Why an Hispanic Majority is NOT Inevitable

And most of our hispanic immigrants are still within the 1st generation or two. Thank you for pointing that out.

That was my point to start with, genius.

By the third generation they will consider themselves white traditional Catholic Americans who cannot understand how so many of their parents and grandparents ever voted for Marxist losers like you Democrats are today.
So now, after your theory about why Hispanics will not continue to grow as a % of the population has been thoroughly destroyed, you claim that they will continue to grow in population but will succeed, will work hard and move into the middle class en masse and will then vote Republican? So, if they are going to become good, middle class Republicans, you support their continued growth as a demographic, right?

My argument was not destroyed, Little Emperor of a Nutshell.

But I do look forward to Hispanic immigration becoming more orderly, successful and merging with the rest of America. I think that they will be the final straw that breaks the back of the main stream Protest heretics that have been running this country into the ground since the Marxists took over all the best Anglo universities and colleges.

We need to replace that old worn out heretical Protestant oligarchy with a new one that is predominately Catholic and a blend of the best of Hispanic America and western Anglo American cultures.

It will happen, but the Marxists that are trying to agitation more division and conflict will try to derail it, but they are already painting themselves into a corner with their 'Reconquista' bullshit. That will change eventually and things will be glorious.

But first we have to purge the Marxist agitators and Hate-America-First shits like you before it can happen.
Argument??!! You had an argument???!!!!!

Yeah, don't worry Mr Professor. It went right over your head while you were reading Das Kapital for the 14th time.
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.

"We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population ... I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."
José Angel Gutiérrez
You quote some tired old Marxist racist crowing about how the Hispanics will do blah blah blah, when there is no evidence that they will remain a separate culture once they move into the middle class like every other ethnic group before them has.

This fuck-head established the Raza Unida Party "United Race Party" and you celebrate it and him because you are nothing but a low life scum sucking racist shit-for-brains.

Raza Unida Party - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That was my point to start with, genius.

By the third generation they will consider themselves white traditional Catholic Americans who cannot understand how so many of their parents and grandparents ever voted for Marxist losers like you Democrats are today.
So now, after your theory about why Hispanics will not continue to grow as a % of the population has been thoroughly destroyed, you claim that they will continue to grow in population but will succeed, will work hard and move into the middle class en masse and will then vote Republican? So, if they are going to become good, middle class Republicans, you support their continued growth as a demographic, right?

My argument was not destroyed, Little Emperor of a Nutshell.

But I do look forward to Hispanic immigration becoming more orderly, successful and merging with the rest of America. I think that they will be the final straw that breaks the back of the main stream Protest heretics that have been running this country into the ground since the Marxists took over all the best Anglo universities and colleges.

We need to replace that old worn out heretical Protestant oligarchy with a new one that is predominately Catholic and a blend of the best of Hispanic America and western Anglo American cultures.

It will happen, but the Marxists that are trying to agitation more division and conflict will try to derail it, but they are already painting themselves into a corner with their 'Reconquista' bullshit. That will change eventually and things will be glorious.

But first we have to purge the Marxist agitators and Hate-America-First shits like you before it can happen.
Argument??!! You had an argument???!!!!!

Yeah, don't worry Mr Professor. It went right over your head while you were reading Das Kapital for the 14th time.

Wow, can anyone explain to the libtards how posting pics of idiots laughing is not exactly helping their cause?

You have no facts, no legit arguments and posting your bullshit just demonstrates you cant do it.

Bye-bye losers.
JimBowie continues to show that he must not have passed American history.

He completely misreads today's events because of partisan hackery.

What a butthurt.

Great factoids there, Jake the Fake Delegate.

Oh, that's right, you have NONE, lololol.
They critic you, Jim, but they never offer their rebuttal because ridicule is all they've got. Obama has convinced them we are enemy collaborators, so they have gone to war against us in a last ditch effort to support this Regime.

These idiots only 'know' what some other idiot spoon fed them in a classroom where they think real learning occurs.

Anyone that has graduated with an engineering degree and then made a living in the real world with it knows that classroom knowledge isn't real knowledge at all. It at best 'working guesses'.
So now, after your theory about why Hispanics will not continue to grow as a % of the population has been thoroughly destroyed, you claim that they will continue to grow in population but will succeed, will work hard and move into the middle class en masse and will then vote Republican? So, if they are going to become good, middle class Republicans, you support their continued growth as a demographic, right?

My argument was not destroyed, Little Emperor of a Nutshell.

But I do look forward to Hispanic immigration becoming more orderly, successful and merging with the rest of America. I think that they will be the final straw that breaks the back of the main stream Protest heretics that have been running this country into the ground since the Marxists took over all the best Anglo universities and colleges.

We need to replace that old worn out heretical Protestant oligarchy with a new one that is predominately Catholic and a blend of the best of Hispanic America and western Anglo American cultures.

It will happen, but the Marxists that are trying to agitation more division and conflict will try to derail it, but they are already painting themselves into a corner with their 'Reconquista' bullshit. That will change eventually and things will be glorious.

But first we have to purge the Marxist agitators and Hate-America-First shits like you before it can happen.
Argument??!! You had an argument???!!!!!

Yeah, don't worry Mr Professor. It went right over your head while you were reading Das Kapital for the 14th time.

Wow, can anyone explain to the libtards how posting pics of idiots laughing is not exactly helping their cause?

You have no facts, no legit arguments and posting your bullshit just demonstrates you cant do it.

Bye-bye losers.
Nah, posting a laughing gif in response to your inane tripe is the only appropriate response. :thup:
Oh and it's pretty telling that the leftists label me a wingnut...... Speaks volumes....... :lmao:
My argument was not destroyed, Little Emperor of a Nutshell.

But I do look forward to Hispanic immigration becoming more orderly, successful and merging with the rest of America. I think that they will be the final straw that breaks the back of the main stream Protest heretics that have been running this country into the ground since the Marxists took over all the best Anglo universities and colleges.

We need to replace that old worn out heretical Protestant oligarchy with a new one that is predominately Catholic and a blend of the best of Hispanic America and western Anglo American cultures.

It will happen, but the Marxists that are trying to agitation more division and conflict will try to derail it, but they are already painting themselves into a corner with their 'Reconquista' bullshit. That will change eventually and things will be glorious.

But first we have to purge the Marxist agitators and Hate-America-First shits like you before it can happen.
Argument??!! You had an argument???!!!!!

Yeah, don't worry Mr Professor. It went right over your head while you were reading Das Kapital for the 14th time.

Wow, can anyone explain to the libtards how posting pics of idiots laughing is not exactly helping their cause?

You have no facts, no legit arguments and posting your bullshit just demonstrates you cant do it.

Bye-bye losers.
Nah, posting a laughing gif in response to your inane tripe is the only appropriate response. :thup:
Oh and it's pretty telling that the leftists label me a wingnut...... Speaks volumes....... :lmao:

Whatever, I don't give a shit.

Hispanic demographic growth is going to start slowing son as the immigration has already started to do.

There is only so much low skilled labor available and it is shrinking in this no-jobs 'recovery' your hero Obama has given us. With the tech growth we are seeing it wont get any better, only worse.

Shouldn't be much longer before whites of all ethnicities decide to nail the border shut, and the illegals start to self-deport.
Hispanics have no loyalty. They are here as long as this cow gives milk. When it stops they will move on. They are like locusts. Move in, strip the land , move out.
Thank you for showing the Republican Party's true stripes. These are the kind of statements that need to go viral! The GOP needs YOU for it's minority outreach!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
JimBowie got caught lying and deflecting, and the creep simply doubled down.

The demographics are against JB all the way.
JimBowie got caught lying and deflecting, and the creep simply doubled down.

The demographics are against JB all the way.

Name the lie I told, like the lie you told saying that you were a delegate to your states constitutional convention, you freaking liar.

The inevitability of an Hispanic majority is just the same kind of libtard lie that is not supported by any evidence as your claims have been since you started posting on this thread, and as has all the libtard posts.

No facts, no reason, no argument, just nonsense is all the libtards have these days.
You are completely off OP. List of U.S. states by Hispanic and Latino population - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Read them and weep. As the states include more and more Hispanics, the far right reactionary white minority will keep receding.

It is what it is, JimBowie.

I told you the far right would implode eventually from hatred, and in the last three weeks the great American majority rejected you guys. It's for good, I think.
JimBowie got caught lying and deflecting, and the creep simply doubled down.

The demographics are against JB all the way.

Name the lie I told, like the lie you told saying that you were a delegate to your states constitutional convention, you freaking liar.

The inevitability of an Hispanic majority is just the same kind of libtard lie that is not supported by any evidence as your claims have been since you started posting on this thread, and as has all the libtard posts.

No facts, no reason, no argument, just nonsense is all the libtards have these days.

What exactly are you so afraid of that you keep obsessing over this?
I believe one day whites and hispanics will melt together into a single brownish race. That's the future that awaits America and it's not like it is a bad thing. There are not too many white people left in the world anyway comparing to the other races.
Hispanics have no loyalty. They are here as long as this cow gives milk. When it stops they will move on. They are like locusts. Move in, strip the land , move out.
Thank you for showing the Republican Party's true stripes. These are the kind of statements that need to go viral! The GOP needs YOU for it's minority outreach!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I've lived with these locusts since 1980. A more disreputable group you won't find.
I believe one day whites and hispanics will melt together into a single brownish race. That's the future that awaits America and it's not like it is a bad thing. There are not too many white people left in the world anyway comparing to the other races.
There never were. Globally whites have always been a minority. They are just more clever and efficient than other ethnicities.
Hispanics have no loyalty. They are here as long as this cow gives milk. When it stops they will move on. They are like locusts. Move in, strip the land , move out.
Thank you for showing the Republican Party's true stripes. These are the kind of statements that need to go viral! The GOP needs YOU for it's minority outreach!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I've lived with these locusts since 1980. A more disreputable group you won't find.

Well, we found another bigot in you.
Hispanics have no loyalty. They are here as long as this cow gives milk. When it stops they will move on. They are like locusts. Move in, strip the land , move out.
Thank you for showing the Republican Party's true stripes. These are the kind of statements that need to go viral! The GOP needs YOU for it's minority outreach!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I've lived with these locusts since 1980. A more disreputable group you won't find.
Look in the mirror. Look around your home.
I believe one day whites and hispanics will melt together into a single brownish race. That's the future that awaits America and it's not like it is a bad thing. There are not too many white people left in the world anyway comparing to the other races.
There never were. Globally whites have always been a minority. They are just more clever and efficient than other ethnicities.
And here you are, proving just the opposite.

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