Why Are A Number OF Atheists So Full Of Hate?

Excerpts from a column by Joe Carter, an author and editor for The Gospel Coalition. The column is titled, "When Atheists Are Angry at God".

I've been mad at just about anything you can imagine.

Except unicorns. I've never been angry at unicorns.

It's unlikely you've ever been angry at unicorns either. We can become incensed by objects and creatures both animate and inanimate. We can even, in a limited sense, be bothered by the fanciful characters in books and dreams. But creatures like unicorns that don't exist — that we truly believe not to exist — tend not to raise our ire. We certainly don't blame the one-horned creatures for our problems.


The one social group that takes exception to this rule is atheists.

In 2011 a set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that atheists and agnostics report anger toward God either in the past or anger focused on a hypothetical image of what they imagine God must be like. Julie Exline, a psychologist at Case Western Reserve University and the lead author of that 2011 study, has examined other data on this subject with identical results. Exline explains that her interest was first piqued when an early study of anger toward God revealed a counterintuitive finding: Those who reported no belief in God reported more grudges toward him than believers.

At first glance, this finding seemed to reflect an error. How could people be angry with God if they did not believe in God? Reanalysis of a second dataset revealed similar patterns: Those who endorsed their religious beliefs as "atheist/agnostic" or "none/unsure" reported more anger toward God than those who reported a religious affiliation.

When Atheists Are Angry at God TGC The Gospel Coalition

Average saying #39: To blame God for your problems, you must first believe in God.

Average saying #50: To be angry with God, you must first believe in God.

Sounds to me like someone needs to interview a genuine atheist or two and get a do-over on the homework assignment.
Excerpts from a column by Joe Carter, an author and editor for The Gospel Coalition. The column is titled, "When Atheists Are Angry at God".

I've been mad at just about anything you can imagine.

Except unicorns. I've never been angry at unicorns.

It's unlikely you've ever been angry at unicorns either. We can become incensed by objects and creatures both animate and inanimate. We can even, in a limited sense, be bothered by the fanciful characters in books and dreams. But creatures like unicorns that don't exist — that we truly believe not to exist — tend not to raise our ire. We certainly don't blame the one-horned creatures for our problems.


The one social group that takes exception to this rule is atheists.

In 2011 a set of studies in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that atheists and agnostics report anger toward God either in the past or anger focused on a hypothetical image of what they imagine God must be like. Julie Exline, a psychologist at Case Western Reserve University and the lead author of that 2011 study, has examined other data on this subject with identical results. Exline explains that her interest was first piqued when an early study of anger toward God revealed a counterintuitive finding: Those who reported no belief in God reported more grudges toward him than believers.

At first glance, this finding seemed to reflect an error. How could people be angry with God if they did not believe in God? Reanalysis of a second dataset revealed similar patterns: Those who endorsed their religious beliefs as "atheist/agnostic" or "none/unsure" reported more anger toward God than those who reported a religious affiliation.

When Atheists Are Angry at God TGC The Gospel Coalition

Average saying #39: To blame God for your problems, you must first believe in God.

Average saying #50: To be angry with God, you must first believe in God.

Sounds to me like someone needs to interview a genuine atheist or two and get a do-over on the homework assignment.

Same with recent threads about "satan".

If you don't believe in him/it, he/it doesn't have much power over you.
The relative anger atheists harbor almost always relates to their previous experiences with religion. People who were raised by atheists usually don't have much angst against religion, if any. Often they rebel against their parents by taking up some kind of faith.

Usually, the most bitter atheists are the recently 'converted', especially those who've spent a good portion of their life as 'believers'. They feel like they've been conned and they're angry about it. But they usually move past it, given time.

This one gave me a chuckle.

You need to meet a few atheists cuz I'm sure you can't back up this ridiculous statement with fact.
The relative anger atheists harbor almost always relates to their previous experiences with religion. People who were raised by atheists usually don't have much angst against religion, if any. Often they rebel against their parents by taking up some kind of faith.

Usually, the most bitter atheists are the recently 'converted', especially those who've spent a good portion of their life as 'believers'. They feel like they've been conned and they're angry about it. But they usually move past it, given time.

This one gave me a chuckle.

You need to meet a few atheists cuz I'm sure you can't back up this ridiculous statement with fact.


Well, depending on who you ask, I'm an atheist (though I don't actually consider myself one). My girlfriend is an atheist. Several of my friends are atheist. The only one I'd classify as 'angry' was one who grew up in a fundamentalist family, and recently rejected the church. He tends to rant, but he's starting to mellow.

What, in particular, about my post did you find ridiculous?
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol

And you would most probably claim that were the thread about abortion that Ray Rice's wife owns her own body. You would say, "It's her body to do as she pleases". Therefore I summit that since she married him after he knocked her out and is defending him in public, that she must be OK with his knocking her out. Maybe she enjoys abuse? It's simply not by business to defend someone who is defending the abuse herself.

Why do you have a "bug" up your but about what others do? Why not simply worry about what you do? I don't worry that you have a bug up your butt. You do not cause me to lose any sleep.;
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

Please explain to me just exactly how I am involved.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.

Good luck having the laws changed. I don't know any politician willing to commit political suicide by bringing anything like that to the floor as a Bill.

Baby steps and Time, Brother. Baby steps and Time.

I'll bet anyone a dollar that here in the US the religion industry will be paying their fair share of property taxes within 100 years and their fair share of federal taxes within 200.

The internet is THE political game changer in our social evolution and, in spite of 10,000 years history in the rear-view, the Time of Man is just beginning.

Very exciting times!

I would almost be willing to bet you that in 100 years, there will be no Christian churches in America.

The ONLY reason I'd take that bet would be for the sport... Let's make it for just $1, eh? ;)

Will you take an I.O.U.? I'm 71 now. I'd be 171 then and might be playing football with my friends.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol

And you would most probably claim that were the thread about abortion that Ray Rice's wife owns her own body. You would say, "It's her body to do as she pleases". Therefore I summit that since she married him after he knocked her out and is defending him in public, that she must be OK with his knocking her out. Maybe she enjoys abuse? It's simply not by business to defend someone who is defending the abuse herself.

Why do you have a "bug" up your but about what others do? Why not simply worry about what you do? I don't worry that you have a bug up your butt. You do not cause me to lose any sleep.;

I'm going to agree with you on Mrs. Rice. But seriously, please for a minute consider your sister is married to some guy who's beating her. I hate the idea that the family and police can do nothing about it until the woman is ready to leave. That seems like a loophole for men who abuse their women. Odd you guys understand that a child needs protection from abusive parents but you can't see why a 150 lb woman would need help from a 200 lb man.

I get it. She needs to stand up for herself. I'm not saying they should be separated. But if your sister showed up with bruises and broken arms but keeps telling you she slipped or it was an accident or that she asked for it or is scared of what he'll do, are you serious you don't think the law should be able to step in?

Remember if you kill him you'll go to jail for life. That is not an option. No "I'd take the law into my own hands" or "No one would do that to my sister".
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

Please explain to me just exactly how I am involved.

Do you watch football? Then you might be a Ravens fan. Remember Michael Vick? Yea, Atlanta couldn't have him on the team anymore. Advertisers would drop, fans would boo.

Just look at how people are calling for Roger Goddell's head. Are you one of them? Either side you are on, you are involved.

In fact you are so involved you're coming here to talk about it.

If you mean does your little opinion matter? No it does not. You are just one cog in a demographic. Do you consume merchandise? Then you are a consumer and so you are a part of the equation.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol

And you would most probably claim that were the thread about abortion that Ray Rice's wife owns her own body. You would say, "It's her body to do as she pleases". Therefore I summit that since she married him after he knocked her out and is defending him in public, that she must be OK with his knocking her out. Maybe she enjoys abuse? It's simply not by business to defend someone who is defending the abuse herself.

Why do you have a "bug" up your but about what others do? Why not simply worry about what you do? I don't worry that you have a bug up your butt. You do not cause me to lose any sleep.;

I'm going to agree with you on Mrs. Rice. But seriously, please for a minute consider your sister is married to some guy who's beating her. I hate the idea that the family and police can do nothing about it until the woman is ready to leave. That seems like a loophole for men who abuse their women. Odd you guys understand that a child needs protection from abusive parents but you can't see why a 150 lb woman would need help from a 200 lb man.

I get it. She needs to stand up for herself. I'm not saying they should be separated. But if your sister showed up with bruises and broken arms but keeps telling you she slipped or it was an accident or that she asked for it or is scared of what he'll do, are you serious you don't think the law should be able to step in?

Remember if you kill him you'll go to jail for life. That is not an option. No "I'd take the law into my own hands" or "No one would do that to my sister".

Actually, I've been through that. My brother and I took care of it. We didn't kill him though but only made him think we were. He was in a world of hurt when we finally got through with him. That's what family does. Family took care of family when I came up, Folks can say what they will about the old KKK. If a man didn't take care of his wife and kids, the KKK would pay him a little visit and he would be back on the job in a week or so and very glad to be there.
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.
Other people's beliefs are why by and large, gays and lesbian can't get married. So some beliefs do mess with other people's rights and lives. Though I'd agree atheists can go overboard at times.

That's changing and very fast. There are gays and lesbians getting married every day. There were no news cameras and reporters present when I got married. I feel slighted.
If making the news was the goal of your wedding you should have married someone more controversial.

And the only reason that that is changing is because the Supreme Court is having a harder and harder time hiding the facts of their decisions. That and the definition of "all" as applied to The US Constitution.

I wonder.......if the founders only knew how much of a pain in the butt that all was going to be they might have just cut out all those cool phrases from the DOI on down.

If the founders could have seen an accurate vision of the 100 years between 1860 and 1960, I would hope that they would have listened to the Liberals of their day who suggested that the documents that they were producing were a joke in the reflection of industrialized human slavery, profitability notwithstanding.

I'm just glad that there were enough differences between them that they went ahead and used the phrase "All", rather than making an attempt to actually try and define 'American' as White Christian Male Property owners in The Constitution.

As more and more disenfranchised groups gain the economic and electoral power to use the word 'All' in The Constitution to claim their rightful piece of the American Pie, we take baby steps toward a truly fair economy and, with that, the stars.

And lose their cut or status?

You are ever so much more optimistic than I.
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

Please explain to me just exactly how I am involved.

Do you watch football? Then you might be a Ravens fan. Remember Michael Vick? Yea, Atlanta couldn't have him on the team anymore. Advertisers would drop, fans would boo.

Just look at how people are calling for Roger Goddell's head. Are you one of them? Either side you are on, you are involved.

In fact you are so involved you're coming here to talk about it.

If you mean does your little opinion matter? No it does not. You are just one cog in a demographic. Do you consume merchandise? Then you are a consumer and so you are a part of the equation.

I didn't come here to talk about it. YOU did. My thread had nothing at all to do with Ray Rice or the NFL. I'm only accommodating the discussion you seem to be interested in. Actually, I could care less about Ray Rice and his wife's domestic issues.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol

And you would most probably claim that were the thread about abortion that Ray Rice's wife owns her own body. You would say, "It's her body to do as she pleases". Therefore I summit that since she married him after he knocked her out and is defending him in public, that she must be OK with his knocking her out. Maybe she enjoys abuse? It's simply not by business to defend someone who is defending the abuse herself.

Why do you have a "bug" up your but about what others do? Why not simply worry about what you do? I don't worry that you have a bug up your butt. You do not cause me to lose any sleep.;

I'm going to agree with you on Mrs. Rice. But seriously, please for a minute consider your sister is married to some guy who's beating her. I hate the idea that the family and police can do nothing about it until the woman is ready to leave. That seems like a loophole for men who abuse their women. Odd you guys understand that a child needs protection from abusive parents but you can't see why a 150 lb woman would need help from a 200 lb man.

I get it. She needs to stand up for herself. I'm not saying they should be separated. But if your sister showed up with bruises and broken arms but keeps telling you she slipped or it was an accident or that she asked for it or is scared of what he'll do, are you serious you don't think the law should be able to step in?

Remember if you kill him you'll go to jail for life. That is not an option. No "I'd take the law into my own hands" or "No one would do that to my sister".

Actually, I've been through that. My brother and I took care of it. We didn't kill him though but only made him think we were. He was in a world of hurt when we finally got through with him. That's what family does. Family took care of family when I came up, Folks can say what they will about the old KKK. If a man didn't take care of his wife and kids, the KKK would pay him a little visit and he would be back on the job in a week or so and very glad to be there.

A the good old days with KKK justice.

That's what family does? Do you know if she has family? And what if he was a NFL player? He'd kill you. So you'd need a gun, and you'd go to jail. I told you vigilanti justice is not an option, tough guy.

And you are wrong. If the man whooped on his wife and kids back in the day, chances are he was in the KKK. Chances are all those losers whipped their wives if she "got out of line". Sure there were some tough wives and sure some of the men knew to respect women, but just look at you now. Look at you defending the wife beater as long as its not your sister. Is that accurate?
The relative anger atheists harbor almost always relates to their previous experiences with religion. People who were raised by atheists usually don't have much angst against religion, if any. Often they rebel against their parents by taking up some kind of faith.

Usually, the most bitter atheists are the recently 'converted', especially those who've spent a good portion of their life as 'believers'. They feel like they've been conned and they're angry about it. But they usually move past it, given time.

The recently deconverted are acutely aware of how religion is used as a weapon. It has less to do with their own experiences (although it does play a part) and more to do with the number of ways that it is shoved in your face as propaganda with political ramifications.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

No problems until it actually does impact the public realm and whether you choose to believe it or not there is a financial impact when tax money is diverted to religious institutions. There is a financial impact when a religious institution opens a business and then makes decisions from a religious perspective.
Not to mention the unfairness to the rest of the entertainment world by the taxes NOT paid by the religious industry.

Good luck having the laws changed. I don't know any politician willing to commit political suicide by bringing anything like that to the floor as a Bill.

Baby steps and Time, Brother. Baby steps and Time.

I'll bet anyone a dollar that here in the US the religion industry will be paying their fair share of property taxes within 100 years and their fair share of federal taxes within 200.

The internet is THE political game changer in our social evolution and, in spite of 10,000 years history in the rear-view, the Time of Man is just beginning.

Very exciting times!

I would almost be willing to bet you that in 100 years, there will be no Christian churches in America.

The ONLY reason I'd take that bet would be for the sport... Let's make it for just $1, eh? ;)

Will you take an I.O.U.? I'm 71 now. I'd be 171 then and might be playing football with my friends.

There will still be Christian churches. I have to admit with the bible belt the christian church will be around for a long long time. But in years to come it'll be 50% of us are religious and 50% don't believe in god(s). I can see that happening.

And maybe one day only 25% will be religious. 25% spiritual and 50% atheist.

And I'm not even considering the Muslims in the middle east. It'll be 1000 years before they wake up. Like it or not, even us atheists might be sucked into a jihad. Our position is that we are fighting over nothing. LOL.

We may have to join with christians to stamp out islam. But when it is done please lets go back to being an atheist nation.
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

Please explain to me just exactly how I am involved.

Do you watch football? Then you might be a Ravens fan. Remember Michael Vick? Yea, Atlanta couldn't have him on the team anymore. Advertisers would drop, fans would boo.

Just look at how people are calling for Roger Goddell's head. Are you one of them? Either side you are on, you are involved.

In fact you are so involved you're coming here to talk about it.

If you mean does your little opinion matter? No it does not. You are just one cog in a demographic. Do you consume merchandise? Then you are a consumer and so you are a part of the equation.

I realize that this may seem a bit off topic but I really have to get this off my chest.

This is an attempt to create collective guilt over something that this guy and many football watchers have zip to do with.

I have watched the football and domestic violence issue for many years. Your post contains elements of this even though one of your central characters is Rice.

If as much effort was put into some type of counseling that actually worked or imposing stiffer sentencing as was put into collective guilt trip then there might be progress in this area.

As it stands now, it's beginning to look a lot like our recent international relations where every one stands up and says, "I condemn those there actions". Not a damn thing gets done.
What happened to the 11th commandment Thou Shall Not Knock Your Wife the Fuck Out?

I haven't. Have you? If you had, how would that effect me? I'd say it would most probably effect you, your wife, and the police. It wouldn't effect me though.

You aren't an advertiser in the NFL then. But you are a consumer. So you are involved whether or not you know it or like it.

Please explain to me just exactly how I am involved.

Do you watch football? Then you might be a Ravens fan. Remember Michael Vick? Yea, Atlanta couldn't have him on the team anymore. Advertisers would drop, fans would boo.

Just look at how people are calling for Roger Goddell's head. Are you one of them? Either side you are on, you are involved.

In fact you are so involved you're coming here to talk about it.

If you mean does your little opinion matter? No it does not. You are just one cog in a demographic. Do you consume merchandise? Then you are a consumer and so you are a part of the equation.

I realize that this may seem a bit off topic but I really have to get this off my chest.

This is an attempt to create collective guilt over something that this guy and many football watchers have zip to do with.

I have watched the football and domestic violence issue for many years. Your post contains elements of this even though one of your central characters is Rice.

If as much effort was put into some type of counseling that actually worked or imposing stiffer sentencing as was put into collective guilt trip then there might be progress in this area.

As it stands now, it's beginning to look a lot like our recent international relations where every one stands up and says, "I condemn those there actions". Not a damn thing gets done.

This has increased public awareness and may help some other girl who's being abused. Make her realize it isn't her fault, she can leave, no it's not ok, etc. Get it?

Same thing with Aids or Cancer. Some celebs mom gets it, he becomes a spokesman for the cause, they raise money and maybe it helps lead to a cure.
Why are a number of atheists so all fired full of hate? Why does it bother them so much what other folks believe? What other folks believe costs them not a single dime financially nor does what someone believes effect them in any way whatsoever. It is a big world. There are millions of people on this planet. It is a diversified world. People are different and come in all shapes, sizes, races, and beliefs. Why get all bent out of shape if someone is a Christian. a Hindu, a Republican, a Democrat, a Black person or a white person? Chill out. Live and let live. What someone had for supper is of no concern of anyone's.

Why does it bother us? Because you fools are such god damn hypocrites. And what is it this god does for you? Does he make you a better person? Really? Did he make Ray Rice a better person?

Listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is to him. Remember, this is before he knocked his wife the fuck out!

That's my point. What Ray Rice does or has done has absolutely nothing at all to do with me. How does what he does have any effect upon you? Does he owe you money?

We just don't like people like you, most theists and people like Ray Rice thinking they have this get into heaven free card just because they believe in god.

No Ray. Men who knock their girlfriends the fuck out dont' go to heaven no matter how much they believe he jesus stories.

This also illustrates how god is doing a horrible job at making people better. I'm an atheist and I would never punch a woman like that.

And yes I blame god for Ray's actions.

Then I submit that the problem is totally yours. What God does or does not do is no real concern of yours. What Ray Rice and his wife do is of no real concern of yours either. Why don't you worry about your own self and your own family?

When you say "We just don't like people like you" who are "we" and how many does "we" represent? Do you have any authority to speak for the "we"? When did the "we" give you such authority? Are you the president or CEO of the "we" you speak of?

The thread is basically asking why us atheists have a bug up our butts about you theists. Just listen to Ray Rice talk about how important faith is. Then go watch him punch the fuck out of his old lady. Where was God? You christians just put god out of your minds 6 days a week and some of you go to church on Sunday, but then come Monday you go right back to being assholes.

Just like an abusive husband. Drink on Friday, beat up your wife, apologize on Saturday, make up on Sunday and beat her up again next Friday. lol

And you would most probably claim that were the thread about abortion that Ray Rice's wife owns her own body. You would say, "It's her body to do as she pleases". Therefore I summit that since she married him after he knocked her out and is defending him in public, that she must be OK with his knocking her out. Maybe she enjoys abuse? It's simply not by business to defend someone who is defending the abuse herself.

Why do you have a "bug" up your but about what others do? Why not simply worry about what you do? I don't worry that you have a bug up your butt. You do not cause me to lose any sleep.;

I'm going to agree with you on Mrs. Rice. But seriously, please for a minute consider your sister is married to some guy who's beating her. I hate the idea that the family and police can do nothing about it until the woman is ready to leave. That seems like a loophole for men who abuse their women. Odd you guys understand that a child needs protection from abusive parents but you can't see why a 150 lb woman would need help from a 200 lb man.

I get it. She needs to stand up for herself. I'm not saying they should be separated. But if your sister showed up with bruises and broken arms but keeps telling you she slipped or it was an accident or that she asked for it or is scared of what he'll do, are you serious you don't think the law should be able to step in?

Remember if you kill him you'll go to jail for life. That is not an option. No "I'd take the law into my own hands" or "No one would do that to my sister".

Actually, I've been through that. My brother and I took care of it. We didn't kill him though but only made him think we were. He was in a world of hurt when we finally got through with him. That's what family does. Family took care of family when I came up, Folks can say what they will about the old KKK. If a man didn't take care of his wife and kids, the KKK would pay him a little visit and he would be back on the job in a week or so and very glad to be there.

A the good old days with KKK justice.

That's what family does? Do you know if she has family? And what if he was a NFL player? He'd kill you. So you'd need a gun, and you'd go to jail. I told you vigilanti justice is not an option, tough guy.

And you are wrong. If the man whooped on his wife and kids back in the day, chances are he was in the KKK. Chances are all those losers whipped their wives if she "got out of line". Sure there were some tough wives and sure some of the men knew to respect women, but just look at you now. Look at you defending the wife beater as long as its not your sister. Is that accurate?

Actually, what I believe is that the situation in Iraq is far more important than trying to defend a woman who doesn't want to be defended. That is my opinion. Am I not also allowed my opinion? No. You are not accurate and have not been accurate. Were you around "back in the day"? I was.

Now, you continue on with your defense of a woman who does not want or desire your defense. Go ahead and waste your time over the Rice family's domestic issues. There are far more important issues than meddling in and gossiping about the Ray Rice family.

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