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Why an atheist

kay, so these constant speed photons get "absorbed and re-emitted" a lot. How do these new, "re-emitted" ones know which way to go after being "absorbed"? Why wouldn't they just fly out in a non-synchronous manner and in more or less random directions? How much sense does your response make?
Because of the dual nature of light. The wave persists.

If atheism is so intellectual, so moral, so wonderful and so true, then WHY do atheists abandon their religion more than any other group of believers/followers?

Atheists have their own idol symbols. They are absolute maniacs over something they claim does not exist. There is no Easter Bunny Denier group. But atheist groups and clubs write books, papers, and lecture their inane nihilism as if they were smarter than God. Pride is the original sin. Atheists are filled with it. Just listen to them boast and bray. Christians don't boast of our own morality. We know we are sinners and are only saved by our Savior.


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LOL Okay, thanks for playing. You can stop poking at it now and wearing that blindfold. :cool:
And ding attempts no response, as expected. Anyone else care to poke at it?
Try answering this question from something I linked yesterday.. Mainstream physics teaches that light, say a laser beam traveling through air or "space" for instance, reflects, refracts, and slows down upon encountering glass. Then it instantly speeds back up to nearly the speed of light in "a vacuum" upon exiting the glass. Correct? Does that happen? How's that happen? Or, in other common parlance, why's that happen? What motivates the light to speed back up again.. from comparatively "nothing"? Could it be Satan?
What are you yammering about now?

Is this you trying to prove the aether again?

The frequency doesn't change, that's why. What's next?

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Paid big money to have it taught to me. No mention of the aether or any shred of evidence or published research on it, though.
Duh! Yep, no mention of it during my college years either.
You can look this stuff up yourself, you know.
I repeat, "Right back atcha!" First you have to question all the parts that make no sense, then take some initiative and read, read, read.. Let me know when you feel caught up, then maybe we can discuss what really goes on.. Or, as I've been suggesting, just keep watching asshole Ken Wheeler's videos. Eventually, like it or not, the truth will begin sinking in..
The frequency doesn't change, that's why.
How much gets through when you point your laser at a brick? Why not? Did its frequency change? Oh well, so much for stupid guesses from the peanut gallery..
Don't feel bad. Turns out this stuff is very difficult for most men to process. Women grasp it way more intuitively.

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The frequency doesn't change, that's why.
How much gets through when you point your laser at a brick? Why not? Did its frequency change? Oh well, so much for stupid guesses from the peanut gallery..
"Light does go through brick walls, if by light we mean electromagnetic waves. As noted, visible light doesn't though. Infrared does, which is why houses lose heat when it is cold outside. It is why houses get hot inside when it is hot outside..." Allan Steinhardt, PhD, Author "Radar in the Quantum Limit",Formerly DARPA's Chief Scientist,Fellow

Electromagnetic waves simply travel slower through glass than through air. So the wave crests are closer to each other, but the light still oscillates the same number of times per second. It stays the same color. When the wave hits the air again, its color still doesn't change, while the crests spread out and it returns to light speed.


If atheism is so intellectual, so moral, so wonderful and so true, then WHY do atheists abandon their religion more than any other group of believers/followers?

Atheists have their own idol symbols. They are absolute maniacs over something they claim does not exist. There is no Easter Bunny Denier group. But atheist groups and clubs write books, papers, and lecture their inane nihilism as if they were smarter than God. Pride is the original sin. Atheists are filled with it. Just listen to them boast and bray. Christians don't boast of our own morality. We know we are sinners and are only saved by our Savior.
WHY do atheists abandon their religion more than any other group of believers/followers?

We know we are sinners and are only saved by our Savior.
you might consider your question for atheists an answer for your own dilemma above ...

they certainly have nothing to abandon, that can not be said about you and when you do you will realize the error of your way by rediscovering the original religion of antiquity as the only rational means for ones spiritual content to free itself for admission to the Everlasting when properly judged - to be fit.

- or perish with the rest of them.
Most people are handed their religious beliefs like an inheritance, something you are given as a family heirloom and never question. Consequently I believe that most of our everyday Christian beliefs are quite shallow. Even those who seem devout have never really given their religion the kind of attention it needs.

I come from a non religious family, with no religious relatives. Of course God was always there but simply as a picture on the wall, nothing to make it real. It was like getting up in the morning, you always do it but it hasn't any real meaning in your life.

Like so many high schoolers I began to question, but I began to question what I was not taught. Why was it that so many people seemed to believe in god and I did not? I began to read and would continue to do so for the next couple of decades.

I am not passing myself off as a bible scholar. Nor am I saying that those years were spent in intensive academic study, nothing like that. Now and then I would simply read books, mostly histories of biblical times that traced the evolution of Christian beliefs as events unfolded. The faith continues to evolve even today. It always seemed to be a question of "change or die", and change it did.

So unlike many true believers, who view the bible as a constant, I see the Bible being constantly "reinterpreted" in order not to fall victim to current events.

What the fanatics like fail to realize is that the Bible made less history than it followed. They go to "bibel collage" swallowing whole the dogma of their particular bent. Never realizing that the "never changing" faith they profess to hold bears little resemblance to the same faith of a couple hundred years ago. To question is to blaspheme and that is never good.

I am now finished questioning. It has been over for very long time. I still read now and again but it is pretty much over. Been there, done that. I have reached a conclusion and now all that matters is that I keep reasonably current. I try to pay attention to new thoughts but I don't need to constantly rehash the old.

I wish it had turned out otherwise. I really wanted to believe but I could not settle for blind belief. Everyone knows, or should know, that there is not one objective fact to support the existence of a god, any god.

I suppose, like most things, there are many routes to atheism. I have no idea. I only know a couple of people who say they are atheists. I know for sure that it is difficult for believers and atheists to have a civil discussion. I have no idea why that is. Perhaps because religion needs faith, blind faith, and it seems to me that an atheist must be a questioner.

Oddly enough, some of the best discussions I have had were with a Lutheran Pastor.

All I do know is that we should not put everyone in the same bag. There are good and bad people in every belief system. Some of the best folks I know are Christians. Some of the worst folks I know are Christians. As I said, I don't know enough atheists to matter.

So to all those of faith out there who use their beliefs to better their lives and the lives of others I say, "good for you". To all those who use their faith as a place to reinforce their hatreds and bigotry I say, "Damn you"!
Christ is not in Christianity. That makes god's image say atheist. That is it in a nut shell. Jesus does not want what we have with a guilt giving legal system, and controling police. Christ needs to control us individually, inside of us. Islam works in the same way as the legal system that exist here. Since things are speeding up as they travel father away with the universe, being infinite, couldn't things eventually exceed the speed of light, in space that is infinite? The constant will not be constant.
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Christ is not in Christianity. That makes god's image say atheist. That is it in a nut shell.

Don't feel bad. Turns out this stuff is very difficult for most men to process. Women grasp it way more intuitively.


I have a different prispective on light and all thngs that exist as they are. Death changed everything. Light and elements as we see them are not what they were, when God made them. That is why God needs to make all things new. God is light, but not light that we are used to looking at.
Christ is not in Christianity. That makes god's image say atheist. That is it in a nut shell. Jesus does not want what we have with a guilt giving legal system, and controling police. Christ needs to control us individually, inside of us. Islam works in the same way as the legal system that exist here. Since things are speeding up as they travel father away with the universe, being infinite, couldn't things eventually exceed the speed of light, in space that is infinite? The constant will not be constant.

How arrogant are you to suggest you know what God wants regarding the legal system. You don't have unique access to what a god thinks. You're simply fabricating it to suit your politics.
You are a liar. How does that fit with you religion.
How arrogant are you to suggest you know what God wants regarding the legal system. You don't have unique access to what a god thinks. You're simply fabricating it to suit your politics.
You are a liar. How does that fit with you religion.
Hush and listen. Devils don't want peace. Neither do you. Resist the devil that whispers in your ear. Don't talk like that unseen being. God says fear not. That is what he and angelic beings say. How is that fabricated? That is not what the Legal system does. Satan says fear me. That is the truth. How is that fabricated? Can that be understood, and agreed upon? I am not thinking politics. You cannot understand simple speech in the verses below? I will help you with the last part. They that are like Jesus will not be of the world. Not being of the world does not mean giving up a tractor, going back to using ox power, pulling a plow.

James 1:26-27​

King James Version​

26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.​

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
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Ha ha ha, I am doing fine.

It is always funny when Christians make these ugly comments about those who don't take their delusion seriously. You insult yourself and your wife by giving credit to a delusion for having children, it was YOUR sperm and HER Egg that made the child, that is the reality you should embrace.

I will go for cremation, will not waste another piece of land to lay a carcass in, that is for religious nuts who don't even realize that body will never be used again, not even your precious wholly babble supports this burial nonsense.
Why earn a place under the potty in hell? It's your future. lol I hope you change your mind.
Hush and listen. Devils don't want peace. Neither do you. Resist the devil that whispers in your ear. Don't talk like that unseen being. God says fear not. That is what he and angelic beings say. How is that fabricated? That is not what the Legal system does. Satan says fear me. That is the truth. How is that fabricated? Can that be understood, and agreed upon? I am not thinking politics. You cannot understand simple speech in the verses below? I will help you with the last part. They that are like Jesus will not be of the world. Not being of the world does not mean giving up a tractor, going back to using ox power, pulling a plow.

James 1:26-27​

King James Version​

26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.​

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
God saysvnothong of the kind. You are quoting a bible written by fools and charlatans and expect rational peoe to b erlueve that rubbish.

There is no Satan and never was. There's no evidence of it like your God. That aside, there's no reason for either.
Science and physics explains Every thing. Even the stupidity of people like you who believe in God.

you might consider your question for atheists an answer for your own dilemma above ...

they certainly have nothing to abandon, that can not be said about you and when you do you will realize the error of your way by rediscovering the original religion of antiquity as the only rational means for ones spiritual content to free itself for admission to the Everlasting when properly judged - to be fit.

- or perish with the rest of them.
Dear BreezeWood
All people have personal BIASES.
To "abandon them" means to detach from them, forgive the fact we have differences, and work toward common truth and understanding DESPITE these conflicts between our ways of thinking and systems of expression.

This isn't a oneway street BreezeWood

If you find fault with Christians pushing a oneway agenda, claiming their way is right and everyone else has to change to meet their self proclaimed standards,
then your job is to teach by example by setting aside your preferred ways of expressing Universal laws and truth.

Both sides can keep using their own ways of communicating, while letting the other person express themselves using their system without judging, attacking, rejecting or forcing them to change it.

It is a mutual process.

That is why Christians teach this concept by saying "we are all sinners" (ie we all have selfish interests and biases) and we need to receive and lean on the Lord and not on our own understanding which is imperfect or flawed.

If you notice I always ask you to explain and express your views using your own words, then try to understand where the conflicts or corrections are coming from you are trying to share and present.

I cannot very well attack or censor your way of expression or you would be prevented from communicating and explaining what you mean.

Christians using their Biblical and Scriptural terms and cultural traditions deserve the same courtesy of being able to explain what they are talking about without being attacked for it.

Are you okay with explaining that all people carrying sinful conditions means we are all human, all have our own self directed biases and interests, and will all put our own preferences first and have to make a conscious effort to treat other people equally especially those of opposing views or beliefs?

Is that a fair assessment and interpretation?

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