Why are American Muslims much more nice and kind than American Republicans?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?
I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?
Are you angry because repubs do not support open borders and the biden alien invasion?

An invasion that includes military age muslim men?
I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?

Just love that unresearched garbage .
On a par with ,
Why are Americans so ill educated and lacking General Comprehension skills .

Perhaps you can demonstrate this unwritten law for us , OP .
i worked with an Iranian one....he even lived on my route....a good guy...

They are for the most part very good people, with really shitty leaders.

I grew up in Iran, 4.5 years of my youth while my dad worked for Halliburton.
he was raised there but during the 70's came here for school and then the revolution happened.....his dad told him to stay were you are,the best place for you to be right at that time....

Good choice, Iran was not a good place to be after the resolution, or even the year before it. We left something like 9 months before the Shah and things were getting bad.
I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?

I have never once seen that. My experiences tell me the exact opposite.

Where I work alone has more nice Republicans in it than nice Muslims I'd ever met in my life, or any middle easterners at all.

And Republican party you have heard about? That makes no sense, like you've never met a Republican before and only going by what you have heard about them. And if it were true you hadn't, why are you basing your opinions on what you hear vs what you know?

Or are you a Muslim and only associated with other Muslims? If that's the case then of course you find them nicer, you're one of them.
I am not a fan of the Democratic party but the Republicans I have heard about seem to be real jerks while all the Muslims I have met are nice and kind people.

Why is that?

Is there a culture of meanness in America?

You’ll find out how nice they are if the sheeat ever hit the fan like Israel OCT 07. Nary a peep of outrage by muslims ever. No such thing as a moderate muslim.

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