Why All This Drama Over Obama?

The hate and lying that has been directed at President Obama is not normal. Come on, people!!! It has nothing to do with his policies. And this issue needs to be recognized. I'm tired of people acting like it doesn't exist.

If people don't want to be accused of being a racist then shey should not act like one.

Rinata....is someone allowed to be against the guys Policies without being called a Racist? ....am i allowed to say,as i have for some time now,that the guy is a lousy leader without being called a Racist?....because i have seen a poster here explain why he is against "Obamacare",but Dean said thats not why,why dont you just admit its because he is Black....are we supposed to let this guy do whatever the hell he wants to do without question,just because he is Black?....its just like the Illegals here in S.Cal.....if you speak up against them with a very valid point....your called a Racist.....unless a person is saying something about Obamas Color,he is not a Racist for being against what the guy is trying to do....

I'm sorry, Harry, but you're not listening. There are lots of people that criticize his policies without hateful remarks about him and his wife. Or saying he wasn't born here or he is not a Christian or his mother was a welfare queen. People are entitled to not like what a president does.

But there is so much hate out there that has nothing to do with his policies. Look at Frank's posts, for instance.

It's very easy to understand what I am saying. I just don't get where the confusion comes from.

All through the presidential campaign there were people protesting his candidacy, calling him a traitor, a socialist, a communist, a Muslim or an Arab, (which to their minds were all bad things) but none of this was true! But they still persisted in spewing their hatred toward him and were not amenable to reason or the truth.

At some of John McCain’s rallies there were people shouting kill him! I can’t remember anybody at a political rally shouting kill a presidential candidate in my life time, no matter how unpopular they were! So again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?

What had candidate Obama done that was so egregious that it engendered that kind of intense hatred and hostility toward him?

Harry, what does that kind of behavior have to do with policy??

Why Do Republicans And Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?

your the first of 5 people i have asked this too Rinata that has answered my question.....all the others ignored me .....and your right there is legit criticism and there are racial remarks.....but i have seen Dean for instance say to a poster who took the healthcare bill and made a very good detailed post as to why he is against it.....i seen Dean tell the guy...."why dont you just admit you dont like it because a Black man is behind it"......so Rinata what does this kind of behavior have to do with policy?...... :eusa_eh:
Can't wait until Rinata calls Allen West "racist" here.... :lol:

ALLEN WEST: "Well, you’ve just got to understand that, you know, Executive Director Hillary Shelton and really the leadership of the NAACP, they’re nothing more than errand boys for the Democratic party and they’re going to do anything to make sure that they have a voting electorate block that continues to follow along in lockstep like mindless lemons for the liberal progressive policies and to include Barack Obama, even though you have over 14% unemployment in the black community, black teenage employment over 40%. My wife Angela and I only represent 28% in the black community now where children have mother and father in the homes, but — and failing schools, let’s talk about the failing schools in many of these urban environments, but that’s not their issue. They would rather just go lockstep with this march to destruction for the community."

Allen West prepares to face primary challenge in Flordia – Glenn Beck
Don't let that 14% unemployment in the black community affect your worship for Barack Obama Rinata. In fact, maybe you're the closes racist who is supporting Obama because you like the idea of the black community being kept out of the workforce? Certainly makes me wonder...
Honey if you act like an idiot you'll get treated like an idiot.

I don't have to knock anything off, you are a bigot that thinks she gets to decide who is racist and who isn't.

You are as bigoted as they come.


This is an excercise in futility, like it usually is to try and reach a hard headed know-it-all right wing bat crazy ass. You don't listen, your mind is alreay made up, and you are the bigot, not I. Worst of all, you won't even consider that you could be wrong. I'm done. Get lost.

Here are the facts Rinata:

1.) Unemployment skyrockted under Obama (from 7% to 10% and now to 8.2%)

2.) The national debt skyrockted under Obama (from $9 trillion to $15 trillion)

3.) Gas prices have skyrockted under Obama (from $1.84 to $3.68 per gallon)

Those are the FACTS - and they cannot be disputed. Obama has added more to the national debt in his first 3 years than all US Presidents in history combined during their first 3 years.


Where did you get that?? Out of your head?? Not a very reliable place.
This is an excercise in futility, like it usually is to try and reach a hard headed know-it-all right wing bat crazy ass. You don't listen, your mind is alreay made up, and you are the bigot, not I. Worst of all, you won't even consider that you could be wrong. I'm done. Get lost.

Here are the facts Rinata:

1.) Unemployment skyrockted under Obama (from 7% to 10% and now to 8.2%)

2.) The national debt skyrockted under Obama (from $9 trillion to $15 trillion)

3.) Gas prices have skyrockted under Obama (from $1.84 to $3.68 per gallon)

Those are the FACTS - and they cannot be disputed. Obama has added more to the national debt in his first 3 years than all US Presidents in history combined during their first 3 years.


Where did you get that?? Out of your head?? Not a very reliable place.

You ought to "get them" into your ignorant head since everyone one of them is the truth.
This is an excercise in futility, like it usually is to try and reach a hard headed know-it-all right wing bat crazy ass. You don't listen, your mind is alreay made up, and you are the bigot, not I. Worst of all, you won't even consider that you could be wrong. I'm done. Get lost.

Here are the facts Rinata:

1.) Unemployment skyrockted under Obama (from 7% to 10% and now to 8.2%)

2.) The national debt skyrockted under Obama (from $9 trillion to $15 trillion)

3.) Gas prices have skyrockted under Obama (from $1.84 to $3.68 per gallon)

Those are the FACTS - and they cannot be disputed. Obama has added more to the national debt in his first 3 years than all US Presidents in history combined during their first 3 years.


Where did you get that?? Out of your head?? Not a very reliable place.

Rinata....is someone allowed to be against the guys Policies without being called a Racist? ....am i allowed to say,as i have for some time now,that the guy is a lousy leader without being called a Racist?....because i have seen a poster here explain why he is against "Obamacare",but Dean said thats not why,why dont you just admit its because he is Black....are we supposed to let this guy do whatever the hell he wants to do without question,just because he is Black?....its just like the Illegals here in S.Cal.....if you speak up against them with a very valid point....your called a Racist.....unless a person is saying something about Obamas Color,he is not a Racist for being against what the guy is trying to do....

I'm sorry, Harry, but you're not listening. There are lots of people that criticize his policies without hateful remarks about him and his wife. Or saying he wasn't born here or he is not a Christian or his mother was a welfare queen. People are entitled to not like what a president does.

But there is so much hate out there that has nothing to do with his policies. Look at Frank's posts, for instance.

It's very easy to understand what I am saying. I just don't get where the confusion comes from.

All through the presidential campaign there were people protesting his candidacy, calling him a traitor, a socialist, a communist, a Muslim or an Arab, (which to their minds were all bad things) but none of this was true! But they still persisted in spewing their hatred toward him and were not amenable to reason or the truth.

At some of John McCain’s rallies there were people shouting kill him! I can’t remember anybody at a political rally shouting kill a presidential candidate in my life time, no matter how unpopular they were! So again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?

What had candidate Obama done that was so egregious that it engendered that kind of intense hatred and hostility toward him?

Harry, what does that kind of behavior have to do with policy??

Why Do Republicans And Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?

your the first of 5 people i have asked this too Rinata that has answered my question.....all the others ignored me .....and your right there is legit criticism and there are racial remarks.....but i have seen Dean for instance say to a poster who took the healthcare bill and made a very good detailed post as to why he is against it.....i seen Dean tell the guy...."why dont you just admit you dont like it because a Black man is behind it"......so Rinata what does this kind of behavior have to do with policy?...... :eusa_eh:

Thanks, Harry. I guess the problem is that there is a fine line between having legitimate complaints and just pure hatred. When a person has a real interest in an issue, they focus on that. Not where the president was born, his religion, or nasty comments about the first lady.
What liberals reject is the fact that to the majority of conservatives, race makes no difference, policy does

I disagree. How is obsessing over his Birth cert, Childhood back ground and his college transcripts supposed to support your statement?

what else could it be about? To me, it sounds like the right wing of the Republican party saying hes "not one of us", a nice way of saying hes a blackie. I see no other logical explanation for these obsessions of the neo con's.
What would you do if you had a combination clone of Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin as pres? Well, you do, and its time to flush the system.
Just yesterday, our Communist Chicago Jesus wonder boy doubled down on his "If you have a business, you didn't build that" theme by uttering this: "If you're rich, you're lucky. You get a $250,000 credit on your income. After that its time for you to pony up!"
What liberals reject is the fact that to the majority of conservatives, race makes no difference, policy does

I disagree. How is obsessing over his Birth cert, Childhood back ground and his college transcripts supposed to support your statement?

what else could it be about? To me, it sounds like the right wing of the Republican party saying hes "not one of us", a nice way of saying hes a blackie. I see no other logical explanation for these obsessions of the neo con's.

yeah that must be it, he's a blackie...except we all know he's a whitey too
good gawd
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What liberals reject is the fact that to the majority of conservatives, race makes no difference, policy does

I disagree. How is obsessing over his Birth cert, Childhood back ground and his college transcripts supposed to support your statement?

what else could it be about? To me, it sounds like the right wing of the Republican party saying hes "not one of us", a nice way of saying hes a blackie. I see no other logical explanation for these obsessions of the neo con's.

If it has to be spelled out for you then one has to question your comprehension ability. What does race have to do with wanting to legitimize him. No Birth Certificate, a phoney SS#, a non existant address, sealed transcripts and you cry the new mantra racism?

Race has nothing to do with it. If people thought he was a Russiam spy and the same unanswered questions existed, people would be asking the same questions.
What liberals reject is the fact that to the majority of conservatives, race makes no difference, policy does

I disagree. How is obsessing over his Birth cert, Childhood back ground and his college transcripts supposed to support your statement?

what else could it be about? To me, it sounds like the right wing of the Republican party saying hes "not one of us", a nice way of saying hes a blackie. I see no other logical explanation for these obsessions of the neo con's.

yeah that must be it, he's a blackie...except we all know he's a whitey too
good gawd

Yeah every excuse today is racism.
No excuse, just logic.

How else can you explain the weird obsessions??? If you can sit here and logically explain to me why a sitting President has to show his birth cert just to quiet this crowd, im all ears.....
No excuse, just logic.

How else can you explain the weird obsessions??? If you can sit here and logically explain to me why a sitting President has to show his birth cert just to quiet this crowd, im all ears.....

Because he was asked about it BEFORE he was a "sitting" President. He flew to Hawaii under the guise of visiting his sick granny way back when. Then suddenly the altered Birrth Certificvate was issued. It was proven to be inaccurate and he released the long, forged one.

Forget the B.C. How about his transcripts? What's to hide.
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If it has to be spelled out for you then one has to question your comprehension ability

Dont make it personal. Not a good idea in a political discussion.

Its not difficult, just like in the past, African Americans were treated "differently", putting it lightly. So as I see it, instead of right out racial slurs and comments. Its more about trying to prove he is "different" via these other avenues.

hey, its not my fault we have this ugly history in America. It is what it is.
Forget the B.C. How about his transcripts? What's to hide.

IDK, you tell me, im not concerned with his college transcripts. I don't think if you looked at my college transcripts you could find out who I am or my internal beliefs.
If it has to be spelled out for you then one has to question your comprehension ability

Dont make it personal. Not a good idea in a political discussion.

Its not difficult, just like in the past, African Americans were treated "differently", putting it lightly. So as I see it, instead of right out racial slurs and comments. Its more about trying to prove he is "different" via these other avenues.

hey, its not my fault we have this ugly history in America. It is what it is.

Do you know who sold those "differently treated African Americans "into slavery? Their own people so get off the soapbox and quit trying to evade every issue by crying racism.
Traditionalist white voters know that America is fairly quickly evolving away from a population dominated by White Christians, where White Christians are the only meaningful special interest (So much so that they aren't special - they're just that nation's interest). With 30% of voters likely to be minorities in 2012, their power is slipping.

And it scares them because it's not the America they grew up in - where the interests of white folks were the only interest. And the nation is being led by one of "them" - with the added fear that he's educated, has travelled the world and has a spine.

They'll get over it.
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Forget the B.C. How about his transcripts? What's to hide.

IDK, you tell me, im not concerned with his college transcripts. I don't think if you looked at my college transcripts you could find out who I am or my internal beliefs.

No but it would tell if he's a foreign exchange student. All the questions about his B.C would disappear. Why has he spent millions of his own money sealing them? You are so concerned with his "blackness", yet you post an Indian logo. I guess you aren't an equal opportunity closet racist, are you?

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