Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

My first question is, could this baby have gotten a transplant?

I have no problem terminating such a pregnancy if a defect this severe is discovered, but I'm a little cautious about Euthansia given our current system of "managed care".

You love our system of managed care . You should read the article then you would have known that abortion was never considred by the parents. Hell, I did not even see them mention putting the kid down. Guess your just in this to support your girl friend eh ?

Gee, I don't know, I halfway disagreed with her.

My problem with Euthansia at least in this country is that when you have big insurance companies being given the option to kill patients to keep their expenses down, a lot more of us will be declared "uncurable".

Well hells bells we agree on something :lol:

Not just big insurance companies though. In Britain the NHS was busted for giving bonuses to hospitals for putting patients on the death transit to hell errrrrrrrrrrrrthe Liverpool Care Pathway and freeing up beds.

One will always find a bean counter or a bureaucrat that can screw up a good program.
Even if the embryo has a severe congenital defect?

I expect you will say 'yes' and make someone else suffer for your principles.

But where do you draw the line?

Right now we have abortion on demand here with a looming nightmare of female foeticide. With no laws against it.

So we have women campaigning for women's rights to abort on demand who because of their own stringent beliefs won't even draw the line against gender based abortion.
does a human embryo become anything other than a human?
Life does begin in the womb

A human embryo becomes a human, when it matures long enough!
Life can also start in a test tube, but without a woman it never gets to a human.
So what you're saying is that there is a chance a human embryo will become something other than what it was created from?

Of corse! Millions of human embryos never become anythink like a human!
does a human embryo become anything other than a human?
Life does begin in the womb

A human embryo becomes a human, when it matures long enough!
Life can also start in a test tube, but without a woman it never gets to a human.

A human embryo doesn't "become" human, a human embryo is a human from the get go. A human being in the very earliest stages of development. Abortion kills that individual human being.

Yes, abortion kills human embryos! No one denies! Is it individual - yes it is! A fly or finger prints are also indiviually, aren't they.
Abortion is meaningless on an over-populated planet.

Overpopulated? How is Earth overpopulated? I know where I live is not overpopulated and many other places aren't either. Where do you live, Beijing?

Of course, the world is overpopulated! But abortion is not a remedy for overpopulation!!! Only equal opportunitie and saccess to resources , education and contraceptives are effectively! Abortion is the last resort of a woman not to have a baby. No one may dispute this right! Because there is no real alternative. And it is no alternative to say - don't to have sex! That is unrealistic and unworldly! To deny overpopulation is also unworldly. It is not indicative of a good Formation, sorry to say ...
I draw the line at "it is none of my business."

That's how the German people felt during the Jewish extermination, well that and fear of ruling class repercussions.

Socialists like mass murder

Even if the embryo has a severe congenital defect?

I expect you will say 'yes' and make someone else suffer for your principles.

Yes. Yes. No.

Last time I checked, abortion is legal in the U.S. Do I agree with that, no. Do I think it should be changed, yes. Will I force myself into other people's lives and force them not to have an abortion, a resounding no. Because my girlfriend and I are Catholic, we would not abort any children. Maybe you have not read Jailan's story yet, Peterf. Jailan was born with a severe defect. The operation went wrong and he starved to death. But before he died, he was shown love and kept out of pain with morphine.

Back to what I said earlier, I will not force you to not have abortions. You should follow likewise.

Let me guess, you would abort a child you might concieve if it had a severe defect. Then I ask, are you an atheist? Because, as I said in an earlier post, abortion=murder.
I draw the line at "it is none of my business."

That's how the German people felt during the Jewish extermination, well that and fear of ruling class repercussions.

The comparison is really disgusting. Systematically murdering people has nothing to do with abortion.

I can understand that people reject abortion. For me personally, it also wouldn't be an option. But I have no doubt that there are women who see no other way out. To prevent as many abortions, you have to analyze why women get into such situations. It is not a solution to demonize. Sex education, free contraceptives and financial support could be a step in the right direction. In the end the possibility must remain on abortion as a last resort. Not least for raping women!
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

I've got a better question. Why would someone want to kill a perfectly healthy baby that has never hurt anyone and simply desires a chance to live the life god and his parents gave him?
A human embryo becomes a human, when it matures long enough!
Life can also start in a test tube, but without a woman it never gets to a human.
So what you're saying is that there is a chance a human embryo will become something other than what it was created from?

Of corse! Millions of human embryos never become anythink like a human!

Where are your facts? Site one time that two humans gave birth to something other than a human.
You are right, they should have just killed the mother when she got pregnant.

Please be serious. That was a gorgeous little boy who had to die in such a dreadful way. I really want to know why some people would prefer that he starved to death as opposed to having his life ended before his suffering began?

It could have been possible to operate and save his life but obviously, once it was discovered he was beyound nedical help then euthanasia should have been an option. I cannot see how watching a new born baby starve to death is more acceptable.
I draw the line at "it is none of my business."

That's how the German people felt during the Jewish extermination, well that and fear of ruling class repercussions.

The comparison is really disgusting. Systematically murdering people has nothing to do with abortion.

I can understand that people reject abortion. For me personally, it also wouldn't be an option. But I have no doubt that there are women who see no other way out. To prevent as many abortions, you have to analyze why women get into such situations. It is not a solution to demonize. Sex education, free contraceptives and financial support could be a step in the right direction. In the end the possibility must remain on abortion as a last resort. Not least for raping women!

How can a baby rape a woman?
I draw the line at "it is none of my business."

That's how the German people felt during the Jewish extermination, well that and fear of ruling class repercussions.

The comparison is really disgusting. Systematically murdering people has nothing to do with abortion.

I can understand that people reject abortion. For me personally, it also wouldn't be an option. But I have no doubt that there are women who see no other way out. To prevent as many abortions, you have to analyze why women get into such situations. It is not a solution to demonize. Sex education, free contraceptives and financial support could be a step in the right direction. In the end the possibility must remain on abortion as a last resort. Not least for raping women!

Yeah, well - Lumpy is an idiot, and apparently doesn't grasp the Godwin concept.
I've got a better question. Why would someone want to kill a perfectly healthy baby that has never hurt anyone and simply desires a chance to live the life god and his parents gave him?

We are not talking about a healthy baby. Stay on topic.
So what you're saying is that there is a chance a human embryo will become something other than what it was created from?

Of corse! Millions of human embryos never become anythink like a human!

Where are your facts? Site one time that two humans gave birth to something other than a human.

She means that millions of pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the woman knows she is pregnant. That's millions of embryos who don't become people.

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