CDZ Why Americans don't give a damn about mass shootings

Americans just like to kill people. Guns, Cars, War, and Abortion. That's what america is about.
Very interesting article Why Americans don't give a damn about mass shootings - CNN

One month ago, the worst mass shooting in US history took place at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Fifty-eight people were killed and more than 500 people injured. Bill O'Reilly boiled the massacre down to six words: "This is the price of freedom."
I hate to say it, but he is right. Sunday, just 34 days after Vegas, 26 people were gunned down and about 20 others were wounded during a church service in Texas. And here's what is really sick -- we won't be surprised when there's another mass shooting next month. Maybe it'll be your church, your mall, your concert or your movie theater. That's the price of freedom.
In America, we are free to stockpile weapons. We are free to order ammo online. We are free to outfit our guns with bump stocks, like the Vegas shooter did. This is the price we pay for freedom, alright. The freedom to not give a damn.
Tweeting "prayers for the victims" does not equal giving a damn. Feeling bad for a day or two does not equal giving a damn. Changing your Facebook profile photo to support the victims does not equal giving a damn.

This hit home for me:

Why the apathy?
Until gun violence impacts your family directly, you won't care enough to do something about it. There's a ton of research to explain this apathy.
After World War II, the famous Cambridge psychologist J.T. MacCurdy studied an interesting phenomenon about the bombings in London in 1940 and 1941.
He found that people affected by the bombings fell into three categories: those who died, those who were a "near miss" (who closely witnessed the horror of the bombings but lived), and those who had a "remote miss" (people who may have heard the sirens, but were removed from the direct scene of the bombing).
Here's what's interesting. MacCurdy found the people who witnessed a "near miss" were deeply affected by the bombing -- while the "remote miss" group felt invincible and even excited.

I was 800 yards +/- from the shooter at Mandalay Bay, well within range. I was armed with a Glock. Nothing I could have done with that, I was out armed and nowhere near effective range.

IMO: ALL automatic and semi-automatic rifles should be banned.

#1 CNN is a joke and anyone that writes for them is a joke as well.....infiltrated with CIA that control the narrative thus attempts to control the debate and they have useful idiots like you to spew their bullshit. I am certainly not swayed.

#2 Given the incredible number of fake, staged or Operation Gladio type "mass shootings" like Sandy Hoax, Charleston, San Bernardino, the Aurora movie theater event, Las Vegas, ther Dallas police shooting, etc, etc....seems that the powers that be don't want the populace with a way to defend themselves when the shit hits the fan.

The uptick in these types of events always have the same modus operandi.........massive TV coverage and the alleged bodies are not even cold when the communist left starts screaming about even further draconian gun control laws. It's obvious to me as to what the end game is. Those that control this debt slavery system want the serfs to be unarmed and the dipshit like the OP wants that.....tough shit, asswipe.
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The lawful will not give up the right. The criminal will ignore any law.

That's pretty silly. In the first place, there are no lawful citizens since ALL of us break laws - usually every day. In the second place, criminals do not ignore all laws. Do you really think drunk drivers are thieves and rapists too?
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.
The lawful will not give up the right. The criminal will ignore any law.

That's pretty silly. In the first place, there are no lawful citizens since ALL of us break laws - usually every day. In the second place, criminals do not ignore all laws. Do you really think drunk drivers are thieves and rapists too?

Say wha?

Billy passes over the bottle of Dom Benedictine.

Calm yourself. :laugh2:
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

Like the one that mowed down people in New York and London and other places.

Go look at the murder rates in GB in 1996 when they implemented harsher gun laws, the murder rate by gun fell markedly in 1997, you know what went up? Murders! It continued to increase until 2003 when GB went out and hired more LE. If people want to kill, they will kill, knife, poison, arson, car and so forth.

It is a culture of violence that we have created and not taking responsibility and blaming an inanimate object just keeps the culture alive because of misconceptions and ignorance.
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

Like the one that mowed down people in New York and London and other places.

Go look at the murder rates in GB in 1996 when they implemented harsher gun laws, the murder rate by gun fell markedly in 1997, you know what went up? Murders! It continued to increase until 2003 when GB went out and hired more LE. If people want to kill, they will kill, knife, poison, arson, car and so forth.

It is a culture of violence that we have created and not taking responsibility and blaming an inanimate object just keeps the culture alive because of misconceptions and ignorance.
If you want to argue from anecdote try this one. The United States has 5% of the population of the world under the age of fifteen. And yet we have 90% of gun deaths suffered by people fifteen and under. Is it because we are more violent as a society? Or is it because people here have an order of magnitude greater access to guns?
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

But yet automobiles and the careless use still accounts for more deaths than
We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

But yet automobiles and the careless use still accounts for more deaths than
38,000 gun deaths. Could that number be reduced? Only if gun advocates could imagine it could. But to rely on gun advocates for solutions to gun violence is a fool's game.
Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

But yet automobiles and the careless use still accounts for more deaths than
38,000 gun deaths. Could that number be reduced? Only if gun advocates could imagine it could. But to rely on gun advocates for solutions to gun violence is a fool's game.

Spare me, and your ilk believe that the world is over-populated and the more
people that are here means that they leave more of a carbon footprint which is why the leftists are so concerned with abortion rights. How many of those deaths are due to suicide by gun or gang related deaths or robberies in the act of a crime where they wouldn't be allowed to own a gun because of prior criminal convictions? How many of those deaths were due to self defense? How many were by police using them????

Random gun violence on the populace is miniscule when you take the fake staged events of the deep staters out of the equation and if you look back over the last 30 years? The amount of random mass shooting events have enough holes in them to drive tanks through. Go back to the patsy that was used in the Australia false flag shooting in Port Arthur where a man with an I.Q score of around 73 became the greatest sharpshooter of all time.

Hard Proof the Port Arthur Massacre was a Hoax - NODISINFO
I wish the pussy gun grabbing nut job anti-constitutionalists would explain why gun violence is higher in areas where the laws are the most restrictive. Let's start with Chicago and Baltimore.
Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

Like the one that mowed down people in New York and London and other places.

Go look at the murder rates in GB in 1996 when they implemented harsher gun laws, the murder rate by gun fell markedly in 1997, you know what went up? Murders! It continued to increase until 2003 when GB went out and hired more LE. If people want to kill, they will kill, knife, poison, arson, car and so forth.

It is a culture of violence that we have created and not taking responsibility and blaming an inanimate object just keeps the culture alive because of misconceptions and ignorance.
If you want to argue from anecdote try this one. The United States has 5% of the population of the world under the age of fifteen. And yet we have 90% of gun deaths suffered by people fifteen and under. Is it because we are more violent as a society? Or is it because people here have an order of magnitude greater access to guns?

Again, you have no correlation. The question is would the murder rate go down if we took every gun from every
American, the evidence suggests that it would not.
Very interesting article Why Americans don't give a damn about mass shootings - CNN

One month ago, the worst mass shooting in US history took place at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Fifty-eight people were killed and more than 500 people injured. Bill O'Reilly boiled the massacre down to six words: "This is the price of freedom."
I hate to say it, but he is right. Sunday, just 34 days after Vegas, 26 people were gunned down and about 20 others were wounded during a church service in Texas. And here's what is really sick -- we won't be surprised when there's another mass shooting next month. Maybe it'll be your church, your mall, your concert or your movie theater. That's the price of freedom.
In America, we are free to stockpile weapons. We are free to order ammo online. We are free to outfit our guns with bump stocks, like the Vegas shooter did. This is the price we pay for freedom, alright. The freedom to not give a damn.
Tweeting "prayers for the victims" does not equal giving a damn. Feeling bad for a day or two does not equal giving a damn. Changing your Facebook profile photo to support the victims does not equal giving a damn.

This hit home for me:

Why the apathy?
Until gun violence impacts your family directly, you won't care enough to do something about it. There's a ton of research to explain this apathy.
After World War II, the famous Cambridge psychologist J.T. MacCurdy studied an interesting phenomenon about the bombings in London in 1940 and 1941.
He found that people affected by the bombings fell into three categories: those who died, those who were a "near miss" (who closely witnessed the horror of the bombings but lived), and those who had a "remote miss" (people who may have heard the sirens, but were removed from the direct scene of the bombing).
Here's what's interesting. MacCurdy found the people who witnessed a "near miss" were deeply affected by the bombing -- while the "remote miss" group felt invincible and even excited.

I was 800 yards +/- from the shooter at Mandalay Bay, well within range. I was armed with a Glock. Nothing I could have done with that, I was out armed and nowhere near effective range.

IMO: ALL automatic and semi-automatic rifles should be banned.

Who is going to collect 300 million weapons?

It was done in New Orleans after Katrina and they lost their behinds in lawsuits.

Little wonder Progressives never propose anything realistic and effective.
IMO: ALL automatic and semi-automatic rifles should be banned.

Which of all these should be banned?

We have sown the seeds of gun violence by our apathy. We have cultivated the fields with political intimidation through the powerful gun lobbies. We have watered the fields with the blood of the innocent. And now we must reap the whirlwind.

Gun advocates will argue that as no law could prevent gun violence, no laws need be written. The argument of the unimaginative and truly uncompassionate. But those gun advocates insist on using the second amendment as a national suicide note. They see powerful weapons used on the battlefield as their uninfringible right to bear. I ask them: what is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic (or modified semi-automatic firing systems). They argue that such weaponry is absolutely necessary to defend themselves from the hordes of gun toting criminals at their door. They live in a make believe world of Rambo and Dirty Harry where they can be the hero gunslinger saving the day.

Gun advocates won't take responsibility for the havoc brought by those weapons. Those of us who want to act are thwarted by their intimidation. And the bodies keep piling up.

If Charleston, Newtown, and Las Vegas couldn't move the needle, no tragedy will.

To quote Sonny & Cher, and the beat goes on.

Spoken like one that doesn’t have a real clue. It isn’t the guns of those legally possessing guns, it’s those with illegal guns. It is a society not on gun violence, but on violence. It is the cheapening of life, when you can abort a kid because, when you raise a generation of entitlement, a generation where it is all about me, me, me. Where we don’t need a mom and a dad, where God and the family unit are looked down upon, this is what you get.
The two step is still a popular dance, and as a means of avoiding responsib. Social Secuirty checks aren't being used to kill dozens of people at once.

Precisely, and you blaming an inanimate object is foolish.
The gun as inanimate object is a popular fall back position. Automobiles are also inanimate objects, but their use and design are regulated for public safety.

As guns should be.
"In America, we are free to stockpile weapons. We are free to order ammo online. We are free to outfit our guns with bump stocks, like the Vegas shooter did. This is the price we pay for freedom, alright. The freedom to not give a damn." - From the article

Damn right! Bless America.
Very interesting article Why Americans don't give a damn about mass shootings - CNN

One month ago, the worst mass shooting in US history took place at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Fifty-eight people were killed and more than 500 people injured. Bill O'Reilly boiled the massacre down to six words: "This is the price of freedom."
I hate to say it, but he is right. Sunday, just 34 days after Vegas, 26 people were gunned down and about 20 others were wounded during a church service in Texas. And here's what is really sick -- we won't be surprised when there's another mass shooting next month. Maybe it'll be your church, your mall, your concert or your movie theater. That's the price of freedom.
In America, we are free to stockpile weapons. We are free to order ammo online. We are free to outfit our guns with bump stocks, like the Vegas shooter did. This is the price we pay for freedom, alright. The freedom to not give a damn.
Tweeting "prayers for the victims" does not equal giving a damn. Feeling bad for a day or two does not equal giving a damn. Changing your Facebook profile photo to support the victims does not equal giving a damn.

This hit home for me:

Why the apathy?
Until gun violence impacts your family directly, you won't care enough to do something about it. There's a ton of research to explain this apathy.
After World War II, the famous Cambridge psychologist J.T. MacCurdy studied an interesting phenomenon about the bombings in London in 1940 and 1941.
He found that people affected by the bombings fell into three categories: those who died, those who were a "near miss" (who closely witnessed the horror of the bombings but lived), and those who had a "remote miss" (people who may have heard the sirens, but were removed from the direct scene of the bombing).
Here's what's interesting. MacCurdy found the people who witnessed a "near miss" were deeply affected by the bombing -- while the "remote miss" group felt invincible and even excited.

I was 800 yards +/- from the shooter at Mandalay Bay, well within range. I was armed with a Glock. Nothing I could have done with that, I was out armed and nowhere near effective range.

IMO: ALL automatic and semi-automatic rifles should be banned.
Can not outlaw semi automatic weapons the Courts already ruled that in order to be protected by the 2nd Amendment a weapon must be of use to the military.

Which court ruling was that?

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