Why an Hispanic Majority is NOT Inevitable

Hispanics have no loyalty. They are here as long as this cow gives milk. When it stops they will move on. They are like locusts. Move in, strip the land , move out.
Yeah, we know.......

Oh wait! That wasn't the Hispanics........... :eusa_whistle:

So you do realize that you are defending the corporations who are violating our laws and disrupting our LEGAL immigration system so that they can evade our labor protection laws put in place by all the progressive groups and unions from 1880 to 1950?

I.e. you are playing the corporate whore to damage the American working class, but what I want to know is, do you actually realize that you are?
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.

Hispanics breed more than you do....you are doomed

Wow, an actual reason given by a libtard, but of course it is a classic case of static analysis.

Poor people breed more than middle class people is the actual fact, and as Hispanics transition into the American middle class they will breed less and will identify more with the white main stream than with Democrat losers.

Also the biggest reason that Hispanic population is growing is due to illegal immigration, not just breeding, and the OP takes care of that notion quite well.
I have lived among hispanics since 1980. With very few exceptions, they don't enter the mainstream of white America. They participate with the mainstream but emotionally their loyalty is to their own kind if not to any particular country.

Every immigrant group that came to this country saw strong loyalties to their original ethnicity for the first two generation that they were here. They were not disloyal Americans, but they still had an affinity for their homeland that gave them birth, and a start on life. In other words, they weren't libtards.

I find that a good thing.
So, it would appear that my contention is correct, judging from the responses here that were either in support or opposed but failed to give any reason or facts to the contrary.

And this is the rational situation on the topic, but most people are not devoted to following their rational thinking process which is why the Democrat-Republican duopoly is in place to begin with.

The Democrats hope to build a majority voter base by tethering together disparate minority groups that are alienated from the main stream of society. That is a strategy that is fundamentally flawed since it always risks the majority being awakened as the minorities reach parity in some places prior to the rest. The difficulties the majority sees in those places is eventually recognized as a warning of what happens with uncontrolled immigration - it soon become dominated by criminal groups that exploit the immigrants and the host nation. History shows that it is always that way without exception hence why we have immigration laws and government regulation of it.

In the end the Democrats will find themselves without their majority and the dismissal, scorn and hatred of the majority for the next five generations.

Good luck with that....NOT. Treasonous whores.
Immigrants generally would support the party that supported them, the Americans would support the party that gave them an edge. That is human nature. The fact remains the Hispanics and the millennials oppose the politics generally of they far right. And since there are more of them and growing even larger each election, the swing in the direction of the country is inevitable.

JimBowie accuses the Dems of doing what the far right had done: "build a majority voter base by tethering together disparate minority groups that are alienated from the main stream of society." Millennials and Hispanics supported pulling down the flag, the far right opposed it.

Guess which group is the desperate minority?
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.

Hispanics breed more than you do....you are doomed

Wow, an actual reason given by a libtard, but of course it is a classic case of static analysis.

Poor people breed more than middle class people is the actual fact, and as Hispanics transition into the American middle class they will breed less and will identify more with the white main stream than with Democrat losers.

Also the biggest reason that Hispanic population is growing is due to illegal immigration, not just breeding, and the OP takes care of that notion quite well.
I have lived among hispanics since 1980. With very few exceptions, they don't enter the mainstream of white America. They participate with the mainstream but emotionally their loyalty is to their own kind if not to any particular country.

Every immigrant group that came to this country saw strong loyalties to their original ethnicity for the first two generation that they were here. They were not disloyal Americans, but they still had an affinity for their homeland that gave them birth, and a start on life. In other words, they weren't libtards.

I find that a good thing.
And most of our hispanic immigrants are still within the 1st generation or two. Thank you for pointing that out.
"Why an Hispanic Majority is NOT Inevitable"

Your concern that the GOP’s fear and hostility toward Hispanics will continue to hurt republicans is warranted, where ignoring the problem isn’t going to help.
"Why an Hispanic Majority is NOT Inevitable"

Your concern that the GOP’s fear and hostility toward Hispanics will continue to hurt republicans is warranted, where ignoring the problem isn’t going to help.

An example of why libtards cant learn new tricks; they cant read any more once they lobotomize themselves with their ideology.
And most of our hispanic immigrants are still within the 1st generation or two. Thank you for pointing that out.

That was my point to start with, genius.

By the third generation they will consider themselves white traditional Catholic Americans who cannot understand how so many of their parents and grandparents ever voted for Marxist losers like you Democrats are today.
Immigrants generally would support the party that supported them, the Americans would support the party that gave them an edge. That is human nature. The fact remains the Hispanics and the millennials oppose the politics generally of they far right. And since there are more of them and growing even larger each election, the swing in the direction of the country is inevitable.

JimBowie accuses the Dems of doing what the far right had done: "build a majority voter base by tethering together disparate minority groups that are alienated from the main stream of society." Millennials and Hispanics supported pulling down the flag, the far right opposed it.

Guess which group is the desperate minority?

More static analysis, lies and bilge form Jake the Fake Delegate.

1. The current generation of Hispanics will behave differently than their third generation will, and the third generation will be more typical of middle class white Americans than some lunatics America hating libtards like you.

2. Millenials are still young and know everything, eventually living life in the real world will awaken most of them to how they have been manipulated by the Talking Heads and professional unteachers in our public schools and they will shift much more conservative than they are at present.

3. The generation of young people that follows a libtard generation is always more conservative than the preceding generation.

4. Automation is going to replace a lot of the low skill work that black market labor is used for, again decreasing illegal immigration. Robots picking fruit and driving tractors Mackay Daily Mercury

Combine all three together with the shrinking illegal demographic and the alienation of an increasing number of voters to the Marxist no-borders nonsense and the GOp could have a majority forever.

But who wants a majority party that is led by such lying whores anyway? They are too much like you, Jake the Fake Delegate.

I would rather have 8 years of Hillary than 8 years of RINO leadership destroying everything I love from the inside out.
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JimBowie continues to show that he must not have passed American history.

He completely misreads today's events because of partisan hackery.

What a butthurt.
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.

Hispanics breed more than you do....you are doomed

Wow, an actual reason given by a libtard, but of course it is a classic case of static analysis.

Poor people breed more than middle class people is the actual fact, and as Hispanics transition into the American middle class they will breed less and will identify more with the white main stream than with Democrat losers.

Also the biggest reason that Hispanic population is growing is due to illegal immigration, not just breeding, and the OP takes care of that notion quite well.
I have lived among hispanics since 1980. With very few exceptions, they don't enter the mainstream of white America. They participate with the mainstream but emotionally their loyalty is to their own kind if not to any particular country.

Every immigrant group that came to this country saw strong loyalties to their original ethnicity for the first two generation that they were here. They were not disloyal Americans, but they still had an affinity for their homeland that gave them birth, and a start on life. In other words, they weren't libtards.

I find that a good thing.
And most of our hispanic immigrants are still within the 1st generation or two.

Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.
I would say five years if they commit a crime, otherwise our prisons would be overrun with just harmless wetback border jumpers.
JimBowie continues to show that he must not have passed American history.

He completely misreads today's events because of partisan hackery.

What a butthurt.

Great factoids there, Jake the Fake Delegate.

Oh, that's right, you have NONE, lololol.
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.
I would say five years if they commit a crime, otherwise our prisons would be overrun with just harmless wetback border jumpers.

That's fine, we can have them build their own work camps first then house them in it.
Such stupid statements as 'Hispanics are growing faster than any other demographic group and will be the majority of the American population. So the GOP must reach out to Hispanics or dies as a party.' Ignoring why the death of the current RINO led GOP is a good thing anyway for white working class Americans, I want to focus on the demographic claims here. There is nothing about any of these projections that are inevitable.

These projections are based on a continuation of current trends, in this case older trends that existed prior to Trump's raising the criminal immigration issues so effectively.

The conditions that have caused this large demographic shift are due to essentially two things:

1. Our lack of enforcement of immigration laws. That is already in the process of changing. There are proposals being tossed around that will put criminal immigrants in prison for five years if they are caught another time after the first time. This is comparable to what Mexico and most countries do the FIRST TIME. The lack of enforcement of our immigration laws is more lax than at any other time since 1900 and so they are only going to get tighter and in all likelihood MUCH MUCH tighter. Classifying this second criminal immigration as a felony will also make their employers subject to RICO statues, and with the government in need of new revenue streams that is probably not going to be a reasonable risk to take any more and the use of black market labor will begin to evaporate at steadily increasing rates.

2. That our economy will provide employment for illegal immigrants forever and that there is no saturation point where there simply are no new jobs to draw more illegals to the USA. That also has been changing in recent years.

With no new jobs due to a weakening economy drawing fewer and fewer illegal immigrants to get them, the Hispanic population growth rates slow way down. As the American non-hispanic middle class gets smaller due to the prevailing hostile polices from the duopoly that runs Washington, the saturation point for illegal job taking is reached even quicker AND AT LOWER POPULATION LEVELS. THE CURRENTLY CITED DEMOPGRAPHIC MODELS DO NOT TAKE THIS INTO ACOUNT WHATSOEVER.

There will never be a Hispanic majority in the Midwestern, south eastern and north eastern states. And after the illegal immigration slows to a crawl, Hispanics will blend into the American population like any other group has done, because the degenerate libtards will have been washed from the system by that time. And since the vast majority of them consider themselves white, *poof*, no nonwhite majority either.

Hispanic immigration spurning an inevitable Hispanic majority is just another libtard lie that the RINOs bought into. And it is a lie that in 2025 none of them will ever even admit to having believed at all.

In addition to the above I should add that technological change will remove much of the need for illegal black market labor.

Automation is going to replace a lot of the low skill work that black market labor is used for, again decreasing illegal immigration. Robots picking fruit and driving tractors Mackay Daily Mercury
Has the OP yet addressed the fact that Latino-Americans actually have children?
And once again, the libtard Nazis respond with no facts, no reason or explanation. Just nope aint going to happen, lol, like abunch of trained monkees.

Heree is some more reasons this is going to change because people are waking up.

This is commonly cited as written by Tina Griego, a journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News in a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament." While she wrote that column, she did not write the column below and she responds to it here: Griego One thing s true People believe what they want - The Denver Post

Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America? The answers I found may surprise you!

The part that follows is not from her, but a respondent and is footnoted.
Here are 14 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them:

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

Home Federation for American Immigration Reform

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

The High Cost of Cheap Labor Center for Immigration Studies

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

The High Cost of Cheap Labor Center for Immigration Studies

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!


5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

CNN.com - Transcripts

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.


7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

CNN.com - Transcripts

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.


9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

CNN.com - Transcripts

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US .

CNN.com - Transcripts

11. During the year 2005, there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from terrorist countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border. Homeland SecurityReport:


12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

National Policy Institute

13. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

Wooldridge - How Much Further Into This Nightmare

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States !"


Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR !
— with Tnt Fisher, Kevin Adams, Kevin Adams, Sam M Kelly, John C. Jones, White House, Ted Cruz, Terri L Ray, Jose Lopez, sal pinzone jr, Pat Umstead, Lauri Lamb, Dawn Denise Dimartino and Terri Ray.
Here are facts for you, you stupid fuck:
"U.S. births have been the primary driving force behind the increase in the Hispanic population since 2000 and that trend continued between 2012 and 2013. The Census Bureau estimates that natural increase (births minus deaths) accounted for 78% of the total change in the U.S. Hispanic population from 2012 to 2013."

Hispanic population is growing because American Hispanics are having babies; not because of illegal immigration. For the last ten years or so there has been a net zero increase in illegal immigrants of Hispanic descent. More importantly, it was never claimed that Hispanics would be a majority; but that non-white would be. That will happen. Of course, it does not matter because regardless of their color or ethnic backgrounds, they are Americans. Far better ones than racist, lying pricks like you could ever be.
The truth of "For the last ten years or so there has been a net zero increase in illegal immigrants of Hispanic descent" frightens the far right head dung heads to add even more to their dung heaps.

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