Why Abortion And Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Does idividual life begins after fertilization?
Individual life is not really possible for an embryo, is it? Nobody says abortion is great. Abortion is always a last Resort!

does a human embryo become anything other than a human?
Life does begin in the womb

A human embryo becomes a human, when it matures long enough!
Life can also start in a test tube, but without a woman it never gets to a human.
So what you're saying is that there is a chance a human embryo will become something other than what it was created from?
A human embryo is, by definition, human.

And the planet is certainly not overpopulated. The notion is ridiculous.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

I do not understand how some people can use a sick, dying child as justification to kill a healthy unborn child. I guess we're even.
So, how long before we start to "compassionately" euthanize the mental defects, the political opponents, and all the other "undesirables" BD and Noomi share the same sick ideology as Adolf Hitler.

No they don't. And nor do I and other advocates of euthanasia. Attributing false beliefs to one's opponents is a cheap debating tactic - can't you come up with something better?

I can actually site people that advocate crap you just said that no one believes. Does that make you a liar, or stupid?
Bizarre that we think we can and should control other people' bodies.

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A human embryo is, by definition, human.

And the planet is certainly not overpopulated. The notion is ridiculous.

What's ridiculous is the notion that the planet is not overpopulated with humans.

Well then take your poison in your cities, die and give the earth back. I live in the middle of nowhere quite happily.

So do something about your overpopulation where you live. Seriously. Leave the rest of us in the middle of nowhere people alone.

In other words, don't bitch at the likes of me.
Does idividual life begins after fertilization?
Individual life is not really possible for an embryo, is it? Nobody says abortion is great. Abortion is always a last Resort!

does a human embryo become anything other than a human?
Life does begin in the womb

A human embryo becomes a human, when it matures long enough!
Life can also start in a test tube, but without a woman it never gets to a human.

A human embryo doesn't "become" human, a human embryo is a human from the get go. A human being in the very earliest stages of development. Abortion kills that individual human being.
This story is a few months old, but its incredibly sad. A little boy born with a defective small intestine. He had surgery, but doctors discovered that his entire small bowel had died, and as a result, he couldn't eat or drink, and there was nothing that could be done for him.
He was given high doses of morphine as he starved to death - after 13 days of life:

“On the 20th of April 2013 my sister went into labour three weeks early and my baby nephew was born at 1:30am on my daughter’s birthday.

“One week earlier my sister began having a few contractions so she went to the hospital. When a scan was performed the doctors noticed that the baby’s small intestine appeared to be blocked, so my sister was transferred to John Hunter Hospital. The surgeon said baby Jailan had bowel atresia and that when he was 12 hours old he would be sent to theatre to cut out the blockage and reattach the intestines. The doctor was confident, and assured us that he had performed this surgery numerous times with high success rates.

“We were upset that bub had to have surgery, but reassured that it was a relatively easy and fairly common operation.

Jailan's story: a life too short | Parent Exchange

If the condition had been discovered during the pregnancy, surely it would be kinder to abort Jailan than to give birth to him and watch him starve and die?
And surely it would be kinder for parents to have the option to euthanase their sick children, so they do not have to suffer like this?

Jailan may not have felt pain, given the morphine he was on, but his parents, and relatives had to stand by and watch him grow smaller and weaker, until finally, he died of starvation and dehydration.

I do not understand how some people consider this is a better death than a termination in the womb.

I do not understand how some people can use a sick, dying child as justification to kill a healthy unborn child. I guess we're even.

Jailan was beautiful and all around him loved him. It's worth the read to go to the story of Jailan's life.

You will read about spirit and love and not about a sick dying child.

You will read how the human spirit can embrace a life as short as Jailan's was and how it touched the whole family.

Jailan lived. Jailan lived. Jailan lived. And then he passed.
Saying it doesn't make it so. The state should not have control of people's bodies. We own our bodies and must fight to keep that ownership.

This is a prime example of the radical right's wanting the state to have complete control over us. It's also why abortion is and should forever be safe and legal and with no restrictions.

There lots of countries where women are controlled by radicals. Go live in one of them.

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Saying it doesn't make it so. The state should not have control of people's bodies. We own our bodies and must fight to keep that ownership.

This is a prime example of the radical right's wanting the state to have complete control over us. It's also why abortion is and should forever be safe and legal and with no restrictions.

There lots of countries where women are controlled by radicals. Go live in one of them.

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it goes both way you saying what you say doesn't make it so.

Bizarre that we think we can and should control other people' bodies.

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So, how long before we start to "compassionately" euthanize the mental defects, the political opponents, and all the other "undesirables" BD and Noomi share the same sick ideology as Adolf Hitler.

No they don't. And nor do I and other advocates of euthanasia. Attributing false beliefs to one's opponents is a cheap debating tactic - can't you come up with something better?

I can actually site people that advocate crap you just said that no one believes. Does that make you a liar, or stupid?

Neither. It just makes me someone who knows the difference between 'site' and 'cite'.

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