Why a Santorum VP pick is BAD for Santorum


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Romney is going to go down to defeat this fall and I doubt that Santorum can do any more good for the GOP ticket than Palin did for McCain.

Santorum needs to realize that he needs to spend the next four years building a grass roots network of social conservatives and not going for higher office for now.

Once this network is set up and growing, he can start to make a move for the GOP nomination in 2016 by setting up a GOP Conservative caucus that will act as a Super PAC to pick the best conservative running early (after S Carolina) and throw all their support to them like the GOP neocons do every election since 88.

Santorum needs to study Ron Pauls network for an excellent example of how party machinery is put together and mimic it and improve on it with a leader who is actually a valid choice to more than hard core libertarians.

Conservatives keep losing because the neocons chat up so many of them to run and split the conservative base. A Conservative caucus that pick a leading conservative could neutralize the neocon lock on the party.

If the GOP neocons prevent such a caucus from forming within the party, then Santorum should organize an exodus fromt he GOP and the forming of a new social conservative friendly party that will in effect throw elections to the Dems until they can displace the GOP, much like the Whigs did and the Reform Party of Canada who came back and took over the old Cosnrvative Party which had not been actually conservative for generations.
Conservative Party of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Win or lose..the VP slot is not a bad thing, politically.

Even a light weight, like Sarah Palin has clout now.
I can't see Romney picking Santorum because 1) He'd then be haunted by all the stuff Santorum said about him (remember Voodoo Economics?) and 2) they don't really like each other.

Again, it's going to be Portman. And when Romney/Portman lose both Ohio and Massachusetts, it will be epic fail.
Romney is going to go down to defeat this fall and I doubt that Santorum can do any more good for the GOP ticket than Palin did for McCain.

Santorum needs to realize that he needs to spend the next four years building a grass roots network of social conservatives and not going for higher office for now.

Once this network is set up and growing, he can start to make a move for the GOP nomination in 2016 by setting up a GOP Conservative caucus that will act as a Super PAC to pick the best conservative running early (after S Carolina) and throw all their support to them like the GOP neocons do every election since 88.

Santorum needs to study Ron Pauls network for an excellent example of how party machinery is put together and mimic it and improve on it with a leader who is actually a valid choice to more than hard core libertarians.

Conservatives keep losing because the neocons chat up so many of them to run and split the conservative base. A Conservative caucus that pick a leading conservative could neutralize the neocon lock on the party.

If the GOP neocons prevent such a caucus from forming within the party, then Santorum should organize an exodus fromt he GOP and the forming of a new social conservative friendly party that will in effect throw elections to the Dems until they can displace the GOP, much like the Whigs did and the Reform Party of Canada who came back and took over the old Cosnrvative Party which had not been actually conservative for generations.
Conservative Party of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Conservative Party of Canada is a coalition of conservatives and moderates on the right in Canada. The Reform Party had zero chance of gaining power. The only way the right would ever come to power again in Canada is if the old Tory coalition would be put back together, which meant a merging of the two wings. In the mean time, the Liberal Party ruled for 15 years uninterrupted in a country that has 4-5 active political parties.

The analogy fails.
Romney is going to go down to defeat this fall and I doubt that Santorum can do any more good for the GOP ticket than Palin did for McCain.

Santorum needs to realize that he needs to spend the next four years building a grass roots network of social conservatives and not going for higher office for now.

Once this network is set up and growing, he can start to make a move for the GOP nomination in 2016 by setting up a GOP Conservative caucus that will act as a Super PAC to pick the best conservative running early (after S Carolina) and throw all their support to them like the GOP neocons do every election since 88.

Santorum needs to study Ron Pauls network for an excellent example of how party machinery is put together and mimic it and improve on it with a leader who is actually a valid choice to more than hard core libertarians.

Conservatives keep losing because the neocons chat up so many of them to run and split the conservative base. A Conservative caucus that pick a leading conservative could neutralize the neocon lock on the party.

If the GOP neocons prevent such a caucus from forming within the party, then Santorum should organize an exodus fromt he GOP and the forming of a new social conservative friendly party that will in effect throw elections to the Dems until they can displace the GOP, much like the Whigs did and the Reform Party of Canada who came back and took over the old Cosnrvative Party which had not been actually conservative for generations.
Conservative Party of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The vp spot is normally a dead end job.

if I recall, only 3 vp's have ever been elected to pres and none that I know of ever held any other office.

Palin being the only person to turn liberal hatred into riches. and she was never veep
Romney is going to go down to defeat this fall and I doubt that Santorum can do any more good for the GOP ticket than Palin did for McCain.

Santorum needs to realize that he needs to spend the next four years building a grass roots network of social conservatives and not going for higher office for now.

Once this network is set up and growing, he can start to make a move for the GOP nomination in 2016 by setting up a GOP Conservative caucus that will act as a Super PAC to pick the best conservative running early (after S Carolina) and throw all their support to them like the GOP neocons do every election since 88.

Santorum needs to study Ron Pauls network for an excellent example of how party machinery is put together and mimic it and improve on it with a leader who is actually a valid choice to more than hard core libertarians.

Conservatives keep losing because the neocons chat up so many of them to run and split the conservative base. A Conservative caucus that pick a leading conservative could neutralize the neocon lock on the party.

If the GOP neocons prevent such a caucus from forming within the party, then Santorum should organize an exodus fromt he GOP and the forming of a new social conservative friendly party that will in effect throw elections to the Dems until they can displace the GOP, much like the Whigs did and the Reform Party of Canada who came back and took over the old Cosnrvative Party which had not been actually conservative for generations.
Conservative Party of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Are you serious?

You think that Romney would consider Santorum for Veep? For more than 45 seconds?

Romney is going to go down to defeat this fall and I doubt that Santorum can do any more good for the GOP ticket than Palin did for McCain.

Santorum needs to realize that he needs to spend the next four years building a grass roots network of social conservatives and not going for higher office for now.

Once this network is set up and growing, he can start to make a move for the GOP nomination in 2016 by setting up a GOP Conservative caucus that will act as a Super PAC to pick the best conservative running early (after S Carolina) and throw all their support to them like the GOP neocons do every election since 88.

Santorum needs to study Ron Pauls network for an excellent example of how party machinery is put together and mimic it and improve on it with a leader who is actually a valid choice to more than hard core libertarians.

Conservatives keep losing because the neocons chat up so many of them to run and split the conservative base. A Conservative caucus that pick a leading conservative could neutralize the neocon lock on the party.

If the GOP neocons prevent such a caucus from forming within the party, then Santorum should organize an exodus fromt he GOP and the forming of a new social conservative friendly party that will in effect throw elections to the Dems until they can displace the GOP, much like the Whigs did and the Reform Party of Canada who came back and took over the old Cosnrvative Party which had not been actually conservative for generations.
Conservative Party of Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The vp spot is normally a dead end job.

if I recall, only 3 vp's have ever been elected to pres and none that I know of ever held any other office.

Palin being the only person to turn liberal hatred into riches. and she was never veep

A bit more but not MANY"

John Adams
George Bush
Thomas Jefferson
Martin Van Buren
Richard Nixon
Why a Santorum VP pick is BAD for Santorum

Forget why a Santorum VP pick is BAD for Santorum but rather how a Santorum VP pick is BAD for for the GOP and Romney.
Santorum is one of the most paranoid politicians I have ever seen, Reminds me of a whinny Jerry Seinfeld. Santorum would turn away any moderates and independent voters that might be considering voting for Romney.
Why a Santorum VP pick is BAD for Santorum

Forget why a Santorum VP pick is BAD for Santorum but rather how a Santorum VP pick is BAD for for the GOP and Romney.
Santorum is one of the most paranoid politicians I have ever seen, Reminds me of a whinny Jerry Seinfeld. Santorum would turn away any moderates and independent voters that might be considering voting for Romney.

Its a certainty, with me at least.
The VP pick is irrelevant. Nobody votes based on the VP pick, period.

JFK & McCain might disagree.

McCain would have lost with or without Sara Palin. JFK would have won the south with or without Johnson being they had been voting solid Democratic for 100 years.


A yankee Catholic had little chance of taking the South back in 1960 without a trusted Southerner also on the ticket.
JFK & McCain might disagree.

McCain would have lost with or without Sara Palin. JFK would have won the south with or without Johnson being they had been voting solid Democratic for 100 years.


A yankee Catholic had little chance of taking the South back in 1960 without a trusted Southerner also on the ticket.

Since we don't have a window into an alternate universe it's all just speculation.

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