Why Are A Number OF Atheists So Full Of Hate?

Well, now, Let's see. So far, I have read posts by Christians that we atheists are a "debased" group of "pathetic" "losers" whose departed family members are "in hell', and that we are "going to hell", as well.

Now, to refresh my memory, was your question, "Why are atheists so full of hate?"?
Come on folks! Hate is NOT corralled by any subset or belief. Neither is love, kindness, cruelty, selfishness or psychopathology.

Every group has members whose membership cannot be denied and yet are quite the embarrassment to the 'mainstream' of the group.

Wide sweeping generalizations, even when qualified by terms like "a number of...", are bullshit.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

You might just as well ask "Why are Religious Fanatics so full of Hate?" e.g. Westboro Baptists, Pat Robertson, Islamic Jihadists, "Christians" in these forums who advocate the genocide of Muslims.
If some Atheists express hatred I guess they're as vulnerable to fault as many other members of the human race.
To me though, it just appears that the hatred towards Christians and other people of faith or religion if you will, is a common thread among atheist.

It's a religious war, the Religion of Liberalism versus the Religion of Christianity. Atheism is not the driving factor.

The local Baptist Church in your neighborhood has absolutely nothing at all in common with Westboro Baptist Church.

The local Baptist Church is likely filled with Republicans. The Westboro Baptist Church is filled with Democrats.

Your hatred of liberals is noted.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

You might just as well ask "Why are Religious Fanatics so full of Hate?" e.g. Westboro Baptists, Pat Robertson, Islamic Jihadists, "Christians" in these forums who advocate the genocide of Muslims.
If some Atheists express hatred I guess they're as vulnerable to fault as many other members of the human race.
To me though, it just appears that the hatred towards Christians and other people of faith or religion if you will, is a common thread among atheist.

It's a religious war, the Religion of Liberalism versus the Religion of Christianity. Atheism is not the driving factor.

The local Baptist Church in your neighborhood has absolutely nothing at all in common with Westboro Baptist Church.

The local Baptist Church is likely filled with Republicans. The Westboro Baptist Church is filled with Democrats.

Your hatred of liberals is noted.

How can anyone love totalitarians?
I hate broccoli, does that make me evil or depraved? Now, if you loved broccoli, should I have an issue with you?
No. I would gladly give you all the broccoli on my plate.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

You might just as well ask "Why are Religious Fanatics so full of Hate?" e.g. Westboro Baptists, Pat Robertson, Islamic Jihadists, "Christians" in these forums who advocate the genocide of Muslims.
If some Atheists express hatred I guess they're as vulnerable to fault as many other members of the human race.
To me though, it just appears that the hatred towards Christians and other people of faith or religion if you will, is a common thread among atheist.

It's a religious war, the Religion of Liberalism versus the Religion of Christianity. Atheism is not the driving factor.

The local Baptist Church in your neighborhood has absolutely nothing at all in common with Westboro Baptist Church.

The local Baptist Church is likely filled with Republicans. The Westboro Baptist Church is filled with Democrats.

Liberalism isn't a religion doodoo-head.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.
I hate broccoli, does that make me evil or depraved? Now, if you loved broccoli, should I have an issue with you?
No. I would gladly give you all the broccoli on my plate.
And I will give you my lima beans, peas, black eyed peas and liver-unless you don't like those either.

Hey wait........I'm an adult and none of those food items would make it to my plate to begin with. Never mind.
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Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.

It is their business though, isn't it? It's not your business nor my business. I assume you call yourself a Liberal. If my assumption is correct (am certainly may not be the case) do you not respect their rights under the Constitution which has also been upheld by the Supreme Court or do you believe only you have rights under the Constitution?
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe?

Matthew 10:22 King James Version
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

I used to have a friend at work. We got along great and had many long conversations. He's an upbeat guy and considers himself to be an intellectual although he refuses to read books. But when Christianity comes up, he changes. His face gets contorted and he seethes with anger. He holds a visceral hatred for Christianity. Not religions but Christianity in particular. The fact that I'm a Christian drives him to distraction. He's tried over and over to show me the error of my faith. That my salvation is unshakeable and my faith in my Savior is unwavering should be a testament for him but it only enrages him. Needless to say, our friendship suffered. We have drifted to being only acquaintances now. I hope he comes around. That level of hatred is not healthy. It's demented.

Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.

It is their business though, isn't it? It's not your business nor my business. I assume you call yourself a Liberal. If my assumption is correct (am certainly may not be the case) do you not respect their rights under the Constitution which has also been upheld by the Supreme Court or do you believe only you have rights under the Constitution?

Actually, the business is separate legally from the church. Secondly, the moment that a service that is provided via a church affiliated organization and they seek to acquire funding through public funds then they absolutely have no ability to impose their own standards unless it complies with the same regulations as other service providers. Period. It's the law.
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Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.

It is their business though, isn't it? It's not your business nor my business. I assume you call yourself a Liberal. If my assumption is correct (am certainly may not be the case) do you not respect their rights under the Constitution which has also been upheld by the Supreme Court or do you believe only you have rights under the Constitution?

Actually, the business is separate legally from the church. Secondly, the moment that a service that is provided via a church affiliated organization and they seek to acquire funding through public funds then they absolutely have no ability to impose their own standards unless it complies with the same regulations as other service providers. Period. It's the law.

OK. I was mistakenly thinking you were bashing the Hobby Lobby decision. Sorry.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

Another reason is that it is simply a non-issue with most folks. According to the CDC, gays and lesbians only make up 3.7% of the total population. Most folks simply pay them little mind. They do love publicity though and get it as all who cry "victim" do.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.

It is their business though, isn't it? It's not your business nor my business. I assume you call yourself a Liberal. If my assumption is correct (am certainly may not be the case) do you not respect their rights under the Constitution which has also been upheld by the Supreme Court or do you believe only you have rights under the Constitution?

Actually, the business is separate legally from the church. Secondly, the moment that a service that is provided via a church affiliated organization and they seek to acquire funding through public funds then they absolutely have no ability to impose their own standards unless it complies with the same regulations as other service providers. Period. It's the law.

OK. I was mistakenly thinking you were bashing the Hobby Lobby decision. Sorry.

We're cool!:smiliehug:

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