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Why a U.S. Military Strike against N.Korea would be disastrous

I'm sorry, have we all lost our collective minds here? I mean I can almost forgive the millennial because they weren't alive back then and their education sucked, but I'm old enough to remember the Red Scare. How we were told that Russia had nukes pointed at each of our major cities and could wipe us out very quickly.

That was in the 50s and 60s. This isn't our first nuclear rodeo.

We have the capability to take out ICBMs shortly after they are launched and have had that ability for decades.

The little fat kid in NK is decades behind us. He is no threat.

You seem to live in a fantasy world...Unfortunately Russia had the ability back in the days of the cold war to wipe us out quickly and they still do...as well as China now.....but Russia being rather rational did not want to take the gamble and understood the doctrine of mutual assured destruction...however someone like Kim with a completely alien world view and possibly with psychiatric problems is a horse of a different color....cannot be equated with Russia at any level. The leader of the hermit kingdom aka a rogue state could possibly even be suicidal...a lot of unknowns in regards to him.

Where you got the totally mistaken idea that we have the capacity to take out ICBM's is beyond me. Now there is a possibility that we may have some electronical ability to occasionally sabotage one of their launches but that is not a comprehensive missile defense and there is no gaurantee that it even works though some do claim we have had some success with it...not known for sure though.
So you want to wait until there is a mushroom cloud over a major U.S. city? Real smart.

That is not what I am saying....I am just considering how this may play out...what could possibly happen. Personally, I would like to see a nuclear pre-emptive strike on N. Korea....that is the only way it could be done in my opinion without China responding militarily...China has no fear of a conventional sort of confrontation with us...they do not want a all out nuclear war...and if we nuke n. korea...that would sober China up real fast. I suggest using tactical nukes aka neutron bombs with little or no radiation fall out.
Russia and China would revell in the destruction of a U.S. city.

I agree and that is why China has no real interest in helping us with N. Korea. If N. korea is able to engage in nuclear blackmail in our regards that only strengthens China and Russia as well.
And they just launched a nuke. Time to find a political solution for the region.

Putin is teaming up with Xi to "deal with the situation". Neither can be trusted farther than fat Kim can be thrown; yet a US military option could bring a missle to South Korea.

Xi, Putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with N.Korea nuclear test: Xinhua

They will not go beyond sanctions or constructing some phoney diplomatic deal which will do nothing in regards to the status quo....as in the status quo works for them but works against us.

Your military option being of a conventional nature would certainly provoke a retaliatory strike by N. Korea and the eventual engagement of China.... in my estimation a 'conventional first strike' by Trump would be a terrible mistake.
I'm sorry, have we all lost our collective minds here? I mean I can almost forgive the millennial because they weren't alive back then and their education sucked, but I'm old enough to remember the Red Scare. How we were told that Russia had nukes pointed at each of our major cities and could wipe us out very quickly.

That was in the 50s and 60s. This isn't our first nuclear rodeo.

We have the capability to take out ICBMs shortly after they are launched and have had that ability for decades.

The little fat kid in NK is decades behind us. He is no threat.

You seem to live in a fantasy world...Unfortunately Russia had the ability back in the days of the cold war to wipe us out quickly and they still do...as well as China now.....but Russia being rather rational did not want to take the gamble and understood the doctrine of mutual assured destruction...however someone like Kim with a completely alien world view and possibly with psychiatric problems is a horse of a different color....cannot be equated with Russia at any level. The leader of the hermit kingdom aka a rogue state could possibly even be suicidal...a lot of unknowns in regards to him.

Where you got the totally mistaken idea that we have the capacity to take out ICBM's is beyond me. Now there is a possibility that we may have some electronical ability to occasionally sabotage one of their launches but that is not a comprehensive missile defense and there is no gaurantee that it even works though some do claim we have had some success with it...not known for sure though.
There are many ways to take out ICBMs. They are easy targets that do no use evasive action. You can scramble fighters to intercept and blow them up pretty easily with missiles, you can fire your own ground to air missiles from here to intercept, hell, we probably can shoot them down from satellites in orbit. Hell, Reagan even offered to cover Europe with an umbrella against soviet attack back in the 80s.

I don't understand how it's so hard for you to grasp this simple notion, but hey have you started building your bomb shelter yet?
From what I’ve read, a lot of posters would like to get NK to the negotiating table. Others are afraid China might get involved if America strikes NK. Others say lil’ Kim is all talk and we should just wait him out.

But history shows that nothing has convinced Kim to slow his nukes program. So the question is: how much longer do we wait? Until Kim has ten nuclear armed ICBMs? A hundred? A thousand? Does anyone really think we will gain any leverage by waiting?

At some point, probably not very far off, we will have no way to stop NK. They will simply have too many nuclear armed ICBMs and other weapons. At that point a first strike by NK might be able to wipe out a good part of the U.S.

So, the question again, is: how long do we wait?

Has it ever been a good strategy to appease a bully? Has it ever worked?

If trump attacks, I hope it is very fast and absolutely devastating. Only smoking ruins should remain.
Democrats are so invested in a nuclear attack on the United States that any defensive move would push them over the edge into being a North Korean hand within our country.
The fascinating think about observing you is that no matter what the topic, you seem to not even realize how bats shit loony you sound, or how bizarre, incoherent and unhinged you appear to be in all cases. OK, maybe it's an act. I know, you channeling Ann Coulter right? Nah, I don't think so.
I'm sorry, have we all lost our collective minds here? I mean I can almost forgive the millennial because they weren't alive back then and their education sucked, but I'm old enough to remember the Red Scare. How we were told that Russia had nukes pointed at each of our major cities and could wipe us out very quickly.

That was in the 50s and 60s. This isn't our first nuclear rodeo.

We have the capability to take out ICBMs shortly after they are launched and have had that ability for decades.

The little fat kid in NK is decades behind us. He is no threat.

You seem to live in a fantasy world...Unfortunately Russia had the ability back in the days of the cold war to wipe us out quickly and they still do...as well as China now.....but Russia being rather rational did not want to take the gamble and understood the doctrine of mutual assured destruction...however someone like Kim with a completely alien world view and possibly with psychiatric problems is a horse of a different color....cannot be equated with Russia at any level. The leader of the hermit kingdom aka a rogue state could possibly even be suicidal...a lot of unknowns in regards to him.

Where you got the totally mistaken idea that we have the capacity to take out ICBM's is beyond me. Now there is a possibility that we may have some electronical ability to occasionally sabotage one of their launches but that is not a comprehensive missile defense and there is no gaurantee that it even works though some do claim we have had some success with it...not known for sure though.
There are many ways to take out ICBMs. They are easy targets that do no use evasive action. You can scramble fighters to intercept and blow them up pretty easily with missiles, you can fire your own ground to air missiles from here to intercept, hell, we probably can shoot them down from satellites in orbit. Hell, Reagan even offered to cover Europe with an umbrella against soviet attack back in the 80s.

I don't understand how it's so hard for you to grasp this simple notion, but hey have you started building your bomb shelter yet?

Do you even understand how a ICBM operates? It goes up into space aka where there is no atmosphere and no jet fighter can go then it comes back down to earth at an incredible speed.

In a couple of test shots of our best anti-missle missle we have had some success...but that is against a test missile of which we know everything about...aka where it will be launched when it will be launched and all the technical details about it...in other words not like in real life. We are far from having a reliable anti-missle defense. The concept of 'Star Wars' came about during the Reagan years and it is something still being striven for...far from reliable..we could no doubt knock down some...but not enough to be a reliable effective icbm defense system.

In a nutshell....you simply are not up to speed regarding our defense capabilities regarding Intercontinental Ballistic Miissles. Study up and get back with us.....here is something that could help you understand.............Can We Stop a Nuke? | Military Aviation | Air & Space Magazine

'Star Wars'...a dream....that lives on---http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/donald-trump-missile-defense-star-wars/
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And they just launched a nuke. Time to find a political solution for the region.

Putin is teaming up with Xi to "deal with the situation". Neither can be trusted farther than fat Kim can be thrown; yet a US military option could bring a missle to South Korea.

Xi, Putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with N.Korea nuclear test: Xinhua

They will not go beyond sanctions or constructing some phoney diplomatic deal which will do nothing in regards to the status quo....as in the status quo works for them but works against us.

Your military option being of a conventional nature would certainly provoke a retaliatory strike by N. Korea and the eventual engagement of China.... in my estimation a 'conventional first strike' by Trump would be a terrible mistake.

As I wrote, a missle on So. Korea. Putin & Xi claim they are getting the matter under control, I hope they do and they need to confer with the US President also.
From what I’ve read, a lot of posters would like to get NK to the negotiating table. Others are afraid China might get involved if America strikes NK. Others say lil’ Kim is all talk and we should just wait him out.

But history shows that nothing has convinced Kim to slow his nukes program. So the question is: how much longer do we wait? Until Kim has ten nuclear armed ICBMs? A hundred? A thousand? Does anyone really think we will gain any leverage by waiting?

At some point, probably not very far off, we will have no way to stop NK. They will simply have too many nuclear armed ICBMs and other weapons. At that point a first strike by NK might be able to wipe out a good part of the U.S.

So, the question again, is: how long do we wait?

Has it ever been a good strategy to appease a bully? Has it ever worked?

If trump attacks, I hope it is very fast and absolutely devastating. Only smoking ruins should remain.

As it will most likely set off a nuclear war, smoking ruins are all that might be left, in the US also. Nukes do not recognize borders.
I'm sorry, have we all lost our collective minds here? I mean I can almost forgive the millennial because they weren't alive back then and their education sucked, but I'm old enough to remember the Red Scare. How we were told that Russia had nukes pointed at each of our major cities and could wipe us out very quickly.

That was in the 50s and 60s. This isn't our first nuclear rodeo.

We have the capability to take out ICBMs shortly after they are launched and have had that ability for decades.

The little fat kid in NK is decades behind us. He is no threat.

You seem to live in a fantasy world...Unfortunately Russia had the ability back in the days of the cold war to wipe us out quickly and they still do...as well as China now.....but Russia being rather rational did not want to take the gamble and understood the doctrine of mutual assured destruction...however someone like Kim with a completely alien world view and possibly with psychiatric problems is a horse of a different color....cannot be equated with Russia at any level. The leader of the hermit kingdom aka a rogue state could possibly even be suicidal...a lot of unknowns in regards to him.

Where you got the totally mistaken idea that we have the capacity to take out ICBM's is beyond me. Now there is a possibility that we may have some electronical ability to occasionally sabotage one of their launches but that is not a comprehensive missile defense and there is no gaurantee that it even works though some do claim we have had some success with it...not known for sure though.
So you want to wait until there is a mushroom cloud over a major U.S. city? Real smart.

That is not what I am saying....I am just considering how this may play out...what could possibly happen. Personally, I would like to see a nuclear pre-emptive strike on N. Korea....that is the only way it could be done in my opinion without China responding militarily...China has no fear of a conventional sort of confrontation with us...they do not want a all out nuclear war...and if we nuke n. korea...that would sober China up real fast. I suggest using tactical nukes aka neutron bombs with little or no radiation fall out.

Looking at the geography, it is difficult to see a way without So. Korea impact; also, hundreds of thousands of deaths equals war, with Nukes(.) But, lil' Kim is secure only with China providing necessities, cutting off trade would hurt him, his loyalists have families in the countrysides already short on food rations. An internal solution is possible. The Chinese rid themselves of Madam Mao and the Gang of Four.
From what I’ve read, a lot of posters would like to get NK to the negotiating table. Others are afraid China might get involved if America strikes NK. Others say lil’ Kim is all talk and we should just wait him out.

But history shows that nothing has convinced Kim to slow his nukes program. So the question is: how much longer do we wait? Until Kim has ten nuclear armed ICBMs? A hundred? A thousand? Does anyone really think we will gain any leverage by waiting?

At some point, probably not very far off, we will have no way to stop NK. They will simply have too many nuclear armed ICBMs and other weapons. At that point a first strike by NK might be able to wipe out a good part of the U.S.

So, the question again, is: how long do we wait?

Has it ever been a good strategy to appease a bully? Has it ever worked?

If trump attacks, I hope it is very fast and absolutely devastating. Only smoking ruins should remain.

You are more on the mark more than most I have read on here....you are absolutely correct if Trump decides to do a pre-emptive stirke....it must be very,very fast, completely suprising and absolutely totally devastating...as you say only smoking ruins should remain....the only way...I repeat the only way to do that is with nukes....if we did not have to worry about China we could go conventional and take our time.....but and most seem not to know this....China has said if we attack first they will defend N. Korea...but if N. Korea attacks first they will do nothing.

However....if we go with Nukes it will all be over before China can respond. Most importantly China does not want to get involved with the USA in a nuclear war...but if Trump takes the conventional route China will live up to their word and get involved aka defend N. Korea ...aka...attack American Military Forces in that arena. They would want to keep it limited...believing they could inflict a very embarassing defeat on America in a limited war.
From what I’ve read, a lot of posters would like to get NK to the negotiating table. Others are afraid China might get involved if America strikes NK. Others say lil’ Kim is all talk and we should just wait him out.

But history shows that nothing has convinced Kim to slow his nukes program. So the question is: how much longer do we wait? Until Kim has ten nuclear armed ICBMs? A hundred? A thousand? Does anyone really think we will gain any leverage by waiting?

At some point, probably not very far off, we will have no way to stop NK. They will simply have too many nuclear armed ICBMs and other weapons. At that point a first strike by NK might be able to wipe out a good part of the U.S.

So, the question again, is: how long do we wait?

Has it ever been a good strategy to appease a bully? Has it ever worked?

If trump attacks, I hope it is very fast and absolutely devastating. Only smoking ruins should remain.

As it will most likely set off a nuclear war, smoking ruins are all that might be left, in the US also. Nukes do not recognize borders.

Nonsense...................Who is going to nuke us? Certainly not N. Korea if we attack them first with nukes....they will have nothing to attack with.

Would Russia attack us with nukes if we attack N. Korea with a devastating knockout nuclear attack? No

Would China attack us with nukes knowing full well they would be destroyed in minutes? No

So who else is left with nukes and icbms to hit America? No one....so you are just trying to incite fear where there is no reason for fear...as in you are claiming if we attack N. Korea with nukes it could mean our doom.....preposterous, not logical as in totally off the mark.
And they just launched a nuke. Time to find a political solution for the region.

Putin is teaming up with Xi to "deal with the situation". Neither can be trusted farther than fat Kim can be thrown; yet a US military option could bring a missle to South Korea.

Xi, Putin agree to 'appropriately deal' with N.Korea nuclear test: Xinhua

They will not go beyond sanctions or constructing some phoney diplomatic deal which will do nothing in regards to the status quo....as in the status quo works for them but works against us.

Your military option being of a conventional nature would certainly provoke a retaliatory strike by N. Korea and the eventual engagement of China.... in my estimation a 'conventional first strike' by Trump would be a terrible mistake.

As I wrote, a missle on So. Korea. Putin & Xi claim they are getting the matter under control, I hope they do and they need to confer with the US President also.

bwaaaa did you just fall off the turnip truck? If you believe that b.s. I have a bridge to sell you as they say. I do expect China or Russia or China & Russia to come up with some b.s. diplomatic plan that would be touted as something that would solve the problem...rubbish...what they will come with is something that would preserve the status quo....thus worthless.
Yes, let's keep,doing nothing substantial and let them get to the point where they can stockpile ICBMs with nukes on all of them.

Kim boi-king is a lunatic, you cannot reason with him. Taking him out is the only way.

Slip some ricin in fat boy's ham sandwich.
Yes, let's keep,doing nothing substantial and let them get to the point where they can stockpile ICBMs with nukes on all of them.

Kim boi-king is a lunatic, you cannot reason with him. Taking him out is the only way.

Slip some ricin in fat boy's ham sandwich.

No doubt there are plans in the works to take him out if the decider wants to go that route...the problem is no one knows what would happen if such a thing was implemented....it could provoke an attack or he could be replaced with someone just as bad or worse....so the problem being...that method gurantees nothing...it would be a shot in the dark...however it might make things better....just another example of the very,very hard decisions the potus has to deal with.

'Has North Korea just developed an H-bomb for its missiles? They say they have and to deny it would be reckless...time and again we have seen the analysts wrong about the N. Korean military potential.

Yet...............Using nuclear weapons against North Korea is a terrible idea. More than 70 years after the first and only use of nuclear weapons in combat, it seems odd to have to put this in writing, but the past several weeks of heightened tensions with North Korea have made it a necessity.

As the crisis on the Korean peninsula deepens, voices calling for military action to halt North Korea’s nuclear programme have grown stronger and bolder. Last week, Kevin James, a research fellow from the London School of Economics, went a step further, writing that the administration should “nuke North Korea now: it’s the only option”. His argument is based on the assumption that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is an irrational actor, and that nuclear deterrence is a not an option.

This ignores a fundamental reality. The United States has been in a deterrence relationship with North Korea for decades.'


'Since the suspension of the Korean war in 1953, North Korea has held Seoul, the world’s fourth-largest metropolis, and home to roughly 25 million people, hostage. Pyongyang has thousands of artillery pieces trained on the South Korean capital, a mere 40km south of the border with North Korea. Shells fired from those batteries can reach their targets in roughly 45 seconds. That puts close to 35,000 US troops and 100,000 American civilians directly in harm’s way should a major conflict break out on the Korean peninsula.

To make matters worse, North Korea possesses one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world, and can deploy these toxins on an array of artillery shells and missiles. All of South Korea, Japan, and the vast majority of US military assets in the region are well within the range of these weapons. Within minutes of a US military strike, hundreds of these weapons would be launched at both civilian and military targets, inflicting devastating casualties, and causing significant delays in the arrival of American reinforcements to the Korean peninsula.

Thus realists understand there will be no U.S. military action against N. Korea....it is just bluster designed to eventually get a sit down with the N. Korean leader to negotiate some sort of arrangement....meaning we will have to live with a nuclear armed N. Korea. That is reality.'

Our only real hope of protection from N. Korea is to perfect a anti-missile system which may be years away.

In the meantime we should develp the best possible strike plan for N. Korea just in case they go absolutely nuts and launch an attack against the U.S. We must be prepared for the devastation that such an event would cause...definitely in S. Korea and Japan but very likely for our West Coast particuarly and perhaps the entire nation....we have entered a very dangerous era for America...people need to understand that and civil defense measures must be enacted like never before.
US military strike against North Korea would be disastrous
A Think Tank Is One With a Gas Leak

The author you so sightlessly cite helped FUBARack Wussein Obambi get his disastrous Iran deal.

'Has North Korea just developed an H-bomb for its missiles? They say they have and to deny it would be reckless...time and again we have seen the analysts wrong about the N. Korean military potential.

Yet...............Using nuclear weapons against North Korea is a terrible idea. More than 70 years after the first and only use of nuclear weapons in combat, it seems odd to have to put this in writing, but the past several weeks of heightened tensions with North Korea have made it a necessity.

As the crisis on the Korean peninsula deepens, voices calling for military action to halt North Korea’s nuclear programme have grown stronger and bolder. Last week, Kevin James, a research fellow from the London School of Economics, went a step further, writing that the administration should “nuke North Korea now: it’s the only option”. His argument is based on the assumption that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is an irrational actor, and that nuclear deterrence is a not an option.

This ignores a fundamental reality. The United States has been in a deterrence relationship with North Korea for decades.'


'Since the suspension of the Korean war in 1953, North Korea has held Seoul, the world’s fourth-largest metropolis, and home to roughly 25 million people, hostage. Pyongyang has thousands of artillery pieces trained on the South Korean capital, a mere 40km south of the border with North Korea. Shells fired from those batteries can reach their targets in roughly 45 seconds. That puts close to 35,000 US troops and 100,000 American civilians directly in harm’s way should a major conflict break out on the Korean peninsula.

To make matters worse, North Korea possesses one of the largest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world, and can deploy these toxins on an array of artillery shells and missiles. All of South Korea, Japan, and the vast majority of US military assets in the region are well within the range of these weapons. Within minutes of a US military strike, hundreds of these weapons would be launched at both civilian and military targets, inflicting devastating casualties, and causing significant delays in the arrival of American reinforcements to the Korean peninsula.

Thus realists understand there will be no U.S. military action against N. Korea....it is just bluster designed to eventually get a sit down with the N. Korean leader to negotiate some sort of arrangement....meaning we will have to live with a nuclear armed N. Korea. That is reality.'

Our only real hope of protection from N. Korea is to perfect a anti-missile system which may be years away.

In the meantime we should develp the best possible strike plan for N. Korea just in case they go absolutely nuts and launch an attack against the U.S. We must be prepared for the devastation that such an event would cause...definitely in S. Korea and Japan but very likely for our West Coast particuarly and perhaps the entire nation....we have entered a very dangerous era for America...people need to understand that and civil defense measures must be enacted like never before.
US military strike against North Korea would be disastrous
A Think Tank Is One With a Gas Leak

The author you so sightlessly cite helped FUBARack Wussein Obambi get his disastrous Iran deal.
hehheh I just wanted to suck the progressives into the debate. Irregardless............... In a surprisingly candid interview earlier this month, Steve Bannon, the now ousted White House chief strategist, told a reporter that “there’s no military solution [to North Korea’s nuclear threats], forget it … they got us”.
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Yes, let's keep,doing nothing substantial and let them get to the point where they can stockpile ICBMs with nukes on all of them.

Kim boi-king is a lunatic, you cannot reason with him. Taking him out is the only way.

Slip some ricin in fat boy's ham sandwich.

No doubt there are plans in the works to take him out if the decider wants to go that route...the problem is no one knows what would happen if such a thing was implemented....it could provoke an attack or he could be replaced with someone just as bad or worse....so the problem being...that method gurantees nothing...it would be a shot in the dark...however it might make things better....just another example of the very,very hard decisions the potus has to deal with.
Glug, Glug, Kiss a Thug

Better than sinking into a tank of appease porridge.

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