Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Wow. That was an inordinately low blow.

And by the way, the decision to do so was made by individual women who have the legal right to do so. Therefore, genocide was not involved.

Lastly - I have often disproved memes that back my position. Where is the citation that your meme is based in reality.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Wow. That was an inordinately low blow.

And by the way, the decision to do so was made by individual women who have the legal right to do so. Therefore, genocide was not involved.

Lastly - I have often disproved memes that back my position. Where is the citation that your meme is based in reality.

Abortion is as low as anyone can go
She means that millions of pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before the woman knows she is pregnant. That's millions of embryos who don't become people.

If that is what she meant that is the wrong answer. Look at my question and ask yourself does that answer apply to the question.

:eusa_angel: Now we are getting closer! BIRTH is the answer! I think we are talking about unborn embryos! An Embryo outside an uterus never becomes a baby! And yes, abortion kills human Embryos. That's why abortion is a last resort and not a kind of family planning or contraception.

There is no other chance for a pregnant woman not to become a mother.

Humans do not create anything other than humans stop dancing.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Not everyone can cope with raising a special needs child, and they shouldn't be forced to. It costs a lot of money, and Downs kids have heart problems, among other medical issues. Its a financial drain.

That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

Don't think I am thrilled with the fact so many are aborted - I do consider the fact that a lot of parents cannot afford to raise a special needs child - especially if they have other kids at home.
That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

I'm sure you think this makes you sound open minded but it doesn't, it makes you sound like someone who shouldn't be debating the life or death of others in any capacity.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Wow. That was an inordinately low blow.

And by the way, the decision to do so was made by individual women who have the legal right to do so. Therefore, genocide was not involved.

Lastly - I have often disproved memes that back my position. Where is the citation that your meme is based in reality.

Because the woman decided to participate in the genocide it makes it okay? Did you guys ask the babies if it wanted to live? Did you care about its right to its body?
Wow. That was an inordinately low blow.

And by the way, the decision to do so was made by individual women who have the legal right to do so. Therefore, genocide was not involved.

Lastly - I have often disproved memes that back my position. Where is the citation that your meme is based in reality.

Because the woman decided to participate in the genocide it makes it okay? Did you guys ask the babies if it wanted to live? Did you care about its right to its body?

Let's say everyone agrees with you. How would you stop abortions? Got a plan?

Yes put every doctor that performs one that isn't for saving a life in jail.
Let's say everyone agrees with you. How would you stop abortions? Got a plan?

Yes put every doctor that performs one that isn't for saving a life in jail.

The doctors would just go underground or record the abortion as some other procedure..., women could go to Canada, Mexico... So your plan wouldn't work. Got another one?

Putting drug dealers in jail doesn't do anything to the supply or the use of narcotics...

And on what charges? Abortion is not against the law.
Let's say everyone agrees with you. How would you stop abortions? Got a plan?

Yes put every doctor that performs one that isn't for saving a life in jail.

The doctors would just go underground or record the abortion as some other procedure..., women could go to Canada, Mexico... So your plan wouldn't work. Got another one?

Putting drug dealers in jail doesn't do anything to the supply or the use of narcotics...

Fraud is illegal already and fraud in the crime of murder just means more penalties.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Not everyone can cope with raising a special needs child, and they shouldn't be forced to. It costs a lot of money, and Downs kids have heart problems, among other medical issues. Its a financial drain.

That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

Don't think I am thrilled with the fact so many are aborted - I do consider the fact that a lot of parents cannot afford to raise a special needs child - especially if they have other kids at home.

Yes, it is really hard to raise a child that is is unconditionally loving.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Not everyone can cope with raising a special needs child, and they shouldn't be forced to. It costs a lot of money, and Downs kids have heart problems, among other medical issues. Its a financial drain.

That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

Don't think I am thrilled with the fact so many are aborted - I do consider the fact that a lot of parents cannot afford to raise a special needs child - especially if they have other kids at home.

Adoption is always an answer, and yes, there are people willing to adopt special needs babies as well. In fact, my neighbor went in search of 2 special needs children to adopt. One had a cleft palate, she adopted him when he was 11. He's had several surgeries and no, it wasn't cheep and no they aren't rich.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Wow. That was an inordinately low blow.

And by the way, the decision to do so was made by individual women who have the legal right to do so. Therefore, genocide was not involved.

Lastly - I have often disproved memes that back my position. Where is the citation that your meme is based in reality.

I consider advocating killing a dying child to be a low blow. I consider killing a baby in the womb all the way up to birth do be a low blow. I do not consider citing facts and objecting to that position to be a low blow.
Shut the hell up with the straw man. Right to lifers do protect born children, and they pour a LOT of money and time into the ventures that help born children.

Kindly stop promoting the myth that abortion in some way protects children. It doesn't, it never has, and there are absolutely no statistics that show that it is in any way connected to the treatment/quality of life of born children...or, rather, the stats show the exact opposite of what the death cultists maintain...i.e., child abuse, child murder, child neglect have all increased since legalized abortion.

I never said that abortion in some way protects children! I would never presume to judge the quality of life of anyone! In particular, children with Down syndrome are considered to be very happy children. Abortion is not to protect children - how does it work??? I've always said that it is an individual decision of a woman. You may call it selfish. But to raise a child cost money and time and parents must assume a special responsibility. Women should decide whether they want to take this responsibility.
That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

I'm sure you think this makes you sound open minded but it doesn't, it makes you sound like someone who shouldn't be debating the life or death of others in any capacity.

Noomi's life experience has been very, very narrow. Pray for her horizons to widen and that she comes to understand how very dangerous many of her closely held beliefs are.
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Not everyone can cope with raising a special needs child, and they shouldn't be forced to. It costs a lot of money, and Downs kids have heart problems, among other medical issues. Its a financial drain.

That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

Don't think I am thrilled with the fact so many are aborted - I do consider the fact that a lot of parents cannot afford to raise a special needs child - especially if they have other kids at home.

So here we have an actual "issue" related to the OP, but instead of aborting the child to help the child go through a life of pain, what we really have is aborting a child because the child will be "different" be a burden on the parents time and finances.

Why then can't we just go around killing people after birth based on burden? Why is killing a child after birth different than killing a baby with a beating heart in a womb, to save us from the "burden" of having to raise the child? Why not do an IQ test when the child is 10 and if under a certain threshold let the parents kill the child at that time?

What's the difference?
There is no difference.

And the death cultists know it, and they're okay with it. They know that most people find it abhorrent, however, so they lie about it.

In other words, you won't get a straight answer from them.
"In October of 1939 amid the turmoil of the outbreak of war Hitler ordered widespread "mercy killing" of the sick and disabled.

"Code named "Aktion T 4," the Nazi euthanasia program to eliminate "life unworthy of life" at first focused on newborns and very young children. Midwives and doctors were required to register children up to age three who showed symptoms of mental retardation, physical deformity, or other symptoms included on a questionnaire from the Reich Health Ministry.

"A decision on whether to allow the child to live was then made by three medical experts solely on the basis of the questionnaire, without any examination and without reading any medical records.

"Each expert placed a + mark in red pencil or - mark in blue pencil under the term "treatment" on a special form. A red plus mark meant a decision to kill the child. A blue minus sign meant a decision against killing. Three plus symbols resulted in a euthanasia warrant being issued and the transfer of the child to a 'Children's Specialty Department' for death by injection or gradual starvation.

"The decision had to be unanimous. In cases where the decision was not unanimous the child was kept under observation and another attempt would be made to get a unanimous decision.

"The Nazi euthanasia program quickly expanded to include older disabled children and adults. Hitler's decree of October, 1939, typed on his personal stationary, enlarged "the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death."

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline: Nazi Euthanasia
I like this...you know how today's progressives insist that the Catholics were complicit, somehow, in the Holocaust (complete fabrication...they were held hostage and killed by Nazis)...

On August 3, 1941, a Catholic Bishop, Clemens von Galen, delivered a sermon in Münster Cathedral attacking the Nazi euthanasia program calling it "plain murder." The sermon sent a shockwave through the Nazi leadership by publicly condemning the program and urged German Catholics to "withdraw ourselves and our faithful from their (Nazi) influence so that we may not be contaminated by their thinking and their ungodly behavior.

"As a result, on August 23, Hitler suspended Aktion T4, which had accounted for nearly a hundred thousand deaths by this time.

"The Nazis retaliated against the Bishop by beheading three parish priests who had distributed his sermon, but left the Bishop unharmed to avoid making him into a martyr."

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline: Nazi Euthanasia
Here you go Noomi, you ought to be thrilled with this...


Then again, you probably want to euthanize the 1 out of 10 that isn't aborted too.

Not everyone can cope with raising a special needs child, and they shouldn't be forced to. It costs a lot of money, and Downs kids have heart problems, among other medical issues. Its a financial drain.

That said, I am not sure what I would do if I was going to have a baby with Downs. 12 months ago I would have said kill it. But since I have met this wonderful young lady named Sarah who used to do karate with me, I have started to change my mind.

Don't think I am thrilled with the fact so many are aborted - I do consider the fact that a lot of parents cannot afford to raise a special needs child - especially if they have other kids at home.

So here we have an actual "issue" related to the OP, but instead of aborting the child to help the child go through a life of pain, what we really have is aborting a child because the child will be "different" be a burden on the parents time and finances.

Why then can't we just go around killing people after birth based on burden? Why is killing a child after birth different than killing a baby with a beating heart in a womb, to save us from the "burden" of having to raise the child? Why not do an IQ test when the child is 10 and if under a certain threshold let the parents kill the child at that time?

What's the difference?

You can not force a woman to have a baby! Why is killing a child after birth is different? I hope you know the difference! There are laws ... And -a born baby is not dependent on a woman!
Why do you want to take women this right??? There are no alternatives

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