Why again is the world so horrified by putin but not by what the taliban did?

They had what we consider "terrorists". The issue is how we define "terrorists". Saddam had those who would attempt to topple him and he would kill them. We condemned Saddam for this. We go in and topple Saddam but then the same people try and run us off. We then call them terrorists and pretend we are doing the right thing by killing them.

We are no better than those we condemn. People were scared for their children every bit as much when we were dropping bombs as Ukrainian's are when Russia does it.
Clean break strategy and the PNAC letter to Clinton in 1998 demanded getting rid of Saddam Hussein.
Why again did the world (biden the geriatric globalist puppet) not cut off the pipeline for Russia like Trump did until AFTER the invasion?

Only been hearing about the build up and impending invasion since December 3rd.

Why again only after?

Should we remind the pathetic globalist yapping monkeys of this meeting with Trump telling Germany to stop relying on Russia and putin?

Don't worry though. It isn't real. It is an illusion. Trump was the putin puppet. Well, except for the idiotic world globalist leaders for some straaaaange reason continued funding Russia and putin and Trump didn't.


Just curious. Go ahead candycorn.Give your best explanation.

Also, why again hasn't the world publicly and collectively denounced China for unleashing the disease from their labs on the world?

Well, let's hear it.
how about what every country did to their own people, locking them in their own homes for two years?
Why again did the world (biden the geriatric globalist puppet) not cut off the pipeline for Russia like Trump did until AFTER the invasion?

Only been hearing about the build up and impending invasion since December 3rd.

Why again only after?

Should we remind the pathetic globalist yapping monkeys of this meeting with Trump telling Germany to stop relying on Russia and putin?

Don't worry though. It isn't real. It is an illusion. Trump was the putin puppet. Well, except for the idiotic world globalist leaders for some straaaaange reason continued funding Russia and putin and Trump didn't.



Nordstream2 is smart money for the Europeans and Russia. Putin screwed the pooch.
how about what every country did to their own people, locking them in their own homes for two years?

I don't recall being locked in. I'm pretty sure I wasn't. I'm getting older and the memory doesn't work as well but I think I would have remembered that.
I don't recall being locked in. I'm pretty sure I wasn't. I'm getting older and the memory doesn't work as well but I think I would have remembered that.
the old people in nursing homes were. no visitors. Same with patients in hospitals. maybe you got out, but where did you go? you're truly a dick. been a dick and will be a dick forever I supposed. You understood my point, but alas, too feeble minded to think.
I don't recall being locked in. I'm pretty sure I wasn't. I'm getting older and the memory doesn't work as well but I think I would have remembered that.
The Taliban didn't invade a foreign country.
how about what every country did to their own people, locking them in their own homes for two years?
looks like pknoop was most probably the only one unaffected by lockdowns.
the old people in nursing homes were. no visitors. Same with patients in hospitals. maybe you got out, but where did you go? you're truly a dick. been a dick and will be a dick forever I supposed. You understood my point, but alas, too feeble minded to think.
The nursing homes did a good job protecting their patients.
The nursing homes did a good job protecting their patients.
yep, isolated them from the loved ones. that's no punishment to you I see. You in your feeble mind are ok with punishing old folks. look at you!!!
Why again did the world (biden the geriatric globalist puppet) not cut off the pipeline for Russia like Trump did until AFTER the invasion?

Only been hearing about the build up and impending invasion since December 3rd.

Why again only after?

Should we remind the pathetic globalist yapping monkeys of this meeting with Trump telling Germany to stop relying on Russia and putin?

The pipeline has never delivered a drop of oil, it still has not been certified safe to do so.

Biden took off the US sanctions at the request of our ally Germany.

Why do so many of you think the US has the right to tell other countries how to run their countries?
so it was ok to punish their own people. got it.
You don't know much about them. They were young war orphans who tried to stop the rapes, carjackings and opium production. Of course they went overboard.
You don't know much about them. They were young war orphans who tried to stop the rapes, carjackings and opium production. Of course they went overboard.
so you were ok with punishing their own people? it's a yes or no question. squirming doesn't fit you.

hahahahaahahahaha yu fking loser.
The nursing homes did a good job protecting their patients.
Progs are murderers. Anything for the agendas. It is proven over and over. Saul Alinsky tactics with violence promoted as normal. Only a Prog can promote shit as an expensive flower with the taxpayers and private corporations used as suckers for the ass wiping.

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