Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Of corse! Millions of human embryos never become anythink like a human!

Where are your facts? Site one time that two humans gave birth to something other than a human.

She means that millions of pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the woman knows she is pregnant. That's millions of embryos who don't become people.

If that is what she meant that is the wrong answer. Look at my question and ask yourself does that answer apply to the question.
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I've got a better question. Why would someone want to kill a perfectly healthy baby that has never hurt anyone and simply desires a chance to live the life god and his parents gave him?

We are not talking about a healthy baby. Stay on topic.

Don't do this. You know very well that this thread veered away from the specific incident in your OP a long time ago and there has been an awful lot of generalization in here due in no small part to the thought your chosen story has generated, good choice by the way, that story is thought provoking.
Looking at some of our more far left wing liberal Democrat Parody "leaders," the question might be asked:

Why Should Not Abortion And Euthanasia Be Encouraged?
I've got a better question. Why would someone want to kill a perfectly healthy baby that has never hurt anyone and simply desires a chance to live the life god and his parents gave him?

We are not talking about a healthy baby. Stay on topic.

You cherry picked a situation that does not even fit the OP. Then you ask me to stay on topic? The OP is off topic in the very first post. Presumably because you could not find an example that fits the OP statements? So we are supposed to argue about some mythical baby that, does not actually exist, that we are gonna save from the agony of birth by having a doctor perform some horrific procedure on him? I'm a detail guy. I need actual facts, not what ifs. What is the tool we are going to use to make this determination that the baby will not live, when will we know, what are the actual options, the physical procedures that are options to birth, that we are gonna use.

I suspect the "solution" may be much worse than the issue.
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That said, I have no personal issue with abortions that take place before the baby has a beating heart and/or measure-able brain wave activity. IOW if the baby is not a living thinking, heart beating human yet I have no legal proof that the baby can feel and/or is alive yet. Thus, at that point the issue is one of stopping the pregnancy before the baby is alive, which to me is arguably more responsible than stopping the life of the baby, after the baby is measurably alive.

IMO an advocate for a baby needs to be provided by a court in cases where the baby is alive, and the mother and doctor have good reason to terminate that life.
Looking at some of our more far left wing liberal Democrat Parody "leaders," the question might be asked:

Why Should Not Abortion And Euthanasia Be Encouraged?

They do encourage it. They tout abortion and euthanasia as a cureall...the ultimate in "women's health", the best way to make the old and infim *happy*...they protect women from the risky venture of a full term pregnancy, while all but eliminating child abuse, poverty, and disease!

In addition, it's good for the environment and will put an end to famine!

Yup, killing people..it's what's best for them.
Looking at some of our more far left wing liberal Democrat Parody "leaders," the question might be asked:

Why Should Not Abortion And Euthanasia Be Encouraged?

They do encourage it. They tout abortion and euthanasia as a cureall...the ultimate in "women's health", the best way to make the old and infim *happy*...they protect women from the risky venture of a full term pregnancy, while all but eliminating child abuse, poverty, and disease!

In addition, it's good for the environment and will put an end to famine!

Yup, killing people..it's what's best for them.

If Rose Kennedy had practiced a little abortion (or euthanasia) instead of just casual lobotomization, the world may never have been infested with Teddy glub glub Kennedy -- and Mary Jo might still be alive today.
Looking at some of our more far left wing liberal Democrat Parody "leaders," the question might be asked:

Why Should Not Abortion And Euthanasia Be Encouraged?

They do encourage it. They tout abortion and euthanasia as a cureall...the ultimate in "women's health", the best way to make the old and infim *happy*...they protect women from the risky venture of a full term pregnancy, while all but eliminating child abuse, poverty, and disease!

In addition, it's good for the environment and will put an end to famine!

Yup, killing people..it's what's best for them.

If Rose Kennedy had practiced a little abortion (or euthanasia) instead of just casual lobotomization, the world may never have been infested with Teddy glub glub Kennedy -- and Mary Jo might still be alive today.

You honestly think the other two were any better then Teddy?
[MENTION=38085]Noomi[/MENTION] Irony: An argument against abortion is off topic in an abortion thread, but an argument for aborting an already dead US Senator is on topic.
So, you're also in favor of starving this baby to death.

This whole thread is just more proof that you pro-lifers hate children

I am in favor of giving you a frontal lobotomy because your opinion is so insensitive to reality, but I digress...

Yeah, we hate them so much that we want to let them live...

Hopefully someday you realize how detached you are from your spirit...

NO ONE can decide whether a life is worth living - only a person itself.
BUT a woman can decide if she want to get a Baby or not. It is irrelevant whether the embryo is healthy or diseased! It is an important decision to become a mother or not. Life is significantly altered by a child! A woman must decide if she wants to take responsibility.

I see you're right in line behind Luddly...
They do encourage it. They tout abortion and euthanasia as a cureall...the ultimate in "women's health", the best way to make the old and infim *happy*...they protect women from the risky venture of a full term pregnancy, while all but eliminating child abuse, poverty, and disease!

In addition, it's good for the environment and will put an end to famine!

Yup, killing people..it's what's best for them.

If Rose Kennedy had practiced a little abortion (or euthanasia) instead of just casual lobotomization, the world may never have been infested with Teddy glub glub Kennedy -- and Mary Jo might still be alive today.

You honestly think the other two were any better then Teddy?

Yes. Yes I do.
People need to learn to mind their own beeswax. The US is supposed to be the land of the free. So let's try not to tell everyone what to do, ok?

Why don't you shut up and stop telling everyone else what to do? ;)
Where are your facts? Site one time that two humans gave birth to something other than a human.

She means that millions of pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the woman knows she is pregnant. That's millions of embryos who don't become people.

If that is what she meant that is the wrong answer. Look at my question and ask yourself does that answer apply to the question.

:eusa_angel: Now we are getting closer! BIRTH is the answer! I think we are talking about unborn embryos! An Embryo outside an uterus never becomes a baby! And yes, abortion kills human Embryos. That's why abortion is a last resort and not a kind of family planning or contraception.

There is no other chance for a pregnant woman not to become a mother.
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People die of natural causes all the time.

That is not a justification for KILLING them.
Shut the hell up with the straw man. Right to lifers do protect born children, and they pour a LOT of money and time into the ventures that help born children.

Kindly stop promoting the myth that abortion in some way protects children. It doesn't, it never has, and there are absolutely no statistics that show that it is in any way connected to the treatment/quality of life of born children...or, rather, the stats show the exact opposite of what the death cultists maintain...i.e., child abuse, child murder, child neglect have all increased since legalized abortion.
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It would be great if all the pro-lifers would use their power to protect born children!

It would be great if people who can't afford children would give them up for adoption to people who can afford them and want them desperately, rather than killing them in the womb.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

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