Why am I a grateful "ex-Conservative"? Here-

Now that the obama shills understand that democrats have sunk so low as to be unable to attract republicans, those shills are trying to shift republicans to libertarians. They have always been a loser party.

This "conversion" assumes a democratic truth, that people engage in group think. Don't you want to be like me. That's the core. That people are likely to agree with others. It forms a group who will therefore think like all the other members of the group. Democrats have a hive mind. They assume that everyone has that hive mind, they just have to use the right hive. Republicans are more open minded, they allow in all kinds of opinions. Democrats have only the democrat opinion, but if you really can't abide that, libertarianism is a half way step.
By the age of 40, I would say that we thinkers should understand who we are, and align ourselfs politically, accordingly. Anyone who shifts polarity completely after that was never grounded in the first place - sounds like you have found a new crowd to hang out with.

The democrats are the low/no information voter; intransigent through ignorance, and stupidity - so I can see changing your mind on issues, but gay marriage? You are either for marriage, or your not. If you knew what marriage is, you would understand that the meaning of marriage, and gay are completely opposed to each other; an impossibility.

True conservatives don't care what others do with their bodies - so I see a continual conflict there.

I think your hating taxes was what you thought you were suppose to do. Conservatives hate excessive taxes; we understand necessity.

You imply that everyone might be as sheepish as you; they maybe missing some revelation. I think you are capricious, and you don't know what to believe; a red herring. I suggest that you determine what your core values are soley through introspection, and vote accordingly - may you land on solid ground.

The two party system sucks with it's pure partitian entrenched lifelong politicians, but unfortunately, that is what we have - the republican party is the far lesser of two evils! :eusa_pray:
[MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] spent two years thanking and likely repping bucs' uber conservative posts. Now, he claims bucs was paid to post as a conservative for the first two years...then switch to liberal for the next two. Brilliant. And everone is fooled except frank, who back from 2010-2012 was just "playing along." Strictly brilliant.

Freak of nature, your brain is.

Dude, you need to get a life, I mean one of your own.

I liked some the the things Bucs said, then I realized he was just parroting stuff and trying to sounds like a Conservative I can come here as Macaca Joe and post like a Liberal and I'd get lots of thanks too. Big fucking deal
[MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] spent two years thanking and likely repping bucs' uber conservative posts. Now, he claims bucs was paid to post as a conservative for the first two years...then switch to liberal for the next two. Brilliant. And everone is fooled except frank, who back from 2010-2012 was just "playing along." Strictly brilliant.

Freak of nature, your brain is.

Dude, you need to get a life, I mean one of your own.

I liked some the the things Bucs said, then I realized he was just parroting stuff and trying to sounds like a Conservative I can come here as Macaca Joe and post like a Liberal and I'd get lots of thanks too. Big fucking deal

I think you need to get a life.

You're accusing people of getting paid to act like retards and you do the shit for free like...wtffffff
Wow, you obviously typed in anger and didn't clearly read it all. I'll bullet-point it:

I can't type when I am angry. I can barely type when I am calm.

- I do pay for all that stuff....when I pay my taxes.
- I don't "love" taxes. Hence in the OP where I said I don't "hate" taxes, but "nobody loves taxes"- gotta read man.
- Yes, Dems and GOP have opposed weed; Which is why Im neither a Dem or Republican- gotta read

I get, those things are great, but you really don't want to pay for them, you want to pretend that paying taxes pays for them. Tell me something, if paying taxes pays for your local cops, why do they need more money from other sources? Do you know why cops do not want the drug war to end?

You don't hate taxes, yet you are unwilling to actually pay more for something in order to get what you want to use to justify charging other people taxes. Great logic, no wonder you stopped being a conservative, you can't follow a train of thought to its logical conclusion.

you aren't left, right, or center, Republican, Democrat, or Libertarian, yet you still think your only choice is two dimensional? Then yo blame me for not restricting my thinking to two dimensions when I mco your stupidity?

- I define "unavoidable war" as basically Pearl Harbor. If they are attacking us inside our borders, then we either lay down and die, or fight back (that is called war).

I see, Pearl Harbor, which was the only time that American soil was attacked in WWII, made it necessary for us to attack North Korea.

- I didn't vote for Obama, and I have not supported the bombing of Libya, Pakistan, Syria, etc, etc. Again.......GOTTA READ.....as I've never once supported those. I didn't support the Iraq war, and was on the fence about Afghanistan. I supported the people we sent there. But...somehow I just knew it would end messy like Vietnam. And alas, it has.

You knew this, yet you still support war.

By the way, what war did not end messy?

- I don't have to, and cannot, "prove you wrong". We are arguing in opinions and perceptions, neither of which can always be proven right or wrong. Im a proud US citizen who works full time, has NO DEBT (HOORAY just paid my last $1,000 of debt off, no house debt, no car debt, not one single penny of debt except my upcoming cable bill)......who supports the military, the police, the firemen, the schools. Supports free AND responsible business practices. Im a Buddhist and support religious freedom. I believe the government should not be involved with marriage. And that if we let alcohol and tobacco be legal, why not weed? And I believe in the same idea that my old football coach in college used to say, that EVERY group of people will be more successful if they work as a group, with each other, not against each other, and our country should start doing the same.

I cant prove any of that right or wrong. But I know the Republican Party and right wing ideology that I was once so passionate and loyal to has evolved to something that is no longer anything close to what my world view is.

That's about it.

You support all of that, unless you actually have to pay for it. I can absolutely guarantee you that your taxes do not pay for the government you get. Not only do we have the government stealing from people without using legitimate taxes, which you support, we have them borrowing money to pay for things at a rate that makes it unlikely we will ever get out of debt. All because, despite your claim otherwise, you hate taxes.

I didn't ask you to prove me wrong, I asked you to explain your position. after all, you claimed it is the result of a lot of thought on your part, so the reasoning behind your apparent lack of thought must simply be my inability to comprehend your brilliance. Instead, you reply that you cannot prove me wrong.

[MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] spent two years thanking and likely repping bucs' uber conservative posts. Now, he claims bucs was paid to post as a conservative for the first two years...then switch to liberal for the next two. Brilliant. And everone is fooled except frank, who back from 2010-2012 was just "playing along." Strictly brilliant.

Freak of nature, your brain is.

and you know this exactly HOW? :lol:
You have no personal responsibility in not being an ass hole to anyone who doesn't agree with your politics.

If that's not a problem to you, good on ya. But - nobody wants to be around a douchebag like that.

Bucs is nothing but cordial to people on here - yet you find him somehow worthy of this childish ridicule. "Noone takes him seriously."

You really had a need to report that? Read it back to yourself and pretend you don't sound like a seventh grade bully boy.

hummm, now who posted this?
And all you ever do is post in people's threads of the opposite persuasion to add little neener neener clown shit. Grow the fuck up.
look in mirror and laugh at yourself

I posted it, I'd post it again. Try reading it over, let it simmer.

My point was, you scumbags are being assholes to a guy who was not an asshole to you, simply because of what "side" you imagine he's on. It's sad, and it's immature. I'm sorry you don't like yourself and the way that you behave.

I am an asshole to him because I am an asshole to everyone, and because he cannot answer what should be a simple question.

Tell me something, if someone posted a rant about how he used to believe a lot of things you do, but, after a period of deep thought and consideration, he discovered he was wrong, wouldn't you wonder what his reasoning was? would you ask for an explanation?

What would you think if his only answer to you was he couldn't prove you are wrong, and then ranted some more about the general stupidity of everyone who disagreed with him? Because, believe it or not, he called you stupid in the process of ranting about politics.
[MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] spent two years thanking and likely repping bucs' uber conservative posts. Now, he claims bucs was paid to post as a conservative for the first two years...then switch to liberal for the next two. Brilliant. And everone is fooled except frank, who back from 2010-2012 was just "playing along." Strictly brilliant.

Freak of nature, your brain is.

and you know this exactly HOW? :lol:

Ohh, it was simple really.

Step 1: everyone was in here accusing bucs of lying that he was hard right winger about a year or more ago.

Step 2: Simple search:" threads started by user." check for dates prior to a year ago. (a simple click into a few pages deep of the search results.

Step 3: frank claims people are fools to have believed his conservative stances when he was an obvious paid poster.

Step 4: click around same search results to find: thanked posts by crusaderfrank.

Total time of completion: three minutes, give or take thirty seconds.

It's well worth the effort - when someone comes into a cordial guy's thread being a huge dickhead - to do a few minutes of minimum research and prove that he's full of shit......already aware that he usually is.

Was fun. Mondays are fun, what else
I'm basically a hard line "rightwinger" like you probably were. I might not agree with your sentiment or what you've posted here, but people who are actually thinking, sometimes change their minds on issues. So enjoy your independence of thought.

People who are actually thinking can explain why they changed their minds.
hummm, now who posted this?
look in mirror and laugh at yourself

I posted it, I'd post it again. Try reading it over, let it simmer.

My point was, you scumbags are being assholes to a guy who was not an asshole to you, simply because of what "side" you imagine he's on. It's sad, and it's immature. I'm sorry you don't like yourself and the way that you behave.

I am an asshole to him because I am an asshole to everyone, and because he cannot answer what should be a simple question.

Tell me something, if someone posted a rant about how he used to believe a lot of things you do, but, after a period of deep thought and consideration, he discovered he was wrong, wouldn't you wonder what his reasoning was? would you ask for an explanation?

What would you think if his only answer to you was he couldn't prove you are wrong, and then ranted some more about the general stupidity of everyone who disagreed with him? Because, believe it or not, he called you stupid in the process of ranting about politics.

I wasn't even addressing you bruv. Slow down.
Also the "you don't have a life, you did a SEARCH!!!?!?!" angle is corny as fuck.

Crusaderfrank has 28posts per day to my nine. Heh, what a lesbian.
Paid shill for Obama says what?

I didn't vote for Obama either time.

I still watch FoxNews sometimes. Watched it today, Fox Sunday, when they were talking about how the Democrats are accusing the GOP of wanting legislation that would literally "do harm" or kill Americans.

The Fox hosts were OUTRAGED, saying that the Dems should be ashamed and condemned for daring suggest that the GOP would purposely pass or support legislation that would do harm to US citizens.

And then I couldn't help but imagine Jon Stewart or Colbert next week.......are gonna run that segment, then follow it with a segment of Sarah Palin and dozens of other Republicans preaching about "Death panels" in Obamacare.

Fox and MSNBC are about the same in the ridiculousness category. Both very bias, very slanted.

But, I now see it in Fox. Always saw it in MSNBC. But Fox? I CANNOT BELIEVE I used to watch it and really thought it was all "fair and balanced". Its so bias it is almost comical. Today was a perfect example.

So, you're regressing... good job.
Its been over a year since I decided I was no longer a good fit for the right wing conservative ideology. Everyone on here remembers me from the years past. I was as much of a yellow-rattlesnake flying right winger as anyone could imagine. But I didn't know why. Just because my peers and politicians in this area said I should be. Until I spent some time and really figured my values out. Since separating myself from the right wing, a few things are different that I never thought would be:

- I don't hate taxes. Sure, no one loves paying it. But, with the nonsense no longer clouding my thought, I see it for what it is. I like our roads. Our cops, our firemen, our military...I'm grateful for all of them. I don't have kids in school, but I'm glad we have them. It educates my younger peers, and that is a good thing. Welfare? Sure, it's abused. So is beer and internet. But would I rather those people starve? No. So I pay some taxes that go to welfare, and some gets wasted. That thought just reminds me that I'm lucky enough to not be on welfare, but helping pay for it. That's a good thing. I like buying food and knowing its been inspected and held to standards. I hear about other less fortunate nations and large numbers of people dying from food and pollution..........that could have been prevented with some simple oversight. I do not want to defund or abolish agencies that do these thankless jobs, and I realize my taxes fund that.

well, theres so much in that rant its just to much to unpack amigo, and strawmen galore....lets just say that you are free to send the IRS as much as you can spare outside your own living standards maintenance.

- I don't oppose gay marriage or weed; Im neither gay, nor a weed smoker. But, again, without all the people telling me to oppose it just....well, just because I need to........I can clearly see that neither of those harm me or my family. So whose business is it to ban either? Not mine. And not my government's. If you believe in a God, then its between you and your God. But I no longer oppose either. Both are harmless to me and my family. And neither me nor my government has a right to ban something that does no harm. I thought that was a conservative principle at one time.....and still should be.

*shrugs*....fine by me. and?

- I no longer support war unless it is unavoidable. Support the troops, yes, absolutely. But they deserve our best. If we cant afford to take care of them when they return from a war, then we shouldn't be sending them. Again, taxes pay for that. I'm sickened by the war hawk politicians....who have private defense industry lobbyists at dinner with them. Those companies need war to stay in business. Our troops deserve better.

who says we should not take care of them?:eusa_eh:

and each party has their own mil. ind. complex suppliers in their districts and don't want them to lose $$ as it equals jobs and campaign dollars. we had a thread very recently on this, maybe you should check it out, talk specifics.....

It truly is liberating to just analyze an ideology you adhere to from a distance and deciding for yourself if it is for you. You'll see that you may be doing it just because others tell you that you should.

well, sorry if you have been a sheep for your political life up to last year, enjoy the new you.
It has been my experience when someone constantly claims to be a ex something or other they never were what they claim they used to be.

When the republicans want from limiting waste and socialism towards down right defunding of serious programs that makes America a first world country. Well, your party lost the ability to be trusted in power.
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[MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] spent two years thanking and likely repping bucs' uber conservative posts. Now, he claims bucs was paid to post as a conservative for the first two years...then switch to liberal for the next two. Brilliant. And everone is fooled except frank, who back from 2010-2012 was just "playing along." Strictly brilliant.

Freak of nature, your brain is.

and you know this exactly HOW? :lol:

Ohh, it was simple really.

Step 1: everyone was in here accusing bucs of lying that he was hard right winger about a year or more ago.

Step 2: Simple search:" threads started by user." check for dates prior to a year ago. (a simple click into a few pages deep of the search results.

Step 3: frank claims people are fools to have believed his conservative stances when he was an obvious paid poster.

Step 4: click around same search results to find: thanked posts by crusaderfrank.

Total time of completion: three minutes, give or take thirty seconds.

It's well worth the effort - when someone comes into a cordial guy's thread being a huge dickhead - to do a few minutes of minimum research and prove that he's full of shit......already aware that he usually is.

Was fun. Mondays are fun, what else

well, no you did not actually answer the question how could you know about reping :D

I have much simpler explanation,

since you so vigorously applied a defence lawyer role here and the person in question all but disappeared.... well, the rest should be left to mods to examine
Hey numb nut...read it again. I saw the "thanks'", and said "likely" @ the reps. So - your question had no merit.
No, it looks like youre a retard. Poster 1: you likely pos repped such and such. Poster two: how did you see the pos reps?!?!?!?!?


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