Why America is done

You're projecting, West. Just because your life didn't turn out the way you thought it would doesn't mean I'm similarly limited.

Hang out with folks that have better goals, discipline and drive. It will do wonders for your defeated attitude.

Right, so you admit you live in a bubble, like all privileged liberals. Everyone YOU know is doing great, because you're special and so is everyone you know.

So keep the dirty poor people out.

We know. Oh, do we.
You've called for America to be burned to the ground and the capitol nuked by Russia.

You've let your political leanings drive you into madness.
Too bad. You are helpless aren't you? You are trying desperately to justify your existence to those, more than one, that literally wish you would disappear from the cosmos. What happened to all your joy at Kari Lake's loss? Aren't you happy any more. Does seeing the results of democrat efforts frighten you?

Putin is a better human being than Biden. You have to live with supporting that ancient pedophile to the point of fraudulent elections to maintain power.
Dude, listen to how you describe America. Its not with any love at all. But with hatred, seething resentment, and always decay, decline and collapse. You spend all of your time in political chatrooms spewing insults, calling for violence and being as caustic as you can be.

All politics aside, that's wildly unhealthy.

Too bad it's actually true.
America has survived far worse crisis than we face now, and with far fewer resources than we possess today.

I don't predict rainbows and lollipops, but we'll be okay. We'll adapt and survive as we have before and will again.

But calls for America to be burned to the ground and our capitol to be nuked by foreign powers?

That's pure insanity.

Yeah, I don't support that either. Too many historical artifacts would be lost.

But the country is going to have a reckoning, and soon.

Sad for those who will suffer. But what an interesting time we live in!
There are things we could do -- if we chose to -- that would make a clear difference, that would change the system under which these people operate:
  • Ranked Choice Voting
  • Term Limits
  • Publicly-Funded Elections
  • Non-Partisan Primaries
  • Independent/Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
Those things alone would not only strengthen the system, but they would alter the motivations and behaviors of our "leaders" (ha).
After the disaster of ranked choice voting in Alaska, it might never be used again. I personally would never vote ranked choice.
America has survived far worse crisis than we face now, and with far fewer resources than we possess today.

I don't predict rainbows and lollipops, but we'll be okay. We'll adapt and survive as we have before and will again.

But calls for America to be burned to the ground and our capitol to be nuked by foreign powers?

That's pure insanity.

I don't want it burned or nuked. I would like a peaceful divorce. But that's looking increasingly less likely.
Too bad. You are helpless aren't you? You are trying desperately to justify your existence to those, more than one, that literally wish you would disappear from the cosmos. What happened to all your joy at Kari Lake's loss? Aren't you happy any more. Does seeing the results of democrat efforts frighten you?

Putin is a better human being than Biden. You have to live with supporting that ancient pedophile to the point of fraudulent elections to maintain power.

No, pootin is a piece of shit just like xiden. Neither is better or worse, they are both equally evil.
Hmmm, you are either batshit insane, or intellectually dishonest.

Which is it? Because my description was the opposite of what you claim.

Me? I'm rarely here. This place isn't a particularly healthy place to be.

Show us posts in the last month where you say anything good about this nation. Not in this thread when you're trying to defend your hateful rhetoric toward America and her people. But anything from say, Thanksgiving until yesterday.

You can't. You hate America and her people. Your view of this nation is as a wasteland. Your posts seethe with resentment and anger, calls for violence and civil war. You look at American with nothing but naked disdain, fraud, 'stolen elections', impending collapse, 'hyper inflationary spirals' and relentless predictions of doom.

You're a miserable person. And your worldview reflects that.
There are things we could do -- if we chose to -- that would make a clear difference, that would change the system under which these people operate:
  • Ranked Choice Voting
  • Term Limits
  • Publicly-Funded Elections
  • Non-Partisan Primaries
  • Independent/Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
Those things alone would not only strengthen the system, but they would alter the motivations and behaviors of our "leaders" (ha).

Now how can any of this happen Mac when half the nation by your reckoning constantly is in a cult?

See what happens when you emote sloppily all over here? No one believes your rational posts.
Yeah, I don't support that either. Too many historical artifacts would be lost.

But the country is going to have a reckoning, and soon.

Sad for those who will suffer. But what an interesting time we live in!
Leave enemy democrats to destruction long enough and there will be no more historical artifacts.
There are things we could do -- if we chose to -- that would make a clear difference, that would change the system under which these people operate:
  • Ranked Choice Voting
  • Term Limits
  • Publicly-Funded Elections
  • Non-Partisan Primaries
  • Independent/Bipartisan Redistricting Commissions
Those things alone would not only strengthen the system, but they would alter the motivations and behaviors of our "leaders" (ha).

The publicly funded elections would be a tough nut, given the wealth concentrations and unlimited superPACs.

What do you mean by 'non-partisan primaries'?
Me? I'm rarely here. This place isn't a particularly healthy place to be.

Show us posts in the last month where you say anything good about this nation. Not in this thread when you're trying to defend your hateful rhetoric toward America and her people. But anything from say, Thanksgiving until yesterday.

You can't. You hate America and her people. Your view of this nation is as a wasteland. Your posts seethe with resentment and anger, calls for violence and civil war. You look at American with nothing but naked disdain, fraud, 'stolen elections', impending collapse, 'hyper inflationary spirals' and relentless predictions of doom.

You're a miserable person. And your worldview reflects that.

I say good things about this country all the time. Just look at the last three days of my posts.

I love this country but despise the progressives running it into the ground.

That is obvious to anyone with a brain...which apparently leaves you out.
The publicly funded elections would be a tough nut, given the wealth concentrations and unlimited superPACs.

What do you mean by 'non-partisan primaries'?
Me? I'm rarely here. This place isn't a particularly healthy place to be.

Show us posts in the last month where you say anything good about this nation. Not in this thread when you're trying to defend your hateful rhetoric toward America and her people. But anything from say, Thanksgiving until yesterday.

You can't. You hate America and her people. Your view of this nation is as a wasteland. Your posts seethe with resentment and anger, calls for violence and civil war. You look at American with nothing but naked disdain, fraud, 'stolen elections', impending collapse, 'hyper inflationary spirals' and relentless predictions of doom.

You're a miserable person. And your worldview reflects that.

Your ideology and politics have destroyed it and you surround yourself with people who will be last to suffer for it.


How about that?

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