Why antisematism?

Generally, Jews are a small minority of any population, and yet they are conspicuously successful, tend to want to deal with each other, and their main businesses (banking, pawn, jewelry, other retail) are often perceived as exploitive toward others.


Just kidding.

The current explosion of anti-Semitic sentiment and acts is doubly perverse. In the first case, to be Jewish is NOT THE SAME as being a Zionist. Many Jews are anti-Zionist, as they believe that the Jewish nation should not exist until the Messiah shows up. Hating on American Jews makes no logical sense.

In the second case, even if one is a Zionist in the U.S. today, that doesn't necessarily mean that one agrees with everything being done by Netanyahu and the IDF in Gaza. And I would wager that there are more CHRISTIAN Zionists in the U.S. than there are Jewish Zionists (so how do you like me now?).

Third, the activities of the IDF in Gaza are easily defensible by rational argument. Contrast the Israeli actions against Hamas - an organization that has practiced CONTINUAL terrorist activity against Israel since its conception and recently committed the worst terrorist attack in the world since 9/11 - with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which was totally unprovoked. So especially on campus, these anti-Israel and implicitly anti-Semitic demonstrations are nothing other than overt acts of indefensible bigotry.

In short, Jews are easy to hate. There are not that many of them, they do things that many people don't like, and they can't effectively fight back. And the White House is more concerned about the non-existent phenomenon of Islamo-phobia.
I wonder if the fact that Jews have believed themselves to be God's chosen people and have proclaimed that to everyone for thousands of years might play a role in antisemitism.
I wonder if the fact that Jews have believed themselves to be God's chosen people and have proclaimed that to everyone for thousands of years might play a role in antisemitism.
Could be. However, I believe that Jewish scholars know full well that they are not the only chosen of God around today, as did the Jews of Christ's day.
"What is there about Jews that fosters this attitude?"
Nothing, but asking the question in this manner reveals the nature of the sickness.
Anti-Semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

These dopey sheep don't have the guts to stand up to the clear and present tyranny of the ruling class. So they easily fall for the ruling class's scapegoat.

It's easy for the entitled elitist tyranny to explain how the Jews are the people's real enemy plotting behind the scenes; all the 1% has to do is reveal what they themselves are doing, such as controlling both the Right and the Left, and say that's what the Jews are doing. Anyone capable of reading closely can see that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is actually focused on attacking the 99%'s opportunities for change. The rulers couldn't very well say, "We are superior to all you trash, or else we wouldn't have been born rich. So we can do to you peasants whatever makes us feel even more powerful." In order to crush any hope, they warned that all changes to their rule are run by Jews for Jews.
If you read the bible, you find that God made a covenant with Israel. In that covenant were also penalties for disobedience to God. One of the punishments was that Israel would be despised everywhere they go. Now this doesn't justify everything, but it is something to consider. Then you have Jews like Lisa and a few others here who break 2 of Gods prime directives-"Love your neighbor as you would love yourself;" or,"Do unto others as you would have done unto you" because of their racism.

Multiply that by a few million and then the answer goes back to Jews not obeying the covenant God made with them.
I wonder if the fact that Jews have believed themselves to be God's chosen people and have proclaimed that to everyone for thousands of years might play a role in antisemitism.
Do a little reading. The Jews were chosen by God to bring the Torah to mankind. This is not a privilege or benefit. It is an obligation which many Jews take seriously.
What is there about Jews that fosters this attitude?

The history is quite interesting.

Essentially it goes something like this.

Back in the day Christianity forbade Christians from profiting from lending money. The get around was to invite Jews to come to their country and lend money, so everyone was happy. However the Jews were very good at what they did and they made lots of money and then people got angry that the Jews were getting rich from such a dastardly profession (the reason it was banned was because it was seen as unethical). Also kings (and I suppose others) would borrow money but be unable to pay to back, so when they were in a situation where they didn't want to pay it back, all they needed to do was attack the Jews somehow. Either force them out of the country, lock them up, or such things (that were, we'd have to suppose, more ethical then lending money).
If you read the bible, you find that God made a covenant with Israel. In that covenant were also penalties for disobedience to God. One of the punishments was that Israel would be despised everywhere they go. Now this doesn't justify everything, but it is something to consider. Then you have Jews like Lisa and a few others here who break 2 of Gods prime directives-"Love your neighbor as you would love yourself;" or,"Do unto others as you would have done unto you" because of their racism.

Multiply that by a few million and then the answer goes back to Jews not obeying the covenant God made with them.
It is the Jews only that would be despised, not all of Israel.
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Probably the two most revered humans, Jesus and Mary, were Jews. It is very odd that such a societal example of positive prejudice should be accompanied by a negative prejudice against the same group.
"Anti-semitism" is a totally irrational, ridiculous excuse to express a sub-human emotion, exactly as being anti-different-skin-color..
Probably the two most revered humans, Jesus and Mary, were Jews. It is very odd that such a societal example of positive prejudice should be accompanied by a negative prejudice against the same group.
"Anti-semitism" is a totally irrational, ridiculous excuse to express a sub-human emotion, exactly as being anti-different-skin-color..
It's the way God carries out his curse on the Jews. Most 'antisemites' likely have no idea why they hate Jews.

Q. "Why do you hate the Jews?"
A. "I dunno. I guess cuz everyone else does".
The various tribes of Israel. But regardless, the Jews have broken their covenant.
The other tribal descendants have been largely blessed, especially the U.S. and Britain, who received the Abrahamic birthright blessings. Other tribal descendants have prospered via their association with the U.S. and Britain, namely the European Christian democracies. Also notable is that the Jews have found safety and prosperity within these 'brother' nations in spite of the antisemitism found there.
If the Third World Doesn't Serve Us, It Won't Survive Us

Gentiles should imitate the Jews instead of being jealous of them. Anti-semitism, or at least rejection of the clever Jewish way to prosperity, is what the White ruling class wants for its serfs.

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