Why again is the world so horrified by putin but not by what the taliban did?

the old people in nursing homes were. no visitors. Same with patients in hospitals. maybe you got out, but where did you go? you're truly a dick. been a dick and will be a dick forever I supposed. You understood my point, but alas, too feeble minded to think.

I believe hyperbole does not make a good point. Your point was not true. I did at least 80-90% of what I would normally do. I didn't go out to eat and I wore a mask to Wal Mart. That's about the only change.

Now I believe one can make a legitimate point that what we didn't really was not worth the cost. I believe that. That point can be made in a honest manner.
Progs are murderers. Anything for the agendas. It is proven over and over. Saul Alinsky tactics with violence promoted as normal. Only a Prog can promote shit as an expensive flower with the taxpayers and private corporations used as suckers for the ass wiping.
Nobody gives a fig about Saul alinsky.
Nobody gives a fig about Saul alinsky.
Your party and adherents follow Rules for Radicals. Power has been attained. And keeping it has turned them into dictators. We see it over and over in the Western World. All those Prog women fronted up who are bringing the destruction of the Western World into view. Now we are playing a game with Russia. Somewhere in this world somebody will get nukes and use them at some point. Just by the arrogance alone to cause it.
I believe hyperbole does not make a good point. Your point was not true. I did at least 80-90% of what I would normally do. I didn't go out to eat and I wore a mask to Wal Mart. That's about the only change.

Now I believe one can make a legitimate point that what we didn't really was not worth the cost. I believe that. That point can be made in a honest manner.
sure you did. Every movie theatre was shut down. every theatre was locked down. Every restaurant was closed to indoor seating, no bars were open. So your normal life was hiding in your basement. got it. Oh, every school was closed. Infact, other than a few stores for supplies, I'm unaware of any normal business open. My company went all remote. I think they called those needed essential workers. But that was it. so again, if 80% of your life was unaffected, you didn't do much.
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sure you did. Every movie theatre was shut down. every theatre was locked down. Every restaurant was closed to indoor seating, no bars were open. So your normal life was hiding in your basement. got it.

I rarely did any of those things other than going out to eat. I was not locked in my home. The entire world for the most part did these things so I have never really understood the point other than in the end, it appears to have done very little especially compared to the harm it did.
I rarely did any of those things other than going out to eat. I was not locked in my home. The entire world for the most part did these things so I have never really understood the point other than in the end, it appears to have done very little especially compared to the harm it did.
Nothing was open, it was a physical lockdown keeping people from intermingling. No social contact, that's about as much of lockdown as one can get. No sports, nadda, not one event. I love my wife and all, but I truly didn't need to spend every hour of my life with her. That just wasn't healthy. Keeping children from playing with other children was abuse of the highest form. All done by leaders of our country. Then came the mandates and firing people from their jobs for not complying, yeah, that's not democratic at all. dude, I get it, you love tyranny. I don't. Fk every mthr fking leader and those who helped. No better or different than Putin at this very moment.
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Your party and adherents follow Rules for Radicals. Power has been attained. And keeping it has turned them into dictators. We see it over and over in the Western World. All those Prog women fronted up who are bringing the destruction of the Western World into view. Now we are playing a game with Russia. Somewhere in this world somebody will get nukes and use them at some point. Just by the arrogance alone to cause it.
Exactly, there isn't one leader today who can honestly say they didn't impact their own citizens in a way related to what Putin is doing right now. Killing hundreds and thousands for experiments and compliance laws and then punishing those who don't accommodate their Nazi power. yeah, fk all these demofks who love them a good tyranny government.
Nothing was open, it was a physical lockdown keeping people from intermingling. No social contact, that's about as much of lockdown as one can get. No sports, nadda, not one event. I love my wife and all, but I truly didn't need to spend every hour of my life with her. That just wasn't healthy. Keeping children from playing with other children was abuse of the highest form. All done by leaders of our country. Then came the mandates and firing people from their jobs for not complying, yeah, that's not democratic at all. dude, I get it, you love tyranny. I don't. Fk every mthr fking leader and those who helped. No better or different than Putin at this very moment.

I clearly stated many times that I did not support the mandates. I hung out with the same people I did before the virus and the same people I do now.

The day I got sick with the virus I was traveling with a friend 3 hours round trip to pick up car parts. (he never did get sick).
Afghanistan and the Taliban is a domestic issue between different fractions of the same country. Just like when the US had a civil war and it will again eventually.
China didn't unleash anything, shit happens.
You should ask where was the world, when the US wrecked havoc and invaded many countries and killed millions and ruined millions of lives in the process.
china and fauci made an illegal Bio-weapon. Whether it escaped or was let loose is a mute point----it wouldn't have escaped if they weren't looking to create a disease to kill people.
china and fauci made an illegal Bio-weapon. Whether it escaped or was let loose is a mute point----it wouldn't have escaped if they weren't looking to create a disease to kill people.

Whether or not the virus came from the clinic the problem with Fauci is indeed that he supported creating these viruses and was even willing to lie about it under oath.
china and fauci made an illegal Bio-weapon. Whether it escaped or was let loose is a mute point----it wouldn't have escaped if they weren't looking to create a disease to kill people.
What absolute bullshit.
Just curious. Go ahead candycorn.Give your best explanation.

Also, why again hasn't the world publicly and collectively denounced China for unleashing the disease from their labs on the world?

Well, let's hear it.
We've come to expect carnage from blacks and Muslims, but these are white people whose lives are intrinsically more valuable.
We've come to expect carnage from blacks and Muslims, but these are white people whose lives are intrinsically more valuable.
Especially to virtue signaling hypocritical fossil fuel guzzling globalist puppets like candycorn (karencorn.) Who, is privileged enough to live along Beach front property that her dandy husband pays for. Just ask her. She loves to brag about it. Probably drives a volvo.
Just curious. Go ahead candycorn.Give your best explanation.

Also, why again hasn't the world publicly and collectively denounced China for unleashing the disease from their labs on the world?

Well, let's hear it.
We don't know that they "unleashed" the disease. The latest study by American experts is that the disease was fomented in a meat packing plant, and spread from one animal species to another.
We don't know that they "unleashed" the disease. The latest study by American experts is that the disease was fomented in a meat packing plant, and spread from one animal species to another.
I have some hope for the Taliban. Afghanistan has suffered for more than 30 years.

The Taliban are backwards but they are not as bad as 20 years of war.

If the people of Afghanistan want different leaders they have to do it.

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