Why Americans should be scared.

Disinformation is never good unless its a CIA Op. The Disinformation Board is a collection of political hacks formalizing censorship. How about Biden's showers with his daughter Ashley? How about Hunter's laptop and the whistleblower Bobulinsky? The press is complicit in the fake news and disinformation.
The press are supposed to be the "fact checkers" so the "Ministers of Truth" can't subvert the truth and control the political process. "Democracies Die in Darkness"

They have done nothing to censor anything. There is nothing to Hunter's supposed laptop and Bobulinsky's lies. You are the ones complicit in fake news and misinformation. Your lies about the 2020 elections are proof of this. The press is far more honest than the right wing media.
People should look at what's going on today. The movement isn't hidden, and just like in anything I say that a blind man can figure it all out.

You right wing fascists are not hiding anything. You are betting on people not caring.
You could see this coming. It is creeping destruction that originates from within, not without. It is not China, it is not Russia, it is Washington. It is not democrat, it is not republican, it is Washington. The problem dear Americans is not in our stars, it is in ourselves that we are underlings. They shovel it, we eat it. If you confront them, they will swat you like a fly. Ashli Babbit was not buried with honors; she went down easily like a Kent State protester in 1970. She was a modern-day Private Eddie Slovik executed by the state for non-compliance.

It is here, right in front of you. This is the dystopian fate of America. The monied managerial class will snuff you like a thrown cigarette. Alinsky published an instruction manual, and Washington read it. They were just following orders as we have heard before. They watch us with satellites and telescopes orbiting the planet. You are now in the crosshairs of Homeland Security.

As you have seen, your vote is no good here. Do not violate the disinformation law. Go home and obey.

Ashli Babbit died because she launched a terrorist attack on the capitol. Trump terrorists are trying to turn this into a dictatorship. It is you fascists that are using Alinsky's rules because you are radicals trying to take over this country. You are a enemy of this country.
Agreed J6 was a dumb idea, but, from 5' there was no reason to shoot her in the neck...a vet...a mom...deserved better.

The fact that she was storming the capitol with a large mob was more than enough reason.
It is obvious that Obama is behind the Disinfo Board. Days before it was announced, Obama gave a speech at Stanford; subject? - DISINFORMATION.
It is you fascist pigs that are trying to turn this country into Russia. Apparently, you people support misinformation. There is no deep state. There is no attempt to control information here.
😂🤣 sure.
A take down yes, but no not shoot her especially with her being unarmed. It was a senseless cowardly thing to do on the shooter's part, but whose counting these days right ? It only count's in certain situations as Chicago and everything else has proven over time. Then we have Biden steady priming the pump with him and his leftist buds race baiting while in power.

No it was not. It was more than justified. They should have opened up on all of these terrorists. That is how 141 officers were injured. Take your Nazi bullshit and sahove it up your Nazi ass.
A few things... I think it creates interdependency, and frankly, that's a good thing. A world that gets along avoids wars. It improves processes and competitiveness.

As for product reliability? Um check this out... This is a tube tester. Back in the 1970's, I would have to make fairly regular trips to the corner drug store with a bunch of tubes to figure out which one didn't work, and then buy a replacement while the rest of my family sat around actually having to communicate.

View attachment 638562

Flash forward to today. I had a TV I bought in 1991. It didn't start fritzing out until 2009 or so. I bought a replacement CRT model because flat screens were a bit to pricy. The problem is that most new TV shows converted to WS format, and I had characters who would be on the edges of the screen where I couldn't see them. So I finally broke down and bought a flat screen. It will probably last longer than I do.

I agree greed is a problem, but whose greed? You see, the idealized America that a lot of you on the right pine for came about because Democrats supported workers rights and unions, something that the Right Wing has been slowly dismantling with union busting, right to work, at will employment, and yes, outsourcing and free trade. To the point, though,

That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And I've already talked to Ray From Cleveland today.

Um, okay.. not really. What we have are conspiracy nuts who think that all their failure is from forces working against them... and a bunch of old people who are just smart enough to realize what they lost but not why they lost it.
Reading your words is about the stupidest thing I've done today, but every now and again it's good to know that stupid people like you are still around for some entertainment. lol.

Now go be stupid somewhere else for now. I'll check back in later to see if anything has changed. It's doubtful, but keep hope alive right ?
It is you fascist pigs that are trying to turn this country into Russia. Apparently, you people support misinformation. There is no deep state. There is no attempt to control information here.
Yeah and there's no CRT, no Gender studies in the class rooms, no infanticide being flirted with or talked about amongst the leftist and government officials who are representing the left. All things caused by and/or operated by the left, but when they are called out on the truth, they clinch their fist, grit their teeth, and vow to destroy anyone who dares to challenge the status quo.
Reading your words is about the stupidest thing I've done today, but every now and again it's good to know that stupid people like you are still around for some entertainment. lol.

Now go be stupid somewhere else for now. I'll check back in later to see if anything has changed. It's doubtful, but keep hope alive right ?

Duly noted you couldn't refute any point I made.

How many thousands of you-tube videos are trotted out monthly by right wing kooks to buttress their silly posts?

Aaron Sorkin gets it right in this case. The GOP is interested in two things...making you sacred of something and trying to blame someone else.
Less than the number of you tube videos trotted out by lefft wingers looking to attack right wingers. Like the social media platforms You tube is viased and bans right wingers silencing them far more commonly than anyone else.

Sorkin is wrong.

Or at least half way wrong. The democrats are interested in the exact same two things.
If I were a sociology professor teaching at a college and I wanted students to understand what is happening in our modern world, I would assign those students to read three works. The first would be George Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. In a confused and complex world where up seems to be down, right appears to be wrong, and truth looks like a lie, it is important to see why this is happening. The next work would be Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. When everything is trivialized to the extent that nothing is worth more than anything else and moral relativism emerges everywhere you look reducing social values to the level of television commercials, a comprehensive examination of how this came about is a good use of precious time. The last work would be Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Alinsky takes the horrors of the first two works and demonstrates ways to put those horrors into action which is what we see happening today.

Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia

Brave New World - Wikipedia

Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals…

This latest development should scare all Americans out of their wits:

Department Of Homeland Security Announces New Disinformation Governance Board | HuffPost Latest News
Only for as long as you can assign 1984.

It is in its way out.

Once the feminazi version is published it wiull be reviewed by critics and hailed as superior to the original and then the original will be suppressed.

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