Why a Trump news conference is very important...

why do you want that? what could you possibly have to gain? I personally wouldn't mind if trump just went on a 4 year vacation and never spoke publicly again. Just explain what could possibly happen that would be a good thing? what's the worst thing trump could say and what could be done afterward?

A certain amount of accountability. honesty. and transparency should be expected from our government. don't you think?
After the last eight years, no it is not expected.
When is this recovery suppose to take place? Doubling the national debt has made your muslim traitor the laughing stock of the globe.

Hey moron (may be time to change your avatar, by the way).......When GWB lowered taxes and got involved in TWO costly wars AND gave to big pharma Medicare Advantage, AND the unemployment rate reached 700,000 per month, did it ever dawn on you morons that to fix the mess the national debt may have been impacted? Yes or No?
It is always someone else's fault.
Please stop hyperventilating......

Why don't we just let this proceed until we can insist that the conclusions of the 39th congressional investigation into the matter are "insufficient".......you know, as we did for the past 8 years, and for the period 1993-2001.....

I'm not hyperventilating, I made a statement, if you are bright enough to tell the difference that is on you not me. You drama queens are quite entertaining.
No.........don't hide your tiara under a bushel, lass....

I'm not the one being dramatic by insisting that the Pissing Russian Hookers are the straw that broke the media credibility camel's back.....
I never said that at all, you seem to have comprehension problems. Years ago the story would have been checked out and get confirmation before they would go with it. Simple statement. You want to make it a big deal, go ahead, knock yourself out.
that's false......CNN limited itself to reporting what they could confirm...

You should take some time and inform yourself before throwing your hissy...

Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...
When is this recovery suppose to take place? Doubling the national debt has made your muslim traitor the laughing stock of the globe.

Hey moron (may be time to change your avatar, by the way).......When GWB lowered taxes and got involved in TWO costly wars AND gave to big pharma Medicare Advantage, AND the unemployment rate reached 700,000 per month, did it ever dawn on you morons that to fix the mess the national debt may have been impacted? Yes or No?
It is always someone else's fault.
I believe this speaks for itself, Free


(commencing countdown)
I'm not hyperventilating, I made a statement, if you are bright enough to tell the difference that is on you not me. You drama queens are quite entertaining.
No.........don't hide your tiara under a bushel, lass....

I'm not the one being dramatic by insisting that the Pissing Russian Hookers are the straw that broke the media credibility camel's back.....
I never said that at all, you seem to have comprehension problems. Years ago the story would have been checked out and get confirmation before they would go with it. Simple statement. You want to make it a big deal, go ahead, knock yourself out.
that's false......CNN limited itself to reporting what they could confirm...

You should take some time and inform yourself before throwing your hissy...

Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

I was speaking of Buzzfeed. Sorry you didn't understand.
No.........don't hide your tiara under a bushel, lass....

I'm not the one being dramatic by insisting that the Pissing Russian Hookers are the straw that broke the media credibility camel's back.....
I never said that at all, you seem to have comprehension problems. Years ago the story would have been checked out and get confirmation before they would go with it. Simple statement. You want to make it a big deal, go ahead, knock yourself out.
that's false......CNN limited itself to reporting what they could confirm...

You should take some time and inform yourself before throwing your hissy...

Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

I was speaking of Buzzfeed. Sorry you didn't understand.

I fully understood....again, this would have made the news had it been limited to what CNN reported.

Buzzfeed is hardly representative of US media.....it's like holding gateway Pundit, or Breitbart responsible for the bilge they cram down the necks of their readers....

Suggest it, and you'll be deafened by the cries of "CENSORSHIP!" from the very idiots who are complaining about Buzzfeed.
C'mon, Free.....walk into it......you know you want to..........just get it over with....
There is a reason why Trump-lovers advise him to NOT speak to that sneaky media that seem to manage to corner the Donald in his constant lies and half truths about his policies.

This morning's news conference will undoubtedly offer us various sound bites from Trump which he will later have to walk back and, of course, accuse the media outlets of misinterpreting what he meant (like Trump's mocking of that reporter's disability.)

I've always believed that, ultimately, the very best way to show the world what a clown Trump really is, boils down to have him talk directly in front of a camera, having to address questions, without the background love fest of his mindless acolytes.

Have some popcorn ready folks.....

Poor butthurt snowflake, melting down AGAIN...

Seriously gnat, why do you go on living? There will be no Stalinist paradise for you over the next 12 years. What is the point. You should find a nice bug zapper and fly into it....

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

So CNN flung a pile of shit like a bunch of feral baboons, then Buzzfeed smeared the shit all over themselves.

Y'all are some SERIOUS fucking morons.

Well, this is the end of CNN.

They will die slow, but there is no recovery from something like this. They will NEVER regain credibility.

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

So CNN flung a pile of shit like a bunch of feral baboons, then Buzzfeed smeared the shit all over themselves.

Y'all are some SERIOUS fucking morons.

Well, this is the end of CNN.

They will die slow, but there is no recovery from something like this. They will NEVER regain credibility.

Explain why CNN is at an "end"....

You are a fucking idiot.......
Explain why CNN is at an "end"....

You are a fucking idiot.......

CNN attempted to present itself as a legitimate news source, By engaging in this level of tabloid demagoguery in hopes of smearing the object of their (and your) hatred, they have jettisoned any pretense of journalistic integrity.

CNN are tabloid hacks and hate mongers. They can never live this down.

Oh, and I take shits smarter than you.
Everyone should watch this press conference. It was amazing. Trump rightfully so, ripped Democrat Fake News CNN and the incredibly corrupt DNC. The dude ain't playin. He won't be takin Democrat shit. Check it out...

And the FAKE news thickens;
Turns out the CNN/BUzzfeed shit was not only fake, but a deliberate troll.

What's worth talking about, however, are swirling claims on Reddit that 4chan users on the board /pol/ completely made the entire thing up. According to a variety of posts on the pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald, a user on /pol/, a 4chan board, made up the most salacious story in the report. He then mailed it to anti-Trump Republican strategist Rick Wilson, who then went to the CIA. The story was then included on the dossier published Tuesday by BuzzFeed News.

If this is true, this effectively means that 4chan trolled the U.S. intelligence system and the majority of the U.S. media with what's basically Donald Trump erotic fanfiction, which is terrifying.

While literally no aspect of anything that was reported tonight by both BuzzFeed News and 4chan has been confirmed or verified, it is an odd coincidence that a 4chan post from prior to the election seems to match up with what was released on Tuesday.

Additionally, WikiLeaks says that the report published by BuzzFeed is "not an intelligence report" and that it is not consistent with the style of other reports.

35 page PDF published by Buzzfeed on Trump is not an intelligence report. Style, facts & dates show no credibility.https://t.co/twa8pJMMtP

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 11, 2017}
Explain why CNN is at an "end"....

You are a fucking idiot.......

CNN attempted to present itself as a legitimate news source, By engaging in this level of tabloid demagoguery in hopes of smearing the object of their (and your) hatred, they have jettisoned any pretense of journalistic integrity.

CNN are tabloid hacks and hate mongers. They can never live this down.

Oh, and I take shits smarter than you.
Maybe you should have your shits read to you...

CNN says it is not reporting the details of the memos because it has not verified them. It adds that while the information was circulating for months, the intelligence community has now “checked out the former British intelligence operative and his vast network throughout Europe and find him and his sources to be credible enough” to use the information in briefings. However, intelligence officials also found the information sensitive enough to only provide it to Trump, President Obama, and the eight chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, CNN says.

What CNN's Bombshell Report on Trump and Russia Does and Doesn't Say

Fucking idiot...
I never said that at all, you seem to have comprehension problems. Years ago the story would have been checked out and get confirmation before they would go with it. Simple statement. You want to make it a big deal, go ahead, knock yourself out.
that's false......CNN limited itself to reporting what they could confirm...

You should take some time and inform yourself before throwing your hissy...

Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

I was speaking of Buzzfeed. Sorry you didn't understand.

I fully understood....again, this would have made the news had it been limited to what CNN reported.

Buzzfeed is hardly representative of US media.....it's like holding gateway Pundit, or Breitbart responsible for the bilge they cram down the necks of their readers....

Suggest it, and you'll be deafened by the cries of "CENSORSHIP!" from the very idiots who are complaining about Buzzfeed.

I have no issue with those sites, I don't pay much attention to the Mother Earth, Breitbart, MSNBC or FoxNews. All to partisan for my tastes.
that's false......CNN limited itself to reporting what they could confirm...

You should take some time and inform yourself before throwing your hissy...

Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

I was speaking of Buzzfeed. Sorry you didn't understand.

I fully understood....again, this would have made the news had it been limited to what CNN reported.

Buzzfeed is hardly representative of US media.....it's like holding gateway Pundit, or Breitbart responsible for the bilge they cram down the necks of their readers....

Suggest it, and you'll be deafened by the cries of "CENSORSHIP!" from the very idiots who are complaining about Buzzfeed.

I have no issue with those sites, I don't pay much attention to the Mother Earth, Breitbart, MSNBC or FoxNews. All to partisan for my tastes.
What is "Mother Earth"?

Maybe you should have your shits read to you...

CNN says it is not reporting the details of the memos because it has not verified them. It adds that while the information was circulating for months, the intelligence community has now “checked out the former British intelligence operative and his vast network throughout Europe and find him and his sources to be credible enough” to use the information in briefings. However, intelligence officials also found the information sensitive enough to only provide it to Trump, President Obama, and the eight chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, CNN says.

What CNN's Bombshell Report on Trump and Russia Does and Doesn't Say

Fucking idiot...

CNN reported on bullshit memos that have ZERO substantiation 9 days before the inauguration. These shit flinging monkeys decided to toss out the smears and see what stuck.

You have a heart filled with hate and a head filled with shit, so of COURSE you were thrilled that CNN discarded any and all ethics to fling shit. But you and other trolls cannot keep the ailing network afloat. By playing to the sleaziest level of society, those like you, CNN has confirmed what Middle America already knew, they are a tabloid dedicated to demagoguery who care nothing of facts.

You fucking retard.
Where did I say CNN, scrotum lips?

Clearly you haven't been paying attention...

CNN broke the story.......Buzzfeed chose to run with the bits CNN wouldn't because they could not be confirmed....

I'm curious why you would behold my full sensuous lips and think of ball sack......but I suspect a Teabagger like you is ALWAYS thinking of ball sack...

I was speaking of Buzzfeed. Sorry you didn't understand.

I fully understood....again, this would have made the news had it been limited to what CNN reported.

Buzzfeed is hardly representative of US media.....it's like holding gateway Pundit, or Breitbart responsible for the bilge they cram down the necks of their readers....

Suggest it, and you'll be deafened by the cries of "CENSORSHIP!" from the very idiots who are complaining about Buzzfeed.

I have no issue with those sites, I don't pay much attention to the Mother Earth, Breitbart, MSNBC or FoxNews. All to partisan for my tastes.
What is "Mother Earth"?

Even Mother Jones criticized CNN for their complete lack of journalistic integrity.

That is saying a LOT.
There is a reason why Trump-lovers advise him to NOT speak to that sneaky media that seem to manage to corner the Donald in his constant lies and half truths about his policies.

This morning's news conference will undoubtedly offer us various sound bites from Trump which he will later have to walk back and, of course, accuse the media outlets of misinterpreting what he meant (like Trump's mocking of that reporter's disability.)

I've always believed that, ultimately, the very best way to show the world what a clown Trump really is, boils down to have him talk directly in front of a camera, having to address questions, without the background love fest of his mindless acolytes.

Have some popcorn ready folks.....

Deporting illegals and restricting immigration will reduce supply of labor leading to higher cost, ie wages.

What part of that do you disagree with or dislike?

It won't lead to higher wages.......and there are currently 5 million job openings.....no Mexican is depriving you of opportunity....you're just shiftless.

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