Why am I a grateful "ex-Conservative"? Here-

Like Starkey, bucs labors under the fundamental misconception that we take him seriously and are therefore capable of emulating them and embracing the Nanny State

You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

hummm, now who posted this?
And all you ever do is post in people's threads of the opposite persuasion to add little neener neener clown shit. Grow the fuck up.

look in mirror and laugh at yourself

I posted it, I'd post it again. Try reading it over, let it simmer.

My point was, you scumbags are being assholes to a guy who was not an asshole to you, simply because of what "side" you imagine he's on. It's sad, and it's immature. I'm sorry you don't like yourself and the way that you behave.
All of your posts leaned left-- all the time so why is it you leftist morons always claim to be republicans, independents? No one buys it.. Clowns.

Except, if you were here long enough you'd know that Bucs was as seething right-wing as it possibly got. That's just the truth.

except what actually is "right" vs what a libtard is considering "right" are totally different things.
The BEAUTY of being an INDEPENDENT is that you are free to think for yourself, and speak your mind without fear of betraying your allies.

The TRAGEDY of being an INDEPENDENT is that political power TAKES ORGANIZATION.

I would dearly love to become a member of a political party if I could find one that didn't make me want to become an assassin.

My wife and I are both independents. We agree and disagree on things like any normal functioning pair - it would be fucking weird and boring if we each had a "side" and walked fundie. It's sad the way people around partisan bickering world treat those that they disagree with.

I am equal parts asshole though, to anyone who's an asshole. Come and get me.
All of your posts leaned left-- all the time so why is it you leftist morons always claim to be republicans, independents? No one buys it.. Clowns.

Except, if you were here long enough you'd know that Bucs was as seething right-wing as it possibly got. That's just the truth.

except what actually is "right" vs what a libtard is considering "right" are totally different things.

^grain of salt
All of your posts leaned left-- all the time so why is it you leftist morons always claim to be republicans, independents? No one buys it.. Clowns.
They don't know power usurpation nor what to do about it. It's easy to smear the good guy who stands against the tyranny of the left's push to Communism by showing a united front, and using tools to push stuff like wealth redistribution on people who are unaware or unaccepting that that's precisely what communism or communal living is.

Communism is a fail on so many levels. :evil:
All of your posts leaned left-- all the time so why is it you leftist morons always claim to be republicans, independents? No one buys it.. Clowns.
The testimonial is one of the proven sales tactics that obfuscates reality and sells something people don't know about for a higher price than should be paid. lol
Its been over a year since I decided I was no longer a good fit for the right wing conservative ideology. Everyone on here remembers me from the years past. I was as much of a yellow-rattlesnake flying right winger as anyone could imagine. But I didn't know why. Just because my peers and politicians in this area said I should be. Until I spent some time and really figured my values out. Since separating myself from the right wing, a few things are different that I never thought would be:

- I don't hate taxes. Sure, no one loves paying it. But, with the nonsense no longer clouding my thought, I see it for what it is. I like our roads. Our cops, our firemen, our military...I'm grateful for all of them. I don't have kids in school, but I'm glad we have them. It educates my younger peers, and that is a good thing. Welfare? Sure, it's abused. So is beer and internet. But would I rather those people starve? No. So I pay some taxes that go to welfare, and some gets wasted. That thought just reminds me that I'm lucky enough to not be on welfare, but helping pay for it. That's a good thing. I like buying food and knowing its been inspected and held to standards. I hear about other less fortunate nations and large numbers of people dying from food and pollution..........that could have been prevented with some simple oversight. I do not want to defund or abolish agencies that do these thankless jobs, and I realize my taxes fund that.

- I don't oppose gay marriage or weed; Im neither gay, nor a weed smoker. But, again, without all the people telling me to oppose it just....well, just because I need to........I can clearly see that neither of those harm me or my family. So whose business is it to ban either? Not mine. And not my government's. If you believe in a God, then its between you and your God. But I no longer oppose either. Both are harmless to me and my family. And neither me nor my government has a right to ban something that does no harm. I thought that was a conservative principle at one time.....and still should be.

- I no longer support war unless it is unavoidable. Support the troops, yes, absolutely. But they deserve our best. If we cant afford to take care of them when they return from a war, then we shouldn't be sending them. Again, taxes pay for that. I'm sickened by the war hawk politicians....who have private defense industry lobbyists at dinner with them. Those companies need war to stay in business. Our troops deserve better.

It truly is liberating to just analyze an ideology you adhere to from a distance and deciding for yourself if it is for you. You'll see that you may be doing it just because others tell you that you should.

As I former right winger I approve of most of what you just said. Extremism is pure idiocy!!! Extremist don't live within the first world and surely don't care about most of what goes into being a first world country; military, police, fire, education, etc.

I feel that common sense should be used when thinking about subjects. That's surely missing when you're a extremist.

Common sense independents is what the Country needs in my opinion. People are too competitive and territorial to pick "sides" and then attempt to trick their brain to look at issues with a level head. It's not working, for a lot of people. Message boards is where you can see how prevalent that is.

Well put, I completely agree that Pavlovian Partisan reflex responses and confirmation bias rule the national political discourse, a very unfortunate and very counterproductive state of affairs. :(
I remember an anecdote that put it perfectly, for me....

There was a tax - it was like $2million in funds going towards the preservation of some weird water creature, maybe an amoeba or something I forget.....it was in a big fishing populace - I think in California.

It was all over Partisan television and message boards. "what a waste of taxpayer money.....2 million to preserve such and such creature are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!! ROAAAARRRR!!!"

So, being inquisitive myself and agreeing that it sounded like a ridiculous tax, I did some research. I found out that if said creature were to die off, as was trending, the population of the cash-cow fish of the booming industry would disappear because of the loss of that creature from the ecosystem.

The cost-benefit analysis was that there would be billions in industry lost, and as a result a gigantic net loss in revenues, if nothing were to be done.

It was a wise move that potentially saved the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people.

Outrageous? If but on the surface.

And being an uber partisan makes you see things only on the surface. An un dying cynic, obsessively and indefinitely mad at this "other side" on a day to day basis. What a waste of life. /rant
A liberal thinks that a conservative wants to "run" women's bodies.
In reality - they feel that the unborn are just as valuable as the born, and want their lives protected under the law like all other citizens. There's nothing dubious about wanting that.

A conservative thinks that a liberal is "pro killing babies."
In reality - they feel that the woman should have the right to choose, yes or no, and that the situation when it arises is a very deep and complex one. They don't "Want death," they "want choice," and perhaps do not feel the same as conservatives about the unborn being as fully human as the born. There's nothing dubious about wanting that.

It's not good vs. evil.

It's not-evil arguing vs. not evil --- by only seeing the other side's p.o.v. in a negative and non-understanding light, out of both spite and partisan blinding.

Outside of discussing politics, in ANY OTHER FACET OF LIFE whether it be fixing cars, baseball, cooking, decorating, etc etc - - - - - - people are not so arrogant and childish about their beliefs. There is room for disagreement.

I'd like to see a study.
I'm basically a hard line "rightwinger" like you probably were. I might not agree with your sentiment or what you've posted here, but people who are actually thinking, sometimes change their minds on issues. So enjoy your independence of thought.
You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

hummm, now who posted this?
And all you ever do is post in people's threads of the opposite persuasion to add little neener neener clown shit. Grow the fuck up.

look in mirror and laugh at yourself

I posted it, I'd post it again. Try reading it over, let it simmer.

My point was, you scumbags are being assholes to a guy who was not an asshole to you, simply because of what "side" you imagine he's on. It's sad, and it's immature. I'm sorry you don't like yourself and the way that you behave.

but it's ok you running all over the board being scumbags to others...got it:eusa_whistle:
bucs was never a conservative and that is what I commented on, you don't like...tough shit
Last edited:
hummm, now who posted this?

look in mirror and laugh at yourself

I posted it, I'd post it again. Try reading it over, let it simmer.

My point was, you scumbags are being assholes to a guy who was not an asshole to you, simply because of what "side" you imagine he's on. It's sad, and it's immature. I'm sorry you don't like yourself and the way that you behave.

but it's ok you running all over the board being scumbags to others...got it:eusa_whistle:
bucs was never a conservative and that is what I commented on, you don't like...tough shit

You don't get to decide whether or not he was conservative. He does. His actions did. Calm your arrogance down - he came @ this thread from a calm and formal place and you came in to take a hateful dump of dogshit on it - so now I'm shitting all over you like any civilized human being would. He is not here to defend himself.
"Bucs was NEVER a conservative, hes a liberal!"

But of course, you speak first, do research NEVER.

Threads started by bucs, when a simple search shows you what he was over a year ago:

HERE, Mr. Obama, is why we cling to our guns; WTO? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4)
bucs90 04-30-2012 11:44 PM
by francoHFW Go to last post 55 941 Politics
Obama 2012 campaign vs the Bin Laden Killing; The irony. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 04-30-2012 11:30 PM
by RightWingFerret Go to last post 27 419 Politics
Trayvon/Zimmerman's black neighbor: "Black boys were breaking into homes" (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 04-28-2012 03:44 PM
by Cecilie1200 Go to last post 17 687 Law and Justice System
Obama's FDA: Ban your kids from working on YOUR farm??! (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 04-27-2012 07:43 PM
by The T Go to last post 23 638 Politics
Michelle Obama: 1/2 million $$$ shopping spree in Spain...using tax money?
bucs90 04-27-2012 05:12 PM
by bucs90 Go to last post 2 589 Politics
Mr. President: Be a LEADER, calm the black revenge beatings on whites. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 04-25-2012 04:47 PM
by Ravi Go to last post 101 1,546 Politics
Welfare Queen w 15 kids: "Somebody owes me", "Somebody need held accountable!" (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4)
bucs90 04-24-2012 10:31 AM
by catzmeow Go to last post 52 1,376 Race Relations/Racism
Liberal hypocrisy: Travyon Martin as related to......global warming?
bucs90 04-24-2012 02:15 AM
by AnonymousIV Go to last post 10 302 Politics
Liberal indoctrination camp (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 04-22-2012 07:20 PM
by Neotrotsky Go to last post 17 470 Politics
WOW Big Govt gone wrong: Vulture nests in yard, endangers kids; Govt: CANT touch it!! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
bucs90 04-21-2012 03:28 PM
by The T Go to last post 44 898 Politics
Welfare mom w/ 15 kids: "Somebody owes me"; Blames cops for not providing for her. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
bucs90 04-20-2012 12:38 PM
by BDBoop Go to last post 34 1,112 Politics
Dumbest Obama voters contest: We have a winner
bucs90 04-19-2012 11:41 PM
by TruthSeeker56 Go to last post 8 163 The Rubber Room
Speaking of never having a job......
bucs90 04-19-2012 04:05 PM
by bucs90 Go to last post 0 176 Politics
Liberal idiots in their natural habitat; Cop sprays one, video!
Like Starkey, bucs labors under the fundamental misconception that we take him seriously and are therefore capable of emulating them and embracing the Nanny State

You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

Bucs is a paid shill, he's like David Brock who pretended to be a "Conservative" just so he could make a big production of coming home to the Nanny State. I don't find him credible at all and he's very much like Starkey who is the USMB Gold Standard for poseurs.
A liberal thinks that a conservative wants to "run" women's bodies.
In reality - they feel that the unborn are just as valuable as the born, and want their lives protected under the law like all other citizens. There's nothing dubious about wanting that.

A conservative thinks that a liberal is "pro killing babies."
In reality - they feel that the woman should have the right to choose, yes or no, and that the situation when it arises is a very deep and complex one. They don't "Want death," they "want choice," and perhaps do not feel the same as conservatives about the unborn being as fully human as the born. There's nothing dubious about wanting that.

It's not good vs. evil.

It's not-evil arguing vs. not evil --- by only seeing the other side's p.o.v. in a negative and non-understanding light, out of both spite and partisan blinding.

Outside of discussing politics, in ANY OTHER FACET OF LIFE whether it be fixing cars, baseball, cooking, decorating, etc etc - - - - - - people are not so arrogant and childish about their beliefs. There is room for disagreement.

I'd like to see a study.

I don't want to start a debate about abortion, but I wanted to point out that Margret Sanger DID want death.

a criminally insane sociopath AKA Margret Sanger said:
Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.

The Mother of Planned Parenthood | TooManyAborted.com

Now I'll grant you that the average moonbat is commited to the "choice" issue, but it seems apparent to me that the elites of liberalism are interested in "managing" the "human resource", and these people are indeed evil.
Like Starkey, bucs labors under the fundamental misconception that we take him seriously and are therefore capable of emulating them and embracing the Nanny State

You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

Bucs is a paid shill, he's like David Brock who pretended to be a "Conservative" just so he could make a big production of coming home to the Nanny State. I don't find him credible at all and he's very much like Starkey who is the USMB Gold Standard for poseurs.

No, you're making that up.

How do I know?

B/c before bucs changed his tune, I used to have some discussions with him back in the day. He was hard headed and far right.

And did you bother to go back and look?


Are you in here claiming he was never conservative?


So - without any due diligence, you're here just to comment arrogantly because you JUST CANT IMAGINE someone leaving your "side."

Stop being such a low life.

Do research, you wont look so fucking dumb next time.

Dem Senate passes bill to legalize sodomy, bestiality in US military. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 03-13-2012 06:05 PM
by Artiewhitefox Go to last post 85 4,780 Politics
Black man breaks into hospice care center, rapes woman as she dies!!!! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 03-03-2012 11:53 PM
by nitroz Go to last post 132 9,555 Race Relations/Racism
Obama has enthused the radical Muslim world; Chaos on horizon.
bucs90 02-26-2012 07:51 PM
by theDoctorisIn Go to last post 2 168 Politics
Woman JAILED 10 days for having "messy yard"; Big Govt USA (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 01-19-2012 01:28 PM
by paulitician Go to last post 18 349 Politics
PLEASE support this law!!!! Horrible story. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 12-28-2011 12:24 PM
by Katzndogz Go to last post 15 355 Politics
South Carolina: FREE rides, paid by gov't, to get ID to vote; Only 25 bothered. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 12-27-2011 02:43 AM
by Lakhota Go to last post 28 560 Politics
I truly hate liberals so much. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
Y'all owe bucs an apology.

More research of his threads over a year ago:

Avg entry level wage for college grad: $48,000! OWS has no excuse!
bucs90 12-02-2011 01:02 AM
by bucs90 Go to last post 0 169 Politics
OWS'ers: Work is available; You are missing out. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4)
bucs90 12-02-2011 12:42 AM
by bucs90 Go to last post 53 610 Politics
OWS: Work Available Part 2; Would they take these jobs?
bucs90 12-02-2011 12:39 AM
by bucs90 Go to last post 1 126 Politics
Occupy Irrelevance: Movement is dying away slowly.... (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4)
1 Attachment(s) Berkeley, CA Police Chief was advocate of Militarized Policing!!! A lesson for libs.
bucs90 11-25-2011 06:49 PM
by R.C. Christian Go to last post 12 513 Law and Justice System
OWS cop haters: HERE is why police have militarized. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
bucs90 11-25-2011 05:21 PM
by Salt Jones Go to last post 39 947 Current Events
2 Attachment(s) Occupy this thread
bucs90 11-25-2011 05:20 PM
by Rozman Go to last post 11 166 The Rubber Room
Would you hire an OWS'er? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4)
bucs90 11-24-2011 09:35 AM
by Katzndogz Go to last post 49 677 Politics
The cops should give OWS what they want; Ignore them. Walk away. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
bucs90 11-23-2011 07:43 PM
by bucs90 Go to last post 36 511 Politics
WOW!!! City of LA surrenders to OCCUPY!!! Offers them free housing, farmland, office! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 11-23-2011 07:21 PM
by likeabird03 Go to last post 75 979 Politics
Do these traits describe Liberals? OWS? Democrats? Need answers!
bucs90 11-23-2011 06:58 PM
by bucs90 Go to last post 4 171 Politics
HAHA!! Occupy Charleston idiots get arrested!!! Supporters compares it to Holocaust!!
You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

Bucs is a paid shill, he's like David Brock who pretended to be a "Conservative" just so he could make a big production of coming home to the Nanny State. I don't find him credible at all and he's very much like Starkey who is the USMB Gold Standard for poseurs.

No, you're making that up.

How do I know?

B/c before bucs changed his tune, I used to have some discussions with him back in the day. He was hard headed and far right.

And did you bother to go back and look?


Are you in here claiming he was never conservative?


So - without any due diligence, you're here just to comment arrogantly because you JUST CANT IMAGINE someone leaving your "side."

Stop being such a low life.

Do research, you wont look so fucking dumb next time.

Dem Senate passes bill to legalize sodomy, bestiality in US military. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 03-13-2012 06:05 PM
by Artiewhitefox Go to last post 85 4,780 Politics
Black man breaks into hospice care center, rapes woman as she dies!!!! (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)
bucs90 03-03-2012 11:53 PM
by nitroz Go to last post 132 9,555 Race Relations/Racism
Obama has enthused the radical Muslim world; Chaos on horizon.
bucs90 02-26-2012 07:51 PM
by theDoctorisIn Go to last post 2 168 Politics
Woman JAILED 10 days for having "messy yard"; Big Govt USA (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 01-19-2012 01:28 PM
by paulitician Go to last post 18 349 Politics
PLEASE support this law!!!! Horrible story. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 12-28-2011 12:24 PM
by Katzndogz Go to last post 15 355 Politics
South Carolina: FREE rides, paid by gov't, to get ID to vote; Only 25 bothered. (Multi-page thread 1 2)
bucs90 12-27-2011 02:43 AM
by Lakhota Go to last post 28 560 Politics
I truly hate liberals so much. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

I know all about Bucs90 Coming To Jesus (Obama) conversion and I'd bet money he gets paid to post here
Occupy DC: Liberals offered jobs on-sight, REFUSED to take work!!!
bucs90 11-17-2011 07:24 AM
by occupied Go to last post 6 253 Politics
Financially I'm among the 99%; But they dont speak on my behalf. (Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
bucs90 11-16-2011 04:49 PM
by IndependntLogic Go to last post 37 497 Politics

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