own members - take place around the world.

One of the most notorious cases in the West was that of Hina Saleem, who was killed in Italy by her father who claimed she had become too western.

The BBC has obtained access to an interview with Mohammed Saleem from his prison cell, to find out why he did it.



An Italian court has sentenced the father and two brothers-in-law of a young Pakistani immigrant woman to 30 years in prison each for her murder.

Hina Saleem was killed last year because her family disapproved of her lifestyle, prosecutors said.

The 21-year-old woman had been living with an Italian boyfriend and had reportedly refused to marry a man chosen by her family to be her husband.

A prosecutor had described her killing as the result of a clash of cultures.

The chief prosecutor of the town of Brescia, Giancarlo Tarquini, said at the start of the trial that the murder was "a confrontation between customs in a multi-ethnic society".

Hina Saleem's body was found buried in the garden of her family's home in Sarezzo, near the town of Brescia in north-eastern Italy in August last year.

Her throat had been cut. Police found bloodstains in her bedroom.

An uncle of the girl was convicted of helping conceal her body and received a jail sentence of two years and eight months.


Saleem's family were Muslims from Pakistan who had been living in Italy for about five years.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Italy jails Pakistanis for murder

What sickness. When the father was interviewed he said he was correct to slaughter her.
And the mother who killed her 2 duaghters in the USA beucse they got on her last nerve?

Just more Enquireristic media sensationalims that have no real substance in the overall scheme of things.
And the mother who killed her 2 duaghters in the USA beucse they got on her last nerve?

Just more Enquireristic media sensationalims that have no real substance in the overall scheme of things.

You can try and tie the two events together, but you know the difference there uscitizen.

You can tie Major Nidal Hassan with Jared Lee Loughner as well, but that doesn't work either.
BBC said:

Indian Government statistics show that husbands and in-laws killed nearly 7,000 women in 2001 over inadequate dowry payments.

'Bride burning'

Ranjana Kumari, who runs seven domestic violence refuge centres for women in Delhi, believes up to 70 cases a month are linked to rows over dowry.

"Sometimes women are tortured to squeeze more money out of their families and in extreme cases they're killed. Then the husband is free to remarry and get another dowry," she said.

This type of murder is often called "bride burning" in India.

Another women's group called Vimochana, based in the southern city of Bangalore, estimates that three to five women are taken to the Victoria burns unit at the city hospital every day suffering from massive burns.

The latest arrival is a young woman called Sundurahma who has 70% burns. She screams for her mother as the doctor forces her to sit up so he can examine the raw flesh on her back.

The only part of her body which is not badly burned are her feet. I notice a silver ring on one of her toes and immaculate nail polish.

Sundurahma said her husband poured kerosene over her and told her to die. Doctors told me she would not last the week."


Where is the outrage? Why isn't every case of this sensationalized by the Western media? Where are the attempts to connect these crimes to the Hindu religious beliefs of the people who commit them? Why don't we see people calling Hindus backward and insisting that their entire belief system is evil in light of these crimes?

Since statistics indicate that these incidents are significantly more frequent than 'honor killings', I wonder why we only see articles describing crimes perpetrated by Muslims. Notice that there isn't a single incidence of the word 'Hindu' in the linked article. But 'honor killing' articles are always sure to let the reader know that the crimes were perpetrated by 'Muslims.'

Keep hating; it's exactly what they want you to do.
BBC said:

Indian Government statistics show that husbands and in-laws killed nearly 7,000 women in 2001 over inadequate dowry payments.

'Bride burning'

Ranjana Kumari, who runs seven domestic violence refuge centres for women in Delhi, believes up to 70 cases a month are linked to rows over dowry.

"Sometimes women are tortured to squeeze more money out of their families and in extreme cases they're killed. Then the husband is free to remarry and get another dowry," she said.

This type of murder is often called "bride burning" in India.

Another women's group called Vimochana, based in the southern city of Bangalore, estimates that three to five women are taken to the Victoria burns unit at the city hospital every day suffering from massive burns.

The latest arrival is a young woman called Sundurahma who has 70% burns. She screams for her mother as the doctor forces her to sit up so he can examine the raw flesh on her back.

The only part of her body which is not badly burned are her feet. I notice a silver ring on one of her toes and immaculate nail polish.

Sundurahma said her husband poured kerosene over her and told her to die. Doctors told me she would not last the week."


Where is the outrage? Why isn't every case of this sensationalized by the Western media? Where are the attempts to connect these crimes to the Hindu religious beliefs of the people who commit them? Why don't we see people calling Hindus backward and insisting that their entire belief system is evil in light of these crimes?

Since statistics indicate that these incidents are significantly more frequent than 'honor killings', I wonder why we only see articles describing crimes perpetrated by Muslims. Notice that there isn't a single incidence of the word 'Hindu' in the linked article. But 'honor killing' articles are always sure to let the reader know that the crimes were perpetrated by 'Muslims.'

Keep hating; it's exactly what they want you to do.

Create a thread and compare the two. I'm sure you will get many responses.

And the mother who killed her 2 duaghters in the USA beucse they got on her last nerve?

Just more Enquireristic media sensationalims that have no real substance in the overall scheme of things.

How selective are standards regarding hatred, one must wonder.

I would say that they are personally selective and to whatever degree of the choosing.

you have received -45 reputation points from Ropey.
Reputation was given for this post.

Of course. You don't add anything but a troll to this thread Jos. For that I negged you. Deal with it. Or not.

All three of the above posts are obfuscation and minimization and speak not one whit towards this Muslim father killing his daughter (and getting support from other family members) because she was "too western" (His Words) and who still, to this day, thinks she deserved to die.

This is after five years of living in the Western culture.

And that is what this thread (OP) is about.
More like this thread, along with many more, is your way of expressing your hate for Muslims
Create a thread and compare the two. I'm sure you will get many responses.

I've brought it up a number of times before. Few posters are honest enough to admit to their hypocrisy and most attempt to avoid addressing the issue like you are now.
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Create a thread and compare the two. I'm sure you will get many responses.

I've brought it up a number of times before. Few posters are honest enough to admit to their hypocrisy and most attempt to avoid addressing the issue like you are now.

Not at all. I will enter your thread when you create one. You don't create one, hijack another and complain that you would not get proper address if you did not hijack?

Come on Kalam. You can handle the responses. Hiding from the reality with minimization does not change that reality.
Not at all. I will enter your thread when you create one. You don't create one, hijack another and complain that you would not get proper address if you did not hijack?

Come on Kalam. You can handle the responses. Hiding from the reality with minimization does not change that reality.

I remember making a similar suggestion to you about starting a new thread during a different discussion some time ago...

The suggestion wasn't received well.
Not at all. I will enter your thread when you create one. You don't create one, hijack another and complain that you would not get proper address if you did not hijack?

Come on Kalam. You can handle the responses. Hiding from the reality with minimization does not change that reality.

I remember making a similar suggestion to you about starting a new thread during a different discussion some time ago...

The suggestion wasn't received well.

Sure it was. I just was fine working within the framework of the OP. Find the original thread and I will explain this to you.
Something similar happened here in the US when an Iraqi man killed his daughter for being to western, but what do you expect when you raise yout children in a western country? I wouldn't kill my daughter if I raised her in South Africa and she started to act like a South African.
More like this thread, along with many more, is your way of expressing your hate for Muslims

You mistake fear for hate. I have mentioned this fear more than once on these threads Jos. I've made it abundantly clear.

With Twenty thousand Hezbollah stationed illegally in the South of Lebanon and who are more than proxies of Iran, they are Shia as well. Iran has been running Lebanon militarily for years now. So much so that Nejad runs around to the borders of Israel.

I might be to old to fight any more, G-d willing that Israel does not have to be destroyed for the world to see that appeasement of such an ideology will not end well.
More like this thread, along with many more, is your way of expressing your hate for Muslims

You mistake fear for hate. I have mentioned this fear more than once on these threads Jos. I've made it abundantly clear.

With Twenty thousand Hezbollah stationed illegally in the South of Lebanon and who are more than proxies of Iran, they are Shia as well. Iran has been running Lebanon militarily for years now. So much so that Nejad runs around to the borders of Israel.

I might be to old to fight any more, G-d willing that Israel does not have to be destroyed for the world to see that appeasement of such an ideology will not end well.
For what the fear,? God has decreed that it will all end at Tel Megiddo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And the mother who killed her 2 duaghters in the USA beucse they got on her last nerve?

Just more Enquireristic media sensationalims that have no real substance in the overall scheme of things.

1. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a member of an Israeli feminist group which aims to rescue girls and women targeted for honor killings. In 2001, the group, both Jews and non-Jews, raised money to rescue a Palestinian women whose 5-year-old daughter had been raped. The husband had demanded that she kill the girl, and when she refused, the husband, his family, her family, and the entire village shunned the mother.

2. Heshu Yones was murdered by her father on October 12, 2002, in Acton, West London. A young and vivacious 16-year old, she was killed by her 48-year old Kurdish Iraqi father, Abdalla Yones, because she had become too "westernised".

He stabbed Heshu eleven times, and cut her throat in the process. He left her to bleed to death. Her body was found with the blade still protruding from the teenager's throat. The knife had been wielded with such force that its tip had broken off when it smashed into bone in her neck.
UK: Killing For Muslim "Honor" :: Faith Freedom International :: Only Truth can set us free!

3. In the past four months, six Muslim women living in Berlin have been brutally murdered by family members. Their crime? Trying to break free and live Western lifestyles. Within their communities, the killers are revered as heroes for preserving their family dignity. “…a group of 14-year-old Turkish boys mocked Hatin during a class discussion at a school near the crime scene. One boy said, "She only had herself to blame," while another insisted, "She deserved what she got. The whore lived like a German."
The Death of a Muslim Woman: "The Whore Lived Like a German" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

4. The girl's screams and moans as she begged her parents not to kill her were captured by devices secretly planted in the apartment by Federal agents who were looking into possible illegal activities by Mr. Isa on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Cultures and Generations Clash…The seven-minute tape of the killing, on which the father is heard shouting in Arabic "Die quickly!" in answer to his daughter's cries,…
Terror and Death at Home Are Caught in F.B.I. Tape - NYTimes.com

5. In a review of “Burned Alive,” by Souad on Amazon.com: “When she was 18, her brother-in-law poured gasoline on her and set her aflame. She was meant to die because she was pregnant and unmarried, bringing disgrace to her parents. But she survived, and now, 25 years later, "Souad" bears witness to the horror of "honor crimes" that kill thousands of women every year in many countries across the world.”

6. Methal Dayem, a 22-year-old Cleveland State student, was murdered more than a year ago. Prosecutors say that Dayem's own cousins killed her, because she was turning her back on an arranged marriage from her Palestinian-Arab culture.
More like this thread, along with many more, is your way of expressing your hate for Muslims

You mistake fear for hate. I have mentioned this fear more than once on these threads Jos. I've made it abundantly clear.

With Twenty thousand Hezbollah stationed illegally in the South of Lebanon and who are more than proxies of Iran, they are Shia as well. Iran has been running Lebanon militarily for years now. So much so that Nejad runs around to the borders of Israel.

I might be to old to fight any more, G-d willing that Israel does not have to be destroyed for the world to see that appeasement of such an ideology will not end well.
For what the fear,? God has decreed that it will all end at Tel Megiddo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I won't tell you the fear because you will just curse those I speak about.

Sorry, I'm not going there with you. But I have no fear for the end of times. Just for what happens to my people before the end of times.

That's what's under the control of man. See?
You mistake fear for hate. I have mentioned this fear more than once on these threads Jos. I've made it abundantly clear.
For what the fear,? God has decreed that it will all end at Tel Megiddo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I won't tell you the fear because you will just curse those I speak about.

Sorry, I'm not going there with you. But I have no fear for the end of times. Just for what happens to my people before the end of times.

That's what's under the control of man. See?
Time to light the black candles
And the mother who killed her 2 duaghters in the USA beucse they got on her last nerve?

Just more Enquireristic media sensationalims that have no real substance in the overall scheme of things.

1. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a member of an Israeli feminist group which aims to rescue girls and women targeted for honor killings. In 2001, the group, both Jews and non-Jews, raised money to rescue a Palestinian women whose 5-year-old daughter had been raped. The husband had demanded that she kill the girl, and when she refused, the husband, his family, her family, and the entire village shunned the mother.

2. Heshu Yones was murdered by her father on October 12, 2002, in Acton, West London. A young and vivacious 16-year old, she was killed by her 48-year old Kurdish Iraqi father, Abdalla Yones, because she had become too "westernised".

He stabbed Heshu eleven times, and cut her throat in the process. He left her to bleed to death. Her body was found with the blade still protruding from the teenager's throat. The knife had been wielded with such force that its tip had broken off when it smashed into bone in her neck.
UK: Killing For Muslim "Honor" :: Faith Freedom International :: Only Truth can set us free!

3. In the past four months, six Muslim women living in Berlin have been brutally murdered by family members. Their crime? Trying to break free and live Western lifestyles. Within their communities, the killers are revered as heroes for preserving their family dignity. “…a group of 14-year-old Turkish boys mocked Hatin during a class discussion at a school near the crime scene. One boy said, "She only had herself to blame," while another insisted, "She deserved what she got. The whore lived like a German."
The Death of a Muslim Woman: "The Whore Lived Like a German" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

4. The girl's screams and moans as she begged her parents not to kill her were captured by devices secretly planted in the apartment by Federal agents who were looking into possible illegal activities by Mr. Isa on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Cultures and Generations Clash…The seven-minute tape of the killing, on which the father is heard shouting in Arabic "Die quickly!" in answer to his daughter's cries,…
Terror and Death at Home Are Caught in F.B.I. Tape - NYTimes.com

5. In a review of “Burned Alive,” by Souad on Amazon.com: “When she was 18, her brother-in-law poured gasoline on her and set her aflame. She was meant to die because she was pregnant and unmarried, bringing disgrace to her parents. But she survived, and now, 25 years later, "Souad" bears witness to the horror of "honor crimes" that kill thousands of women every year in many countries across the world.”

6. Methal Dayem, a 22-year-old Cleveland State student, was murdered more than a year ago. Prosecutors say that Dayem's own cousins killed her, because she was turning her back on an arranged marriage from her Palestinian-Arab culture.

If they want to preserve their culture so much why do they come here?

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