Why Are A Number OF Atheists So Full Of Hate?

Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?
And why don't Christians accuse Jews & Muslims of being full of hate? I think the only reason is that all the religions have an unwritten or unspoken agreement to not call each other out.

Because the truth is, just like atheists Jews and Muslims call bullshit on the Jesus myth too. No one is accusing Jews of being "full of hate", are they?

Why not? What's the difference?

I can't answer for these "Christians" you speak of. I haven't been placed on their payroll to represent them. Perhaps you might apply for the job? There might be some money in it for you.
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.

Good luck having the laws changed. I don't know any politician willing to commit political suicide by bringing anything like that to the floor as a Bill.

Baby steps and Time, Brother. Baby steps and Time.

I'll bet anyone a dollar that here in the US the religion industry will be paying their fair share of property taxes within 100 years and their fair share of federal taxes within 200.

The internet is THE political game changer in our social evolution and, in spite of 10,000 years history in the rear-view, the Time of Man is just beginning.

Very exciting times!
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

Actually, I give them credit for establishing something that has stood the test of time. The only ones really having trouble with it is this new and "modern" generation. We got along generation after generation until now. Maybe an inward look would be beneficial?
Until the 1960's when American Negros discovered the word 'All' in The Constitution, people knew their place and didn't challenge the WASP status quo.

It just LOOKED like harmony.
I have no idea how old you are but most any adult with an ounce of common sense knows right from wrong. Most kids also know right from wrong at an early age. I don't understand why you fear Christians so much. They are only people just like you and I. They are also individuals just like you and I. I suppose I once feared my Dad because he would whip me when I was naughty but after him, I never feared anyone or any group.

Everyone knows right from wrong and life would be simpler if there was only one source for what is right and what is wrong. There isn't. I believe a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy under certain conditions, you may feel that any abortion is murder. Who is right? Christians are often outspoken on this subject and I fear their morality can be inflicted on me. Christianity has a history going back 2 millenia and it was not always pretty. You may think it could never revert to it's violent past but who knows what may come. Islam was quite peaceful for quite some time but that has changed a bit.

I'm impressed you never feared anyone or any group and I can only think you need to get out more. I hear Iraq is lovely in the Fall and there is certainly no need to fear the ISIS Muslim fundamentalists there who know that Allah wants infidels eliminated.

Well, believe it or not, I have gotten out a little in my 71 years. I finished high school, fell in love with a girl I'd met when she was twelve. I left her behind when I was drafted. I was sent to Viet Nam where I lost my right arm and part of my shoulder. I returned home a got on with an electrical company. I took a correspondence course in electricity and worked my way up to master electrician. I married the girl I'd left behind. I sat for my contractor's license and passed the exam. I started biding on jobs. I landed a contract with a developer to wire 125 new homes. The contract was for one year. I left my day job and have never looked back I have owned my own electrical construction and maintenance corporation now for forty years. My wife and I had three children and have seven grandkids. I have been very fortunate and have had a wonderful life.

I'm impressed that you went to Vietnam (thank you for your service btw), fought in a war, lost some body parts, and still never had any fear. I'm also glad things have gone better since then.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.

Good luck having the laws changed. I don't know any politician willing to commit political suicide by bringing anything like that to the floor as a Bill.

Baby steps and Time, Brother. Baby steps and Time.

I'll bet anyone a dollar that here in the US the religion industry will be paying their fair share of property taxes within 100 years and their fair share of federal taxes within 200.

The internet is THE political game changer in our social evolution and, in spite of 10,000 years history in the rear-view, the Time of Man is just beginning.

Very exciting times!

I would almost be willing to bet you that in 100 years, there will be no Christian churches in America.
I have no idea how old you are but most any adult with an ounce of common sense knows right from wrong. Most kids also know right from wrong at an early age. I don't understand why you fear Christians so much. They are only people just like you and I. They are also individuals just like you and I. I suppose I once feared my Dad because he would whip me when I was naughty but after him, I never feared anyone or any group.

Everyone knows right from wrong and life would be simpler if there was only one source for what is right and what is wrong. There isn't. I believe a woman has a right to terminate a pregnancy under certain conditions, you may feel that any abortion is murder. Who is right? Christians are often outspoken on this subject and I fear their morality can be inflicted on me. Christianity has a history going back 2 millenia and it was not always pretty. You may think it could never revert to it's violent past but who knows what may come. Islam was quite peaceful for quite some time but that has changed a bit.

I'm impressed you never feared anyone or any group and I can only think you need to get out more. I hear Iraq is lovely in the Fall and there is certainly no need to fear the ISIS Muslim fundamentalists there who know that Allah wants infidels eliminated.

Well, believe it or not, I have gotten out a little in my 71 years. I finished high school, fell in love with a girl I'd met when she was twelve. I left her behind when I was drafted. I was sent to Viet Nam where I lost my right arm and part of my shoulder. I returned home a got on with an electrical company. I took a correspondence course in electricity and worked my way up to master electrician. I married the girl I'd left behind. I sat for my contractor's license and passed the exam. I started biding on jobs. I landed a contract with a developer to wire 125 new homes. The contract was for one year. I left my day job and have never looked back I have owned my own electrical construction and maintenance corporation now for forty years. My wife and I had three children and have seven grandkids. I have been very fortunate and have had a wonderful life.

I'm impressed that you went to Vietnam (thank you for your service btw), fought in a war, lost some body parts, and still never had any fear. I'm also glad things have gone better since then.

Yeah, the only direction for me to go from where I was was UP.
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.

Of course you do realize that my people had their lands taken away and were uprooted and forced marched on the Trail of Tears to an unfamiliar land called "Oklahoma". Tell me again how the word "all" has been applied. LOL!
The answer is plainly stated in Romans.

"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things." (Romans 1, ESV)

I don't hate Christians but I do fear them. Those that believe, like Paul, that they know me better than I know myself are almost required to ignore my values, beliefs, and opinions. They can do almost anything "in my best interests" regardless of how I feel since deep down I really do know they're right I just refuse to admit it. Their morality is the only acceptable one.

Are you speaking of the Apostle Paul or who? The Apostle is long dead and should have little influence upon you. Perhaps it is conscience?
I agree the Apostle Paul is long dead and should have little influence upon me but unfortunately that is just not the case. MaxGrit quoted Paul showing us all that even though long dead, he is still influencial to many people.

In truth, I don't particularly fear Christians so much as I fear anyone who KNOWS what is right since they know what is right for others. Although some fundamentalists Christians fall into that group they share that belief with religious fundamentalists and political ideologs of all strips, to name a few.

I have no idea how old you are but most any adult with an ounce of common sense knows right from wrong. Most kids also know right from wrong at an early age. I don't understand why you fear Christians so much. They are only people just like you and I. They are also individuals just like you and I. I suppose I once feared my Dad because he would whip me when I was naughty but after him, I never feared anyone or any group.
The anxiety most non-Christians have about American Christians boils down to the political power that they both wield, and appear to wield.

As more and more of that political power shifts, i.e. the 'gay' thing going on now, non-believers will relax that attitude.

Baby steps. :thup:
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.

Of course you do realize that my people had their lands taken away and were uprooted and forced marched on the Trail of Tears to an unfamiliar land called "Oklahoma". Tell me again how the word "all" has been applied. LOL!

I never said 'has been applied', I said 'baby steps'. Big difference.

And yes, I do believe that the research project to find instances wherein Native Americans have found the legal and political clout to stake righteous claims to a slice or two of The Pie would not take much time.

Baby steps! :thup:
The relative anger atheists harbor almost always relates to their previous experiences with religion. People who were raised by atheists usually don't have much angst against religion, if any. Often they rebel against their parents by taking up some kind of faith.

Usually, the most bitter atheists are the recently 'converted', especially those who've spent a good portion of their life as 'believers'. They feel like they've been conned and they're angry about it. But they usually move past it, given time.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.

Good luck having the laws changed. I don't know any politician willing to commit political suicide by bringing anything like that to the floor as a Bill.

Baby steps and Time, Brother. Baby steps and Time.

I'll bet anyone a dollar that here in the US the religion industry will be paying their fair share of property taxes within 100 years and their fair share of federal taxes within 200.

The internet is THE political game changer in our social evolution and, in spite of 10,000 years history in the rear-view, the Time of Man is just beginning.

Very exciting times!

I would almost be willing to bet you that in 100 years, there will be no Christian churches in America.

The ONLY reason I'd take that bet would be for the sport... Let's make it for just $1, eh? ;)
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.

Of course you do realize that my people had their lands taken away and were uprooted and forced marched on the Trail of Tears to an unfamiliar land called "Oklahoma". Tell me again how the word "all" has been applied. LOL!

I never said 'has been applied', I said 'baby steps'. Big difference.

And yes, I do believe that the research project to find instances wherein Native Americans have found the legal and political clout to stake righteous claims to a slice or two of The Pie would not take much time.

Baby steps! :thup:

Well, actually I've never developed the "victim" mentality some other folks have. I've made a pretty good life for myself and my family. That was what was important to me. At least though, my people did fight the white man. They lost of course but the did have the gumption to fight, unlike another race who cry "victim" constantly.

I figure I'm better off. I would probably just be running around courting the maidens, hunting and fishing and frolicking. Hey, what am I saying here? That wouldn't be so bad.
Excerpts from a column by Joe Carter, an author and editor for The Gospel Coalition. The column is titled, "When Atheists Are Angry at God".

I've been mad at just about anything you can imagine.

Except unicorns. I've never been angry at unicorns.

It's unlikely you've ever been angry at unicorns either. We can become incensed by objects and creatures both animate and inanimate. We can even, in a limited sense, be bothered by the fanciful characters in books and dreams. But creatures like unicorns that don't exist — that we truly believe not to exist — tend not to raise our ire. We certainly don't blame the one-horned creatures for our problems.


The one social group that takes exception to this rule is atheists.

In 2011 a set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that atheists and agnostics report anger toward God either in the past or anger focused on a hypothetical image of what they imagine God must be like. Julie Exline, a psychologist at Case Western Reserve University and the lead author of that 2011 study, has examined other data on this subject with identical results. Exline explains that her interest was first piqued when an early study of anger toward God revealed a counterintuitive finding: Those who reported no belief in God reported more grudges toward him than believers.

At first glance, this finding seemed to reflect an error. How could people be angry with God if they did not believe in God? Reanalysis of a second dataset revealed similar patterns: Those who endorsed their religious beliefs as "atheist/agnostic" or "none/unsure" reported more anger toward God than those who reported a religious affiliation.

When Atheists Are Angry at God TGC The Gospel Coalition
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

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