Why Alice Johnson received a life sentence for a first offense.

This appears to be the key reason she was given such a harsh penalty for basically being a message relayer in a drug ring. The link is below:

"Even though her arrest in 1993 was her first offense, Johnson received a life sentence, which she began serving in 1996. During the trial ten of her co-defendants testified against her in exchange for a reduced or dropped charges, Mic reports. Johnson, however, did not receive the same mercy, despite having not previous drug charges.".

Her case was submitted for review three times during Obama's Presidency. Since Obama couldn't see how pardoning her would gain him votes, he ignored her case.

Who is Alice Marie Johnson? Kim Kardashian Meets Donald Trump About Prison Reform
This is the only tRump pardon I agree with so far.
Hopefully you'll fully mature during his benevebene presidency.

He did the right thing and I do believe in harsh penalties for serious drug offences, but this was rediculous. I'm sure there are TENS of thousands of others in the same plight.
Lol, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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